Playstation Tekken

I love Tekken, I have for quite a few years now. My Brother has Tekken 1 for the Playstation 1 and we used to both play that together and it was a lot of fun. I believe Tekken Tag Tournament is the best in the series because it was more entertaining than the others in my opinion. I have most of the game except a couple now I think and it never gets old. Tekken 6 looks really awesome but I doubt I will be playing it for a while yet. >_<
Darn, if only I'd found this thread earlier! Tekken was the first game I ever played! Yes, that's how much I adore it. I have every one exept 4(I lost it but I don't know how...). Dark ressurection rocks for the PSP aswell. The characters I wish to see return in 6 would have to be Paul, Kazuya, Yoshimitzu, Nina, Howrang and last but not least King!!!
I should be recieving a PS3 for Christmas so I hope to be playing Yekken 6 some time in the near future. Some of the new features look awesome aswell, like Brian uning a gun in battle and Anna using het shoe! Well yeah all I can say now is the fact that I can't wait for Tekken 6, the latest edition to the greatent beat em up of all time!!! Exept maybe Soul Calibur:confused:
Ya know, I've really liked Tekken for quite some time, played in many of the tournaments held for this game since TekkenTag. However I can honestly say that I am not happy with what Namco is doing for Tekken 6, the game sound to me more like a Newbie Scrub Fest game then an actual in-depth game.

All 8-Framers turned to 10-Framers, LowParry cannot lead to decent punishes anymore, Rage System?!, Bind and Bounce System?! Items being useable?! I don't know anymore, because Namco never even bothered to fix the Crush System, which was a huge problem in Tekken5.

The things they did do well was that in T6, Juggles are harder, and they do less damage, however with Rage System, and items being useable was the most stupid idea...when I saw Anna picking her shoe up and throwing it at Nina, that just look dumb.

I don't know, Tekken 5 was a Scrubby/Newbie Friendly game, and the absolute worse Tekken from a game engine perspective, so my hopes for Tekken 6 aren't all that high.

My only bright side of Tekken 6 is that it seems like Jin got beefed up slightly from his Tekken 5 version, so he won't be as bad of a character anymore, hopefully he'll regain his Top Tier, if not, at least Upper Tier status.

Just incase some of you have never seen it, these are some videos of Top Lvled Players from Tekken

Tekken Tag Tournament with Jang Iksu the Korean Player, and without a doubt, the best Tekken player of all time! So sad he quit after 3 years of playing though...Jang Iksu is the player on the left.

Tekken 4 at Evolution 2004 of US Player JackieTran (Jin) vs US Player JinKid (Steve Fox) (Finals forgot what set though) Tekken4 Jin is the strongest legal tournament character in any Tekken of all time.

Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection of Korean Player Qudans (Devil Jin) vs Japanese Player Zekusu (Devil Jin) Qudans is the Best Devil Jin Player in the world for Tekken 5.
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I love this game even though I don't play it much. But when me and my friends play I would in every now and then. I just press random buttons, lol and I would still win.
I own Tekken 3 and 5, and am hoping to get Dark Resurrection for PSP before the year's end.

I, of course, enjoy Tekken 5 more, it has quite a lot of characters, is a lot of fun, and presents a pretty good challenge.

My favourite character is King, and I've gotten him up to the rank of Tekken Lord, took a while though, and the enemies later on started to get pretty tough to beat.
I used to be a reallly big fan of Tekken. Even competed in some tournaments with Hwoarang, and did fairly well. But I eventually got bored with it, and got more into Soul Calibur.

