The bad things about the Kingdom Hearts series


Iller than Radiation
Jan 15, 2007
Ellen Stone
FFXIV Server
I've recently discovered I have a strong hate for Kingdom Hearts! :wacky:

I am aware that we have a Kingdom Hearts area, but this is about the series, and there is not a section to discuss the entire series, so as far as I know this is the best place to put it.

I know, I for one hated the fact that Final Fantasy Characters from good games and somewhat interesting personalities were completely destroyed, kudos to Nomura and company. So let's start with my list of bastardized characters that I give two shits about. :monster:

Seifer - Nomura should really be beaten in the head with a bat for this. I mean really, he turned him into a wigger ffs. That's got to be among one of the most degrading things to do to a character, considering the wigger style sucks, and is completely non-existent in Final Fantasy. Also, lawl at how he can't come off this bastardization with the new and upcoming game The World Ends With You.

Setzer - No. Just no. You do not get to be one of the people kick one of the greatest villians of all time's asses and bribe an amateur to lose a fight to you. Absolute bollocks. That, and it's incredibly disturbing to see him beat the crap out of a kid with a dhildo when it's known that he kills people with knives and cards.

Aerith - gtfo and run back to Cloud plz. Also, her voiceover was horrible. Really the only thing I have against her character in KHII is that she's warming up to Squall, which is irritating.

Cid - simply put, whoever composed Cid's KH series character should be shot, yes?

Cid was beyond bastardized. He was completely shattered. I mean, what the hell is with that toothpick and no cursing? Sheeshus Christ. If you're gonna be an ass about killing off all the good characters, at least pick the wussies of the litter.

I find it appalling that the KH series is only whoring out FFVII more than any other characters from other games. Seriously, the FF cast of KHI were

Squall, Yuffie, Aerith, Cloud, Cid, and Sephiroth. Amazing how the majority of those characters are from FFVII, isn't it? It also goes to show that the cast of FFVII blow even more in Kingdom Hearts II by adding Tifa to the game. All we need is Reeves, Barret, and Red XIII, and we'll have the entire cast! Go to hell plz.

Let's not forget that you don't get to fight Sephiroth or Cloud until late in the game, when they are very strong, therefore further hyping the over hyped Final Fantasy VII series once again. (okay, I know Leon[Squall] is in the group, but still, more than half...:wacky:)

Not to mention fighting Cloud with Yuffie, Tifa, and Squall definitely has it's downsides in the Coliseum. Also, Sephiroth is one of the hardest bosses in the game. Where is Kefka?

Kefka > Sephiroth.

Maybe I should take that back. I don't want them to turn Kefka into a pussy.

if they're going to keep using shitty characters, I wish they'd just go and grab characters from the Nintendo Final Fantasies. A lot of the characters that were ruined were really great characters, and it's really disappointing imo. The Setzer thing is probably one of the most annoying things to have ever been added to the Kingdom Hearts series.

And the characters that weren't ruined were characters that already suck because they've been whored out and become clichés of the Final Fantasy series. Namely Cloud and Sephiroth. Bastards.

It annoys me to no end that bastardized characters with ruined images keep getting reused after they've been completely ruined. That way, for the newer generation, people won't even know what the character was originally like, because eventually it will be a royal pain in the ass to get an old game to see what these characters were actually like.

/end fred rantz
Setzer - No. Just no. You do not get to be one of the people kick one of the greatest villians of all time's asses and bribe an amateur to lose a fight to you. Absolute bollocks. That, and it's incredibly disturbing to see him beat the crap out of a kid with a dhildo when it's known that he kills people with knives and cards.

Setzer was completely ruined. Not to mention that entire mini-game sucked ass.


Plus the first few hours of KH2 were HORRIBLE. I mean c'mon, what idiotic down-syndrome retard thought of the idea to have you run around town doing errands for money? LAME.

Aerith - gtfo and run back to Cloud plz. Also, her voiceover was horrible. Really the only thing I have against her character in KHII is that she's warming up to Squall, which is irritating.
Aerith died in VII. KEEP HER DEAD. I hate her.

I find it appalling that the KH series is only whoring out FFVII more than any other characters from other games. Seriously, the FF cast of KHI were Squall, Yuffie, Aerith, Cloud, Cid, and Sephiroth. Amazing how the majority of those characters are from FFVII, isn't it? It also goes to show that the cast of FFVII blow even more in Kingdom Hearts II by adding Tifa to the game. All we need is Reeves, Barret, and Red XIII, and we'll have the entire cast! Go to hell plz.
You forgot to mention Vincent. I'm surprised they didn't put him in there. And don't forget how Nomura raeped Vivi. Wtf was up with that hat with a mouth? It looked like some crap he ripped off Burton, and why didn't Vivi whip out any of his badass spells? You're also forgetting some other ghey aspects of the Kingdom Hearts series:

1. The Little Mermaid world. STOP WITH IT ALREADY. The first time around it was crappy swimming mechanics and a pain-in-the-arse boss, the second time around it was a freaking sing-a-long with a grand finale opera song for the boss-fight.


