Playstation Tekken

I'm assuming it's for the PSP, in which case; good game but the PSP D-Pad can be quite uncomfortable when trying to play fighting games on. The three (proper ) characters added to it; Armor King, Dragunov and Lili, are all worth getting to grips with as they feel different enough to the other characters available. Dragunov's become a personal favourite.:wink: Just a shame I can only play it at friends houses.

If you own a PS3 and have net access you can buy TDR for $19.99 or the online copy for $29.99. Just for the PS3.
I have Dark Resurrection on the PSP. :) It's sooo addictive!! >.< And much better than Soul Calibur imo. :)

I had no idea they were making it into a film...
I have Dark Resurrection on the PSP. :) It's sooo addictive!! >.< And much better than Soul Calibur imo. :)

I had no idea they were making it into a film...

I'm not sure either if that's true.I saw it on Wiki and it seems that Jin will be the protagonist.
Did you know he won the Iron Fist Tournament 5?It didn't say anything in Tekken 5,but it seems like he did in the end.I read that on Wiki too.
Does anyone mind telling me if Tekken: Dark Resurrection is a good game to buy? Any more different from the original Tekken 5?
Personally speaking: yes. Two totally new characters who are fun to play as, and the return of a classic: Armor King.

And there are significant changes to some characters, with most ( if not all ) having some new moves added. As someone who played as Raven in T5, I find him to be very different in Dark Resurrection.
I dunno,I don't have a PSP so I couldn't play it.But it must be an improved version of 5. does anyone mind telling me...

Why in the hell is Michelle Chang and Jun Kazama not in the Tekken series since Tekken Tag Tournament? -___-;; And that games really does not count. lol.

Asuka and Julia seemed to have taken over. I think they should bring them back as they are originals. They bring back Eddy/Christie and they are the same in alot of areas. >___< does anyone mind telling me...

Why in the hell is Michelle Chang and Jun Kazama not in the Tekken series since Tekken Tag Tournament? -___-;; And that games really does not count. lol.
I think the reason why Jun Kazama is not around in Tekken anymore is because had been told that Ogre was responsible for Jun's disappearance. I don't know about Michelle Chang's disappearance because that has been unknown.

I do like the Tekken series since I used Kazuya and Jun's name in my username. I can't stay this is my all time favorite fighting game because I find the movesets a bit more difficult to work with but I do enjoy the characters and their backgrounds that they have in the game. I am psyched to see the release of the live action Tekken movie and hope it isn't anything like the animated movie which was all that great I think. As far as favorite characters go, I like Jin Kazama, Kazuya, Jun Kazama, Hwoarang, Nina Williams, and Baek Doo San.
Jun was killed by Kazuya if I'm not mistaken and that's why she's no longer around with the exception of Tag tourney which really isn't canon in the Tekken universe. I used to play in tournaments with Kazuya and Feng Wei but I stopped cuz I'm playin too many other fighters right now. Probably pick it back up with 6 though
She can in another Tekken only if she comes back as a zombie,vampire,ghost or killing robot,or clone.
Some things that I would never want to see her as. does anyone mind telling me...

Why in the hell is Michelle Chang and Jun Kazama not in the Tekken series since Tekken Tag Tournament? -___-;; And that games really does not count. lol.

Asuka and Julia seemed to have taken over. I think they should bring them back as they are originals. They bring back Eddy/Christie and they are the same in alot of areas. >___<

Ummm.... Jun Kazama died. thats why shes not in anymore games.
Do you know how many characters died and came back? =/. lol. I think Jun needs to be brought back along with Michelle. Ogre too, actually. I liked him. =D.
Frankly, I don't care about the story of Tekken too much. Tekken's just the most advanced game in it's genre. I can't think of a game with better graphics and gameplay in this genre other than Tekken.
It's good to see some characters never go away like Jin (duh), Yosemitsu, Paul, Law,...
Tekken 6 is horrible...after playing it when visiting my Uncle in's absolute garbage imo. Juggles/Bound is the only real way of dealing out damage, which forces you to play with that mentality regardless of whom you are playing as, which is stupid.

This simply limits creativity and character diversity, and rage is one of the most stupid things implemented in Tekken as well. Rewarding the losing player to deal big damage for losing the match up???? That "almost" makes sense, not to mention, I've seen some stupid things come out of it.

In Tekken 6, the differential of having 60% life to 15% makes no difference, because I remember when I had around 70% life, and my opponent was raged...I did one single mistake...was launched...juggled/bound/wallsplat...and it was game over.

Their is no advantage to someone having more life then the other in a game like Tekken 6. In fact, Tekken 6 has actually made me like the Tekken 5 series...and I hated the Tekken 5 series, but at least in there, you still had some creativity.

Hopkicks are still as dumb as ever coming out from T5 to T6...why do you get hit out of a jab with + frame advantage...why??? Also, why are d/f+2's have such gigantic payoff's for the risk/reward ratio as well?

It's no lie, Tekken 6 is the most newbie friendly Tekken game ever created, and I've simply stopped taking this game seriously anymore, it's just way too linear now.

Here's to hoping that in Tekken 7, they actually make a deeper game engine...we haven't seen this since TTT and T4.
i really like the tekken games, but i really hate how in tekken 5 the npcs only use huge fast combos which isnt the way i fight on the game, its really annoying when i try and take on jinpachi, and hes wiped out over 3 quarters of my health before ive even had a chance to attack him