Tales of Avlear

Kuja appears in armor of flashing thunder and says "I know Josh but to make this good fight I need my sword for this one and it only temp you can have it back at end."
"So the winner keeps both swords, right? Sure why not." Josh assumed his low fighting stance the one he used to get a speed boost if he were to approach his enemy quickly. Kuja an Josh were warriors whose strenght, speed, endurance, and magical powers were almost equall. Together they brought many victories to the Kingdom of Arnazil. Their combine power were known as an unstoppable force. While fighting as a team, Kuja and Josh were invincible. "Let's not destroy the whole arena, ok?"

"Huh? But I thought you had it...." Josh suddenly remembers that Kuja's sword is still on his left hand. "Ohhh sure, single swordsplay...I forgot...." Josh tossed Kuja's sword high into the air and the the sword came down falling straight in front of Kuja. "Ok, remember...no mass destruction or else we will have to pay for the problems we cause...."
(to Kg alone)

"If you wish to fight me for real meet i me in the field after the matches are done with and there of to the lbrary i have no need for books i have a thousand years of knowledge.You see my race passes knowledge to the next generation through magic after there born. So well see what is better ancient magic with knowledge of the old and new ways of the sword or your sand defence and deadly attack of course we will use full force but we shall not kill each other.So what do you say to a quick match after all this is over kg a battle of titans no holds bare pure fighting on the words of the ancient spirit i say let use have a good fight."
Kuja smirks as he picks up his sword and says "Hey old friend let have one last fight to together."

Kuja set himself up into a defense stance and says "I won't gave up power for speed so it you that has to be careful."
((KEYS! USE SOME PUNCUATION! My english teacher would have a heart attack if she read that thign! or she would dance around saying 'RO' alot.))

"I would, but I kinda challenged Dracus to a battle after the fights. But, hey, maybe afterwards. The defeat of 3 major fighters will definitly have this place cheering for me instead of those other freaks." A smile spread across KG's face as the words left his lips. "I actually wanna watch the fight. See what I'm gonna have to defeat." KG ran to the stadium.
"Ok, we end this fight and after that I'll travel with you. You know something tells me that you have a more important mission to acomplish and that you need my help. Once we end this little battle, we will be the Chaos Team once again." Josh prepared once again his low fighting stance, this one slightly different than the last one, incresed his speed that Josh needed for a quick attack while gathering a large ammount of power for this attack.
OCC: I hope so STL

Kuja smirks and says "If I can Josh I will help out."

Kuja focused all energy into his sword letting armor natural speed take control as he says to Josh "Let make this one hit challange Josh first one to land blow wins fight?"
OOC: This fight reminded me a lot to a last battles between Goku and Vegeta. How about having both blows to land at the same time? After that, my character would give up and give this victory to Kuja.
Josh thought the same thing, this battle was getting tiresome and they both wanted to end it. Josh smirked after listening to Kuja's reply. Then, he nooded his head and agreed "You are right. Ok, first fighter to land a blow wins."
OOC: The battle will end after Necron's post, no killing.

After taking enough time to analize his opponent, Josh dashed forward heading straight at Kuja. Josh's eyes burned fiercely with determination, he was going to end this battle now. The burning desire for victory was moving this fighter to launch an all out final attack. While running he raised his sword and brought it behind him using his other arm to shield himself from any magical spell. A few steps before reaching Kuja, Josh jumped high into the air and he raised his sword again and brought it down, trying to crush Kuja's defenses and defeat Kuja without killing him.
OCC: It will but not how you think STL

Kuja blocks Josh attack and says "I'm not coming Josh have fun on your trip with Aiden for me." Kuja then slides his sword down and is cut across the chest.
"I'm not coming Josh have fun on your trip with Aiden for me."

"Kuja!!!!" Josh yelled in reply to the wound he has made to his friend. He sheathed his sword and then stepped back. "I'm sorry I didn't mean too...." Josh yelled at the judge and declared that the match has ended. "Enough! The battle stops now! Kuja are you ok?" Josh look was quite nervous as if he were indeed worried about Kuja, and who could blame him, Kuja and Josh grew together and they were like brothers. Josh stared at Kuja, thinking about what Kuja said before getting injured. After analyzing those words for a few seconds he nooded his head and smiled. "Alright Kuja, I'll take care of young master Aiden." He remained silent and after a few moments he approached Kuja and slightly smacked him on the back of his head. "Remember that our fight is not over! Come on stand up and stop whining, you look like a small kid!"
Kuja fell to ground bleeding and says to judge "I quit."

Kuja looks at Josh and says "You win as we agreed the first hit so I give you sword and I must go see you later Josh." falls on the ground and vanishes in bright blast of thunder.
OOC: Now, the last round will begin and I need Kasegake-Gara here.

"Farewell and until next time old friend" After Kuja disappeared in the glimmer of light, Josh wend a few stepps back, he turned arround and left the arena.