~+Tales of FFF+~The Role Play

OOC: >.< I completely forgot that she was unconscious when I made those posts...*smacks self* Oh well, I'll just have to act as if they didn't happen. She's still unconscious with Arth, okay?


Zeria hadn't entirely died, but she'd been extremely close. Arthvader had saved her life...her eyes fluttered open and she groaned.

"What's....going on? Where am I?"

She looked over at Arthvader, then at his Pheonix.

"Arth? How am I alive? I thought I was...dead..."
ooc: guess we will just say I never gave you the message and you never gave me the chocolate bar. :monster:

ic: The white mage had notified some crew members that were not busy at the time and had proceeded to the deck of the ship to alert the present superior officer, while she did this the crew members entered the room to see FFGuy clutching his arm, it had gone icy cold and his body was weakening, he feared for his sanity and flew into a murderous rage.

FFGuy: (in demonic voice) it is time to dine, prepare to meet your doom!

FFGuy ran forward and engaged the crew, He started with the closest ones and stabbed one through the stomach and slashed at the lefternmost crew member through the torso. He then saw two retreat to the deck and was left with one crew member remaining. He had a medium length rapier which had no blade but a cruel point, he began engaging FFGuy and managed to deflect some of his blows. His stamina did not hold however and he began to run backwards for his life and managed to escape. FFGuy was left with the two bodies of the crew members he had slain and began to rip parts of their stomachs away with his teeth and feasted on the internal organs. When this was done he faded back into his human form and fell to his knees, collapsed, and lay there, surrounded by the crew's blood. All colour had left his body and he started to have a strange kind of spasm as he lay there, almost like the demon was trying to rip itself free from his body.
"...Arthvader...this isn't a good time," the bounty hunter replied to her overly-inquisitive ally.

Shenorai pushed herself to her knees, glancing about at all the other crew members who had also lost their sense of balance during that escape from the void. The black locks that obscured her vision behind a veil of strands were tucked behind her ear. Her violet eyes glanced down to her side before scanning back behind her to where the seats were. It seemed that the dark knight was quick enough to brace himself and not fall out of his seat.

Relieved to see that Lucius wasn't harmed, Shenorai stood up slowly, her weariness from the recent possession more apparent. Sure, her body could be healed by magic and potions, but her spirit would need rest...especially after part of it was ripped out and mended together all over again. Nevertheless, Shen dragged her feet a bit as she made it back to her own seat, picking one closest to Lucius.

"Don't you start anything, Arth," she warned him.
Suddenly, memories of his past self flashed before his eyes, as if he were witnessing them in this very instant. The last fragments of his past were those of a woman whom he loved, but couldn't remember her name. Only the echoing sound of the letter "S" was all he could remember. Lucius was on his knees, the palms of his hands resting on the floor, his eyes fixed on the blackness of it. He soon brought his green, empty and sorrowful eyes to Arthvader, and felt an inexplicably urge to draw his blade against him. For some reason his will to fight was restrained, and so he sheathed his blade and knelt before Arthvader and Shenorai, weakened and at their mercy.

"Perhaps you should end what you've started....if you come for my head...so be it...I have nothing to lose except the woman I love and that my treacherous mind can't remember. If only I could tell her how much I beg for her forgiveness....for all the suffering that I might have caused. As I sinner I deserve no pitty...or symphaty....

Then her name echoed through his ears, ''Shenorai" and his heart beated a thousand times faster. He was panting, a deep pain ached inside his chest, blackness began to enshroud his sight, it was the end. Lucius was giving up, he feared that Shenorai would reject him, and he would rather die than to live with that. Now it was up to her to decide his fate...

"Shen...Shenorai...please forgive me...the blackness...the pain.....it consumed me....it controlled me....I...."
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seeing how Lucious wanted him to end his life, Arthvader felt the pain that he had suffered during the whole ordeal.

Arthvader "Sorry, Lucious, but I'm not here to finish it. In fact, I'll be here to heal you. Phoenix, come here and heal his wounds."

As the phoenix began healing Lucious, Arthvader then headed out the room to check up on Zeria. Just before he left the room, he gave these words to Lucious.

Arthvader "Lucious, the reason why i'm healing you is because of the way Shen feels about you. Also, I wish that we may become parters someday. Hey, we might even become friends in the future. Take care of yourself and please, take good care of Shen."

upon leaving the room, He checked up on Zeria, who had just woke up.

Arthvader "Zeria, You're alight!! I thought we might've lost you for good."
Zeria scoffed and gave a feeble, fake laugh.

"I won't die that easily...I have a mission to fulfill..."

She got up and staggered a bit, placing a hand to her forhead.

"I feel so slammed though...like I drank 18 cases of wine............oh well. I just want to go rest for a while. Nobody is allowed in Julius' quarters. I am going to be there, and I want you to inform everyone that I am not to be bothered. If anyone dares enter Julius' quarters without my permission, there will be hell to pay..."

