Tales of Avlear

Dracus looks at Bon and says "I shouldn't use this form until later but under these terms so be it."

Dracus picks Bon up and says "I warn you right now don't use any other mana powers except white for if you don't I will be forced to kill you against my will got it Bon."
((Said I would come back a bit for the RPG. I don't break my word. Which means....dammit. I also promised to enter the SOTW!!!!! Oh well, I'll get rpgirl to enter me))

KG jumped into the stage. "Oh well, waste of time. Let's get to it then!" A smile slid across his face as sand came from the floor and turned itno weapons. Some sand, however, layed at hsi feet. "How about this? I beat you without even leaving this spot." KG shot a barrage of sand spikes at Josh.
Josh unsheathed his sword and he instantly blocked every single sand spike that was heading straight at him. After that he began to walk slowly towards KG. After getting near enough he stood there in front of KG and stared at this young warrior. "Such a hot blooded warrior.....hmmm...It seems that you want a fight here and now.....Alright and I guess that you don't want just any normal battle......" Josh remained silent and then he said "Maybe we make this battle a little more challenging......" Josh called the judge and order him to start the last match of the tournament. "Judge let's begin now....also try to make this battle a little more interesting...you know what to do....." The judge grinned and replied "Yes, of course I do...." Suddenly, the whole arena was surrounded by flames as if they were preventing the fighters from escaping.

"This battle will end if any of the warriors is unable to continue...." Josh then stepped back and took his fighting stance. "Now, are you ready?"
"Uh.......no. I'm not. So let's begin, cause neither are you!" KG smiled a huge grin. Some sand crawled accros the floor into the flames. 5......4.......3......2.......1.....Now! The sand flew forward, now transformed into superheated glass, right towards Josh's face.

((remember, you may not say whether your attacks hit or command another characters reactions. May not be included in the rules for the RP site, but it is part of a thing I do. A code, if you will, which, if I see something like that happening, I will usually stop role playing in that RPG if the person doesn't stop.))
OOC: I know the rules already so that applies to you as well.-_-

Josh saw the wall of super heated glass heading straight at him. "Sand? Again? Change those attacks if you don't want to bore me into submission..." Josh raised his sword and brought it down with great strenght, slicing the wall in two. Then he brought his sword behind his back and began to charge his attack. After a few seconds he slashed forward as if he were attacking the air itself, and a fast blue energy wave was thus released from the edge of Josh's sword heading straight at KG.
A shield of sand appeared in front of KG as the energy wave was dissapated on it. "The reason I use sand is cause it's the most reliable defense. That, and it's the only material I can wield. My sword will be used when you come at me."
Dracus chuckles and says "It true but my light form can't harm you so until I go into it use only light and maybe you'll learn more if you try hard enough Bon."

Dracus taps into power of all mana and becomes FATE.

Dracus flexes his arm as he says "So good to be back in my true form now Bon use only white mana or you'll die and I can't stop them if you do Bon."
"O-okay here's goes nothing!." Said Bon-Bon as she summons her poe pole.
"Poe bow: La Rath!" Said Bon-Bon as pulled back the string of the bow. As she did a arrow of pure light mana formed.

"Go!" Said Bon-Bon as let go of the arrow and let it fly.
Dracus takes it and says "3 more Bon and and Ultima will come out in that form I'm master of whit mana but I keep myself to just do it and your training will start got it."
"Right!" Said Bon-Bon. Okay Lets try this new one I've been working on!

"Muti Shot!" Said Bon-Bon as she pulled back to form another arrow, Bon-Bon let it fly and the arrow spilt into two.

"Shoot it was suppose to be Three." Said Bon-Bon.
A shield of sand appeared in front of KG as the energy wave was dissapated on it. "The reason I use sand is cause it's the most reliable defense. That, and it's the only material I can wield. My sword will be used when you come at me."
[Edited=Small mistake *crap...I can't find my eyeglasses]

Josh walked towards KG and stopped a few stepps away. Josh then pointed his sword at his opponent and grinned. "You know, I'm tired of all this magic and I'm also tired of this sand as well..." After that he took once again his fighting stance and said "How about fighting without using any magical spells? Close Combat with swords only....what say you?"
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"Closed combate? Don't you mean close?HAHAHA!" KG smiled while laughing. "I don't like the though of it, but that means you musn't do anything out of the ordinary, or you must allow me to kill you, slice your head of, take your weapons, and hang you with your own intestines. Though, under these conditions, you won't try anything wierd." KG lowered the sand shield and took one step forward. "Guess my earlier prediction failed. Pity." The next second, KG was behind Josh, sword drawn.
Josh noticed how KG apppeared behind him. "You are way too confident on your skills...." He laughed after turning arround to face KG. While staring at KG's eyes Josh unsheathed his other sword, now he was wielding two swords at the same time. "You are too reckless, and that will be the responsible for your own demise." Josh then dashed backwards and stood there with one sword pointing at KG and the other behind his back. "Fine if that is what you want then I'll have no other choice than to follow your game......no matter how boring may look......." He then lowered his head, stared at the ground and then dashed forward with one sword in front of him and the other behind his back. While running towards KG Josh yelled with a confident laugh "En-Garde!!!"
KG looked at the situation. I have about 5 seconds before the sword impales me....... I got it! KG had 3 second left. He jumped upwards, and held his sword facing tip down as he fell. I should land in 3 seconds if I put all my weight downwards.
Dracus feels arrow hit hiim and white seal shatter as he burst into bright falsh of light.

Angel stands where Dracus was and says "I'm Ultima I'm white mana sealed in Dracus now let us start you will now use 40% of your demon seed powers now Bon."
"But I..." Said Bon-Bon with a little fear in her voice. "O-okay." Said Bon-Bon as her Poe Pole disappered inher grip. "Demon Seed 40%" Said Bon-Bon as a dark arua takes over the seed.

An Icy cold arua surrods Bon-Bon. Her two long pony tails changes to long floopy riabbit like ears and her hands become claw like.

"Okay..." Said Bon-Bon in a cool voice.