Tales of Avlear

Bon-Bon was alittle impresse by the fight. "Wow, I hope I can fight that good some day." Said Bon-Bon with a smile. "The next round should be the last, then we can go and find the other shrine." Said Bon-Bon as she leand back in her seat.
Dracus appeared on top of arena and says "So Kuja you did it in end."

Dracus goes Alastor and flies down into the ring as people scream and guards yell "The monster that attacked the library has returned." Dracus lands and changes to his human form and says "Good to see you all again." as he chuckles.
"HE WHAT?!" Said Bon-Bon as she heard what the guards yelled. "But how can we find the other Shrines if we don't even know where they are!" Said Bon-Bon as she stood up.

"Man, this is some bad Monkey, do I have to fight him?" Said Bon-Bon to herself.
Dracus then says "I've come back for my precious sword since he couldn't use it." Flash of thunder and sword appears in Dracus hand and he says "Kuja you were to weak to use it properly like I told you when I gave it you for your powers."

Dracus then looks around to see guards rushing him and he says "Back you weaklings." as blast of black aura hits all the guards and they fly into wall. Dracus then turns to Bon and says "You are now on your own and next time I shall help him get you as I'm ordered to."
Dracus appears on hill 10 miles away from castle as he lays Bon down he says "Now it time for me to teach you how to control your seed and how it will also be allow you to fight him."
((Said I would come back a bit for the RPG. I don't break my word. Which means....dammit. I also promised to enter the SOTW!!!!! Oh well, I'll get rpgirl to enter me))

KG jumped into the stage. "Oh well, waste of time. Let's get to it then!" A smile slid across his face as sand came from the floor and turned itno weapons. Some sand, however, layed at hsi feet. "How about this? I beat you without even leaving this spot." KG shot a barrage of sand spikes at Josh.
"My demon seed?" Said Bon-Bon with a puzzled look. "Okay are you and me talking about the same seed, I mean this thing has done nothing but caused me trubble." Said Bon-Bon as she pointed to the Jewel on her head.

Bon-Bon backed away alittle from Draucus, "Wait, how do you know about the Demon Seed?" Said Bon-Bon.
Dracus looks at sky and says "Cause I put idea into his head I'm cause of your pain but your greatest strength to."

Dracus then sits down next to Bon and says "Right now you need to control it or it will do it orginal course you will die and it shall be born."
Bon-Bon eyes widen, Is he talking about the demon seed growing and taking over my body. If that happens...I'll become a One of the grand demons...what was it again, it was a Fox demon, that's all I know.

"That is why I must hurry to the Mana Tree, Maybe Mana herself is storng enough to get this thing off my head." Said Bon-Bon with a little worry.
Dracus sighs and says "I'm a creation of darkness of orignial dark mana I was to help him take control of mana tree but I fell in love with Whisp so I betrayed him and sealed him and mana tree off from world. But since what I did I had all of types of mana in me causing a influx in my being so all of the shrine keepers put their seals on me stablizing me and all world. I then tried to fix mistakes I made as my past self like starting Demon Seed project I had Gykil plant seeds in people high in mana power and as added bonus I gave him you one that if seed reacted it would make demon that could corrupt all of mana if he failed. Now let get started Bon."