She clutched the rose tightly and gripped the LionHeart Gunblade's hilt...her heart tore at her....maybe she was better off dead....
Arthvader's words seemed to fade long before his left, although his reasonings seemed to remain with the young bounty hunter. For the one who was pleading forgiveness, the foreboding silence must have been almost unbearable. It wasn't until she was certain that Arth was out of earshot that Shenorai finally gave her response to the sorrowful knight.

Her fingers delicately brushed against Lucius' cheek, stroking downward until they rested beneath his chin. Gently, the gaze of his green eyes was brought upwards to meet with the violet eyes of his beloved, merely a half a foot away. The young woman had slipped out of her seat silently, crouching before the knight. Within her eyes was a deep pool, honesty and understanding dwelling within them whilst ripples of pity drifted across the surface. It seemed that her heart yearned for something, yet her mind did not understand it...or even know of it, for it was not a familiar thing.

"...I know, Lucius," she finally said, her voice hushed and timid as though she felt there were too many eyes watching them. "I had fought against the very monster that had controlled you...the one that took your life..." Shenorai's voice faltered, that lump swelling within her throat again as her fingers slipped away from his flesh and fell onto her lap. After a few seconds of forcing herself to recompose, her voice cooperated again. "...I...I can't bring myself to raise my sword against you. Even though I was your enemy, you still saved my life..."

With a sigh, Shenorai's gaze broke away from his, falling down towards his chest. Not focused on it, of course. As the battle against Armageddon flashed through her mind, there was a pang of regret within her heart. Not only had she failed to save the one before her from his demise, but she felt that she failed his brother as well.

"...I would have given my life for you once you were slain...I...I don't..."

Her voice fell to a mere whisper, scarcely heard over her breath. Her long, black locks veiling her face and casting a shadow to hide her distress as she shook her head. This ebony wall shrouding her expression was all that was keeping her words from being known to everyone around her. Only Lucius could hear his dearest angel speak.

"...I don't want to lose you again. Don't ask me to take your life. Please..."
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With gentleness he rose and approached Shenorai, soon he wrapped his arms around her and held her in a gentle embrace. He closed his eyes and whispered sweet, tender words to Shenorai's ears. "The fact that I caused you so much grief troubles me much, yet I can't see my existence continuing without you. What I did to save you was only because I felt the urge to save your life, because I feel something special for you...I just can't say the word....it seems I forgot how this was called. Is it because my mind was shattered as well?" Lucius smiled and released Shenorai, he then stepped away from her and sat on a small steel bench. He rested his left elbow on his left knee and placed his chin on the palm of his left hand. "Now I remember....the words I'm looking for are... I love you Shen."
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Shenorai could feel her face suddenly become warmer as her blood seemed to feel the need to rush beneath the surface of her cheeks, changing her ivory tint to a hue of bright red. What was going on? This swelling sensation within her chest was not something that had occurred before. Her heart thudded between her ears as her eyes shied away from him in shame. As to keep their conversation strictly between the two of them, Shenorai retreated back to the bench and sat beside Lucius again. As much as she wished that she would stop blushing, her face seemed to refuse.

"...am I truly worthy enough to be loved?" she asked, doubtful of herself.
That is not something for you to decide, a ghostly voice reminded her.
Shenorai's voice softened, referring toward the ghost, yet audible enough to be heard, "...then...what's this I'm feeling? It's not normal-"
Yes it is, Shen, Leondra interrupted. You're infatuated as well; I can tell.

Another shade turned her face to a bright crimson. Yet before she could open her lips to ask another question, she was interrupted by an urgent voice that was coming onto the bridge.

"SIR! There is trouble up on the deck!" the officer cried out as he ran to the admiral. Though Shenorai couldn't hear much, she managed to catch the casualty count; at least a dozen men killed, if not more. With a sigh, her eyes raised up to Lucius'.

"...how about we discuss this later?"
Moments after hearing Shenorai's voice, Lucius rose from the bench and walked towards the wall, turning around and leaning his wall against the cold steel. He then folded his arms, his sight fixed on the cold iron floor. "Very well Shenorai...we'll talk about this in some other time...and please be careful"

Lucius couldn't bear the burst of emotions he had whirling within his heart, the pressure of those feelings had a choking effect on his throat. The anxiety ofl wanting to know if Shenorai loved him as well was too great, but he also knew that he couldn't do anything about it.
"I will...I'll return as quick as I can."

The bounty hunter gripped the Soul Sealing Staff for support as she pulled herself to her feet. There was that gripping feeling within her chest again... Though she knew she had to go up and see if the threat to everyone else on this ship was still on board, her heart was reluctant to leave Lucius' presence. Her reluctance showed within her eyes as she gazed at the young knight, inwardly cursing her luck and wishing that for once, she wasn't a warrior with the duty to ensure everyone's safety. If only his eyes were looking into hers...

...was it something I said? she silently asked the ghost.
Leondra didn't answer.

Shenorai tore her gaze away from him as she walked toward the hall. Her reliance on the staff made it obvious that she wasn't exactly in the best condition to fight, if the need comes. Shen paused at the hall, taking a longing glance at Lucius before walking out of sight.

