Tanning Lines - Guys thoughts?

I don't mind tan lines. In my opinion, it draws your eyes to whatever they surround, which can alleviate the sensual pleasure :kinky: I just don't like when they are too extreme, then they can seem a little nasty. Basically, I kind of like them :hmmm:
this is a hilarious discussion i mean i think that i would not care about such a thing if i got to see a girl naked i would be thinking about something altogether different
I disagree with quite a few comments, from girls and guys alike.

There's nothing wrong with tan lines, they're natural. Would you rather get a girl who gets fake tans or goes to the tanning bed all the time? (also a fake tan, to me). Tanning is quite dangerous, and I only get tan because I'm at the beach so much in the summer (with sunscreen,mind you). So yes, I have tan lines. They aren't extreme, but they aren't faint either. And I'm rather proud of them. During the winter when I'm pasty white, I'm proud of that too. I get that they look a little weird, but unless a girl is in front of you naked, I don't see why it matters. And if a girl is in front of you naked, I doubt you're thinking "man she's got intense tan lines." So I really hope no guys are "repulsed" by them.

I happen to think my tan lines look pretty damn good=)
I agree! I've got very fair skin and I don't mind it at all.

I don't mind tan lines. In my opinion, it draws your eyes to whatever they surround, which can alleviate the sensual pleasure :kinky:
Lol, too funny. That's actually a really great way of looking at it too.

this is a hilarious discussion i mean i think that i would not care about such a thing if i got to see a girl naked i would be thinking about something altogether different
Yea, that's what I thought most guy's answers would be.
Right, because we're supposed to feel bad for having an opinion on what makes a woman attractive or not. As I said earlier- if they want a tan specifically to attract men, they should get it all over. If they don't care or are simply doing it for themselves (as most women do), then they shouldn't worry about whether they get tan lines or not.

Alright good sir, I have a hypothetical situation for you. You have a girlfriend (you may or may not, I don't know you), and she knows that you like her to be tanned all over her body. She's an outdoorsy type, and doesn't like tanning beds... however she doesn't want tanning lines, as she's afraid that you'll be repulsed by them. She doesn't like self tanning lotions either.

Her only option? Going a big n00dy on the beach. She lays on the open towel with her boobs hanging out for any passer byer to witness them, and you're just laying there next to her, as all these guys are walking by and staring at her boobs.

So you tell me. Is it all that good a feeling to have guys leering at her, for you or her, just so that she won't have tanlines to please you? :mokken:
So you tell me. Is it all that good a feeling to have guys leering at her, for you or her, just so that she won't have tanlines to please you? :mokken:

Basically: Would you date a stripper?

So am I the only one who actually kinda digs tan lines? As long as it's not the tan-in-a-can orange contrasted against a Casperesque white, I think tan lines can be on the attractive side of things. But hey, if I'm alone there, I'm alone there.
Not quite what I meant. :ffs: Just more on the lines, would you put your gf through an uncomfortable state and let guys leer at her, just to make you happy at her appearance?

I don't care about tanlines either way, but eh, I'm pasty white, as is my bf. If he wanted to tan, that's as his own discretion, I can't tell him not to do something because it's weird or gross or offsetting... except cut his hair... he's not allowed to cut his hair. :mokken:

...Then again I know he expects the same of me and doesn't really care about tan lines. Sure if it's a tan line that you got after you burned really badly one day and you have thick sportsbra like straps across your shoulders... you just gotta laugh at it, and your own misfortune, cause those don't go away easily.
I don't really like fake tan period.

But natural tan lines aren't that bad. Really it's all about how great the contrast is. If they blend alright then I don't really have a problem with them. :hmmm:

Argor251 said:
I understand that there is an obsession with tanning (now that it is no longer cool to be white)
Interestingly enough, I heard that in Egypt they actually prefer lighter skin. So they have all these creams and stuff to make your skin lighter. I'm assuming it's because everyone is tanned over there. :hmmm:
All countries like looking like white people, there's lots of cosmetic surgery performed on asians and africans etc to look caucasian. There's very little surgery for white people wanting to look ethnic.
Why go under surgery when you could just lay in the sun? Laying in the sun won't do the Asians and Africans any good.
People care about shit like this?

Have you seen men's tanlines? most of us are light right below the belly if we get them.
I don't understand why people wanna get tans. I'm not for or against it, I just don't understand the reasons :hmmm:

For tan lines specifically, I wanna say I don't care, but I've never been in a situation to bask in someone else's nudity, so I really don't know. I suppose the more contrast there is, the more noticeable tan lines are. Whether that's a bad thing or not, I don't know xD
Interestingly enough, I heard that in Egypt they actually prefer lighter skin. So they have all these creams and stuff to make your skin lighter. I'm assuming it's because everyone is tanned over there. :hmmm:

All countries like looking like white people, there's lots of cosmetic surgery performed on asians and africans etc to look caucasian. There's very little surgery for white people wanting to look ethnic.