Although Im still looking forward to Tekken 6, but some of the characters added seems "meh" to me. I hope that I will get surprised though.
i was looking around the game shops whilst i was in town last weekend and i found a cheap copy of Dark resurrection and i didn't buy it because i wasn't sure if it was going to be any good or not, what are your thoughts people ?
I never liked Tekken -_-, actually I never liked a fighting game well maybe except Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3 since the move are pretty good and I like playing with the fourth Hokage, however Tekken characters doesn't interest me because I find most of fighting game has almost the same characters.
^ Hah, so true. But I don't mind if they had the same characters every time they release a new game for it. Actually I'm not really a Tekken fan either...but I'll play it once in awhile. It's fun when you're battling it out with friends, but I can only really play for 15 - 30 minutes. By then it can get quite repetitive, albeit the various moves you can do with each character. Still an entertaining game though - just not really my type of game.
To get the most out of it, you must learn the moves and combos that aren't listed on the move set. Bryan Fury and Hworang have the best 'Hidden' move sets.

I still think Tekken 3 was the best Tekken out of them all.
i was looking around the game shops whilst i was in town last weekend and i found a cheap copy of Dark resurrection and i didn't buy it because i wasn't sure if it was going to be any good or not, what are your thoughts people ?
I'm assuming it's for the PSP, in which case; good game but the PSP D-Pad can be quite uncomfortable when trying to play fighting games on. The three (proper ) characters added to it; Armor King, Dragunov and Lili, are all worth getting to grips with as they feel different enough to the other characters available. Dragunov's become a personal favourite.:wink: Just a shame I can only play it at friends houses.
I loved the Tekken series, just behind the original Mortal Kombat (1,2) and Street Fighters.
I know I can't spell the my favorite character's name off the top of my head so I'm not even gonna attempt to butcher it. Starts with a Y and he uses a sword. I fell in love with him when I found out he can regain his health. Back then, nobody I faced realized what was going on while I was sitting down (looking like I was masturbating or something.) So they'd just laugh and watch me until I regained full health without them noticing.
Ok,Tekken(tekken 3) was my first video game ever.It was the only reason I bought psx because everytime I stayed at my cousins(mom worked and I was young) he would be playing Tekken 3,at that time.I started playing it too with him,I don't want to admit though that everytime he would beat the crap out of me especially in a five round continuous match.After I got mine I learned how to play it.My favorite character was Nina and Jin Kazama.I was so obsessed over Nina that I wanted to become her(if you asked me back then what was my dream I'd answered you that I wanted to become Nina Williams).

Enough with my life-story.I'm getting pretty excited waiting for Tekken 6.The graphics just kick butt and it was a really nice idea to see the characters speak in their natural language.I mean who would believe that all the contstants spoke japanese.
Yea, I think Tekken 3 was probably the best game, but my personal favorite was 2, becuase Devil was a playable character in that one!! I love some of his hidden moves. Other than those two, five is my favorite, I think, mostly becuase of the graphics (although I'm also really excited about those of 6!!)
You people may not like Tekken, however you should respect what it did for the Playstation/Ps2 and it's fighting genre. I personally don't play much of the Tekken series because of it's repetitive gaming. The good thing about the game is that it's really a "pick up and play game" for all adults and minors...most people would even say a "button mashing" game.
What are your thoughts on the new characters added in Tekken 6?I personally find Zafina's fighting style really weird,special and awesome at the same time.But I think itt might be a little bit difficult to get used to her,like Voldo in Soul series.
I'm really looking forward to picking it up and giving Zafina a shot. Her stance play could give her some variety, she has a nice amount, more than one stance which can give your moves away, and not too many a la Lei Wulong - to the point where you can enter into a stance you didn't intend to, although I'm sure proper Lei players will be able to display more competence than I usually do.:P

I am pretty excited about the other three as well, Miguel looks as though he'll fit right into my roster, perhaps even be my main, based purely on his style. And since I didn't have Dark Resurrection I'm finally going to have Dragunov and Armor King to play with. YARGH!
Gahh,I can't wait to play as Nina.I hope they've added some new moves to her not like she still cannot kick butt.I read that Jin hired her as his bodyguard.

Anybody else knows about the Tekken adaption into a film.I read it on Wiki,I don't know if it's true though.