Why didn't you ask him to come with? Leondra asked once they were nearing the deck.
"...if whatever killed those crew members are still on deck...I don't want it to get a hold of Lucius," Shen replied softly.
"I'm not going to fail another Silverwing, Leondra. I refuse to."
...you do love him, don't you?

Shenorai fell silent. Instead of answering the ghost, she just continued on.

The door was pushed open and the bounty hunter walked upon the deck. Shen expected to see everything bloodstained and disembodied limbs cast about, from what that crew member exaggerated. Alas...it seemed empty.

"...the hell? Thought he said there were a dozen casualties."
Keep an eye out, Shen.
Zeria glided out and followed in the direction Shenorai had gone, uneasily clutching her stomach.

"I hate airships...they always make me feel sick..."

She finally found Shenorai and sighed with relief.

"Sister Shen...what's going on? I heard that something was going on, but there's nothing seemingly wrong at all..."
"'Nothing seemingly wrong'? Zeria, there should be crew members on this deck. I don't see anyone else here," Shenorai answered the maiden with quiet concern.

Indeed. It seemed that the survivors left their posts and retreated below deck. This left the place rather vacant. Although...the emptiness made Shenorai a little uneasy. If whatever was on the deck was enough to make everyone flee instead of fight, who knows if it'll jump Shen and Zeria.

"Keep a careful eye out," the bounty hunter warned her partner.
Didn't I just tell you that?
Yeah yeah, I know...
As FFGuy regained conciousness and his spasm ceased he rose to one knee, he then fell to all fours and began coughing up the blood of the crew he had consumed earlier and his own blood. He felt incredibly sick yet he could not let anything out. He suddenly felt like he was being punched in the stomach from the inside. He rose slowly onto his right knee and rose his head til he was looking forward, his red hair was now sticky and much darker, this was due to being soaked in the blood of the crew. As his hair fell to his face his eyes were obscured of vision as his hair covered them, he was too fatigued to move his hair aside, he began to slowly rise to his feet. When he neared his peak height he crumpled to the floor again, when he rose again he grabbed hold of some split wood in the wall and then looked around for some kind of support but found none. As he breathed heavily he began to cough some more and managed to vomit out some blood. The task was painful and drained him further, he needed help and fast.
Zeria sighed once more.

"Okay, so it shouldn't be this quiet or empty. What I meant is that there's no bloodshed....no bodies...nothing to clean up..."

Her voice was almost monotone, as if she had lost all sense of emotion when she'd lost Julius.

"But still......something's not right here..."

As she said those words, her hands were just lightly touching the grips of her guns, ready for anything.
FFGuy could hear sounds... and the voices of Shenorai and Zeria. He didn't want to be discovered, not like this. With every ounce of willpower he pulled himself up and started to drag himself along the coridoor walls, he turned to the left as a small room was close by with it's door slightly ajar. He couldn't keep this up for long though and blood was following him in his footsteps, even if he wanted to he wouldn't be able to escape this predicament. The best he could do was await the inevitable, he turned around to face the origin of the voices he had heard earlier and then fell to his knees with a hard thud and then fell to the floor. He passed out soon afterwards but not before, in a short whisper "Zeee...riii...aaaa". Then he blacked out, the pain of earlier began to erupt in his semi-concious mind. Though he wanted to die at this point the pain would not allow him this escape. He began to feel mentally tortured, like the beast within was trying to break free of it's mortal prison.
Zeria sighed.

"At any rate, I'm hungry...I'm gonna go eat something, so I'll speak with you later, maybe...farewell, sister"

She walked down the hall until she picked up the highly potent scent of blood and found the trail. Her heart skipped a beat and filled with worry. She ran along the trail and found a room, door slightly ajar. She poked her head in and saw FFGuy unconscious on the floor.

"Oh no! FFGuy!"

Zeria ran to his side and pulled him into her arms, her voice panicked.

"FFGuy! FFGuy, wake up! Come on! Say something! Damnit, don't you die on me too!"
FFGuy began to cough uncontrollably as he awoke, he saw Zeria holding him. He immediately wanted to tell her everything he felt, as if his time was short. He tried to rise but to no avail, he could hardly move but managed to speak to Zeria shortly before passing out again. "Help... me... please... my...". FFGuy then passed out and fell back in Zeria's arms.
Zeria panicked and looked around. Shen was still so far down the hallway...and there was no knowing if FFGuy would make it that far.

"Come on, FFGuy! Don't die on me! I can't lose another friend!"

She lifted him up and carried him out into the hallway.
{Damn you, FFGuy! Lose some weight! You're heavy!}

"Shen! Shen, come quick! I need you!"
As he walked around the ship, Arthvader spotted Zeria, Shen, and what appeared to be FFGuy. Seeing the condition FFGuy is in, Arthvader rushed to the group.

Arthvader "Oh my, what has happened here? and, what's with the blood FFGuy?"