3. Turning Tidus, Wakka and Selphi into kids was retarded. Nobody else got pedofied.

4. They left out The Jungle Book. Twice. That is unacceptable.

5. They left out Peter Pan in the second game. LAME. I liked flying.

6. Where were all the badass optional bosses in KH2? KH1 had awesome ones like the Clocktower Phantom and Kurt Zisa. All you had in KH2 was Sephi.

7. The Gullwings. That was bad enough, but making them fairies actually made them MORE annoying than what I thought possible.

8. Bogging down the storyline and intentionally leaving open plot holes just to be able to make more sequels.

9. Every single new addition to KH2 was useless. The fusion forms (DBZ ripoff, much?) were awesome, but served no purpose at all because nothing was challenging enough to need them. I didn't like how you HAD to use them too if you wanted extra abilities like gliding.

10. Both games were way too easy.

11. The gummi ship in KH1. It was utter crap. Thank god they actually made it fun in KH2.

12. Sora.

13. Roxas.

14. The fact that the most interesting characters in KH2 were the cliche animu Organization XIII members is just sad.
There's a Kingdom Hearts General now. =)

Anyway, I've only got a few complaints about the KH series.

~Seifer. Why does he have a scar...? I am assuming that in KH2, Seifer was just a teenager. (The voice even suggests so). So...the timeline doesn't add up, considering that Seifer received that scar when he was 18.


~The Little Mermaid world. Ack. I hated swimming around and battling foes at the same time. The controls are so messed up.

~Leon. Simply put, I just hate the name. They really should've just stuck with Squall.

~Those stupid mushrooms. So annoying, especially when you need to collect items for weapons.

~Gummi ship/blueprints/etc. I just found the whole thing useless. Didn't even bother with it and used the default one throughout the game.
Kh2 Final Mix fills your needs to a certain extend. It certainly has MANY optional bosses. 15 to be exact.
Most of those bosses require you to Drive, unless you are a complete pro. (Which I doubt)
Final Mix 1 Proud mode was quite challenging. Especially if you chose the sword and gave up the shield.
Final Mix 2 Critical Mode is VERY challenging.

Although the Final mix versions are in Japanese...
~Leon. Simply put, I just hate the name. They really should've just stuck with Squall.

It really didn't even have anything to do with the story that he was choosing a fake's not like anyone else did :dry:

~Those stupid mushrooms. So annoying, especially when you need to collect items for weapons.

I hated the ones you had to keep in the air as long as you could >__< It would have been so easy in KH2 since air combos last forever, but in KH1 it was impossible.

Kh2 Final Mix fills your needs to a certain extend. It certainly has MANY optional bosses. 15 to be exact.
Most of those bosses require you to Drive, unless you are a complete pro. (Which I doubt)
Final Mix 1 Proud mode was quite challenging. Especially if you chose the sword and gave up the shield.
Final Mix 2 Critical Mode is VERY challenging.

Although the Final mix versions are in Japanese...

And therein lies the problem...those stingy bastards won't import them to the US or Europe. I really don't know why either, because they would definitely sell.
Squall changed his name to 'Leon' because he was ashamed of not saving Hollow Bastion from the Heartless.

Square-Enix will not sell both Final Mixes in NTSC or PAL territories because they think it won't sell enough. Japan gamers are ALOT different to us US and Europe gamers. They love to buy games with extras in it - even if it meant buying the same game, again.

And Final Mix 2 has a Mushroom like that.
Squall changed his name to 'Leon' because he was ashamed of not saving Hollow Bastion from the Heartless.

Oh. That's still lame xD

Square-Enix will not sell both Final Mixes in NTSC or PAL territories because they think it won't sell enough. Japan gamers are ALOT different to us US and Europe gamers. They love to buy games with extras in it - even if it meant buying the same game, again.

I'd buy it again. Hell, KH2 Final Mix+ has a 3D version of CoM...I think it'd definitely be worth the money for two games in one and all the other extra things.

And Final Mix 2 has a Mushroom like that.

But I has no Final Mix 2 :pikamon:
You should import it if you really want it. That's what I did.

And about Re:COM. I myself enjoyed the original on GBA, and enjoyed the PS2 version even more, but COM didn't sell as well as SE expected. So they decided to port it to PS2, but only to Jap area. Games with extras don't tend to sell well in the UK or USA. I mean, look at DMC3 Special Edition. that didn't sell enough. Fans alike bought it, but not enough.
You should import it if you really want it. That's what I did.

