((I can fix that FFGuy
Seriously someone come and save FFGuy please or Lucius, whether if it's me or FFGuy who post it, will end up dead or as a puppet...))
Lucius suddenly finished dealing with FFGuy through one of his phantom appearances. FFGuy was nearly devastated and he would be easily manipulated (according to FFGuy's post) by Lucius as one of his pawns. The Phantom Lucius grinned while looking down to FFGuy's body, and felt a grim satisfaction by torturing him, though he would be more suitable as a pawn. Of course the part of Lucius that enjoyed killings, pain and misery was the dark entity inhabiting his body and this entity enjoyed toying with his victims.
Phantom Lucius: Now FFGuy, would you save me the joke of fighting against you and join me?
Silence ruled the chamber, and the dark aura emanating from the Phantom Lucius intensified with each strike he dealt to FFGuy.
Phantom Lucius: "Hurry up, I don't have all day....."
Seriously someone come and save FFGuy please or Lucius, whether if it's me or FFGuy who post it, will end up dead or as a puppet...))
Lucius suddenly finished dealing with FFGuy through one of his phantom appearances. FFGuy was nearly devastated and he would be easily manipulated (according to FFGuy's post) by Lucius as one of his pawns. The Phantom Lucius grinned while looking down to FFGuy's body, and felt a grim satisfaction by torturing him, though he would be more suitable as a pawn. Of course the part of Lucius that enjoyed killings, pain and misery was the dark entity inhabiting his body and this entity enjoyed toying with his victims.
Phantom Lucius: Now FFGuy, would you save me the joke of fighting against you and join me?
Silence ruled the chamber, and the dark aura emanating from the Phantom Lucius intensified with each strike he dealt to FFGuy.
Phantom Lucius: "Hurry up, I don't have all day....."