OOC: >.< I completely forgot that she was unconscious when I made those posts...*smacks self* Oh well, I'll just have to act as if they didn't happen. She's still unconscious with Arth, okay?
Zeria hadn't entirely died, but she'd been extremely close. Arthvader had saved her life...her eyes fluttered open and she groaned.
"What's....going on? Where am I?"
She looked over at Arthvader, then at his Pheonix.
"Arth? How am I alive? I thought I was...dead..."
Zeria hadn't entirely died, but she'd been extremely close. Arthvader had saved her life...her eyes fluttered open and she groaned.
"What's....going on? Where am I?"
She looked over at Arthvader, then at his Pheonix.
"Arth? How am I alive? I thought I was...dead..."