Dirge of Cerberus Terrible Music

Well I do agree that the soundtrack in the DoC wasn't impressive. I wouldn't go as far to say it was terrible. Teh only musci i really didn't liek was..... the boss battle against the Red chick. DIdn't get any adrenaline going. But going through that complex or whatever was good.
I just didn't get into this game because the action was fast paced and intense and the music should have mirrored that but it didn't
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Well I wouldn't go as far as saying the game was that fast-paced. It was sorta in-between for me. I mean it wasn't choppy but it wasn't so intense to get my blood pumpin and the music reflected that feel....but i guess it's how you percieve the game. I liked going through edge though. It was very depressing.
Okay, maybe it wasn't THAT intense, but it was intense enough to be rewarded with a more complimenting Soundtrack

OFF TOPIC: How cool would it have been if the music faded out when you brought out the Rifle and lined your sights up with an unsuspecting Deepground Soldier's head and all you could hear was Vincent's heart beat and his slow breathing
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In my opinion the biggest let down in DoC: FFVII was by far the music, in a game where the action is fast paced and intense you need music of the same type, I personnaly would have used some Heavy Metal type music to help get you pumped for battle...what type of music would you have used?

your crazy, the music in the game was grat:)
did that made you feel bad
your crazy, the music in the game was grat:)
did that made you feel bad

I don't know whether to be insulted by this or not because you really are bad at spelling ^_^ and I wouldn't call the music great, not Masashi Hamauzu's best work I'm sure
I don't know whether to be insulted by this or not because you really are bad at spelling ^_^ and I wouldn't call the music great, not Masashi Hamauzu's best work I'm sure

it's not a insult, I'm telling him how I think of the music,
You mean your telling ME what you think, right? otherwise you wouldn't have quoted me? don't worry about it ^_^ I'm not one to argue on the internet.
About the bit on the Fading music with the rifle and heart-beat and such i don't think there was a time in the game where it was neccesary to use the rifle except against the snipers and if you sat there to long you would die before you heard the heart-beat for an extended time.
Huh, I thought the soundtrack was pretty good. Not stupendously wonderful, but I did like it. Redemption, A Girl Named Shelke...those were some of my favorites. ^^ All in all, the music was pretty nice.

Exactly, it should have been hard and fast not "pretty nice" this was the problem
If ya got a problem with a post report it... but I'm too lazy to hit the back button to see what the disagreement was about. I'll just consider it as "resolved on its own".
There was no disagreement :huh: maybe you should look back at previous Posts :P

I didn't have a problem with Bloody Valentine's Post either, I was just putting my point across as she did before me ^_^
i think it would be better with more of gackts music in there like white eyes and doomsday