Tales of FFF

I will probably leave and search for an explanation to my powers and maybe discover the rest of them ;)
Shenorai is likely to leave the position after awhile, though. I imagine it'd be suffocating compared to her bounty hunting job.

...oh...and shouldn't you guys be running like hell to get to the ship right now? The floating isle is finally starting to fall.
I have made my final post, or second final depending on circumstances :monster:

as for the new form I turned into, that will be explained in the sequel, and I will not hold any memories of what happened, makes the goodbyes more fun :monster: this only happens when I change back but first my hunger needs to be satisfied.
>.< oh my god! I can't believe that I forgot Zeria was unconscious and dying! God...it's been too long since anyone did anything...then I forgot, and posted a happening with FFGuy..>.< STUPID ME! The stress of the State Theater Festival in 3 days has my fu*ked up!
Can you at least call me by my actual name? and since a sequel is being made it can make more sense to create a scenario for myself to leave.
well it is in my profile but I guess my actual username would suffice.

(replace 'a' with 'u' XD)
As long as a scenario presents itself where you get the information or are you thinking of using the crew NPCs? regardless of which you use, the NPCs or yourself I don't see a problem so go ahead. ;) Just don't find me just yet, at least until we get back to the manor or w/e.
Yeah, can't wait for the sequel, speaking of which. Julius, can you make a date yet or is it still in the making?