I guess it's probably a case of wanting to look like what you are not. Or perhaps to strive for a middle mix so that we can all be the same, though I doubt it goes that far.

Over here there is a huge obsession with tans, to the extent that some people go all the way to Greece, Egypt, Mexico, and wherever else there is a lot of sun just to lie down in the sun. They travel all that way and some people don't even leave the hotel. To me that's a massive waste of money, for surely if you wanted a tan that bad you could go somewhere closer to home, or at home itself. Some people really love to do that though. Some of them come back red, some of them come back really dark brown, and some of them almost come back black, it's crazy. The tan lines on those people must look really, really odd. I don’t get it myself, but I do appear to be the minority over where I live in that I don’t care about getting even a brown tan.

I guess it's no longer cool to have whatever colour skin you naturally have, and it's much better these days to swap around.
Most of my opinion was already stated. I see no reason as to why it can't be attactive, tan lines happen naturally so sometimes there is nothing you can do about it. It's not like it won't go away eventually anyway so what's the harm? Also who is going to see it besides a very select few anyway? I doubt they would have anything to say.
Ooh men tan lines xD

Ive seen just as many ridiculous tan lines on men as I have on women, from t-shirts and shorts

My ex was in the army, and he had brown arms, white chest and white upper arms where his sleeves had been rolled up. I wasn't repulsed by it, just found it hilarious that he was resembling a patch work quilt

Shit happens :lew:
Thankfully I don't tan so I don't have to worry about that. Although my father does have that problem. On the outside if you look at him he's fine but if he takes off his shirt then it is like his chest area comes from another person. That is how much of a tanning line he has. The reason for that is because he doesn't wear anything shorther than a short-sleeved T-shirt so that side of him doesn't get exposed very often.
I've read everyone elses posts, but I guess I'm a little neutral about the subject. I like a perfectly tan woman, I'm not shy to admit it. Though if it's a bit unnatural as in orange or she doesn't look good naturally tan, that's kind of strange to me. Also pasty white goes good on some girls as well, so I'm not really much one to complain.

Though when it comes to tan lines, well it all depends. For instances if you look at a big redneck fella down here in the south, he usually is burned in all the spots he's showing, and mega-white where his shirt was or whatever. If you are in the sun anyways, you should always have enough sun block to negate this anyways. So there is no real excuse for tan lines, unless folks just don't care about skin cancer. For guys, we get farmer tans every so often, but I'm a freckled beast so I look tan pretty much all year round anyway. It's really hard to tell sometimes if we have tan lines, but on guys.. it's a little less taboo to have them, even if it is a double standard.

My wife is a manager at a tanning bed as well is a spraying tech, so I see many girls and guys tan around here. So to me, if you are strictly laying out in the sun to get a tan anyway, then might as well wear as little clothing as possible. To be honest, I believe only the huskier ladies have problems with tanning lines. They have more body to cover up for one, and plus don't wear as flattering of bathing suits. Maybe a one piece instead of a two. So therefore they probably have a super huge tan line, which to me, goes back to the red neck fella who wears a shirt all day.

So to conclude, I only have problems with Huge tan lines. Not the ones that just cover up the private areas. It's a bit attractive sometimes with these, but then again.. it all goes back to how your figure is as a person. Just being honest..
I don't mind tan lines at all, but I'll admit some can look a little funny.

For example, if somebody's wearing big sunglasses and they get white rings around their eyes, then it can look a bit odd. But I've been out this weekend with a beret on and a shirt only rolled up to my sleeves and it looks a bit funny, I've got a slightly tanned face and a white forehead and a tan only from the elbow down - but it doesn't look too bad.

To be honest, I think an even sunburn looks a lot less attractive than an uneven tan. I think a tan looks good on a guy, but burns don't... so if they've got a few tan lines it doesn't matter to me.

I'm not a guy but hey, that's my opinion :monster:
Nothing wrong with honesty.

I like a good tan on a chick......then again I like a suppose you would call them regular looking chicks, I wonder if age comes in to this? If you are in you 40's does that bother you no one here is that age but you see Older women and men tanned at the beach and think(whatever your preference is) does that look good? If your younger you seem to be able to get away with it.

If you want to get specific I'm a boob man and dont really like bold tan lines in that
area.......nudist beaches are great for a balanced tan;).

Overall not disgusted by tan lines but different people have different preferences.

Here's a Question do Woman/Girls consider there partners feeling when they decide to Tan?
Interesting. I think tan lines look perfectly natural, but then again I am biased as I have them myself. =] As for considering my partner's opinion on tanning, I probably wouldn't, if I really liked it.