Yeah but don't I have to mod my PS2 for that? I've had the thing 7 years and I don't want to risk messing it up now.

And about Re:COM. I myself enjoyed the original on GBA, and enjoyed the PS2 version even more, but COM didn't sell as well as SE expected. So they decided to port it to PS2, but only to Jap area. Games with extras don't tend to sell well in the UK or USA. I mean, look at DMC3 Special Edition. that didn't sell enough. Fans alike bought it, but not enough.

Well...DMC3 Special Edition didn't exactly have as much stuff to warrant a second purchase as Final Mix+...still, I would think SE would give it a shot outside Japan, especially knowing how much they like their money.
You can do it from one of 3 ways: Chip/Mod your PS2, Buy Swap Magic( Just type in Swap Magic or look at the Gamefaqs board on KH2 Final Mix) , or buy a Japanese PS2.

SE certainly like to keep their money. Personally, I think they are more worried about Crisis Core and other spinoffs. Since they are releasing many games on a number of consoles (Which they think they would sell more in than compared to FM+) they have to concentrate on selling those games well.
Setzer was completely ruined. Not to mention that entire mini-game sucked ass.


Looks moar like a dildho to me. But when you have Codebreaker, there's no need for gay dildho. :wacky:

Plus the first few hours of KH2 were HORRIBLE. I mean c'mon, what idiotic down-syndrome retard thought of the idea to have you run around town doing errands for money? LAME.

That was pretty retarded It would've been more tolerable if you only needed to collect liek, 300-400 munny. If I'm not mistaken, you had to get 1000 fucking whatjamacallitmispelledmoneyshits, which equals about half an hour of running errands for cash. (Or more, depending on how much you suck at them.:wacky:)
Aerith died in VII. KEEP HER DEAD. I hate her.
You forgot to mention Vincent.
Sorry, I was pretty convinced Cloud raped Vincent and hung him by his cape, poked him in the eye with his gauntlet, and made off with the cape and gauntlet due to the fact that he was using both of them in KHI. :wacky:

And don't forget how Nomura raeped Vivi. Wtf was up with that hat with a mouth? It looked like some crap he ripped off Burton, and why didn't Vivi whip out any of his badass spells?
Now that you mention it, that really sucks. Also, his hat looks like that from Harry Pothead and Hogfuckers, the school of bitchmade wizardry. :monster:

1. The Little Mermaid world. STOP WITH IT ALREADY. The first time around it was crappy swimming mechanics and a pain-in-the-arse boss, the second time around it was a freaking sing-a-long with a grand finale opera song for the boss-fight.
I didn't mind it in KHI that much. The only reason I have love for it in KHI is for the music it played in that world. But I really wish they would not have put it in KHII. Playing retarded minigames to lock a keyhole is retarded. I hate playing minigames to complete the story. >: (

6. Where were all the badass optional bosses in KH2? KH1 had awesome ones like the Clocktower Phantom and Kurt Zisa. All you had in KH2 was Sephi.
And he succccccckkkkkkked. Unless you were level like level 80 or something. he was a real cunt. :wacky:
8. Bogging down the storyline and intentionally leaving open plot holes just to be able to make more sequels.
Think that's why they only have a small number of characters that are even relevant to the main story of KHII? :O

~Seifer. Why does he have a scar...? I am assuming that in KH2, Seifer was just a teenager. (The voice even suggests so). So...the timeline doesn't add up, considering that Seifer received that scar when he was 18.

What's even moar retarded is that he doesn't even know the person that gave him the scar. >=o

Game needs moar Mowgli and that bear dood.
That was pretty retarded It would've been more tolerable if you only needed to collect liek, 300-400 munny. If I'm not mistaken, you had to get 1000 fucking whatjamacallitmispelledmoneyshits, which equals about half an hour of running errands for cash. (Or more, depending on how much you suck at them.:wacky:)

And did I mention Roxas sucks? I hate him. The only reason I don't hate him as much as Sora is because he doesn't have that faggy "BELIEVE IN UR HEART BELIEVE IN UR FRIENDS" attitude Sora has. For god's sake, leave that kiddy crap in G rated movies.

I didn't mind it in KHI that much. The only reason I have love for it in KHI is for the music it played in that world. But I really wish they would not have put it in KHII. Playing retarded minigames to lock a keyhole is retarded. I hate playing minigames to complete the story. >: (
The music pissed me off in both. And hearing Donald and Goofy sing... *shudders* Plus, KH2 only proves that Sora is a huge, flaming faggot.

1. He didn't even so much as hit on Ariel, let alone make a move. Or any other Disney princesses for that matter. Or Aerith. Or Tifa. Or Yuffie. Or anyone.

2. He reunites with Kari and Rikku, and what's he do? Glomps Rikku and bawls in his arms, completely ignoring his hotass friend who likes him.

Game needs moar Mowgli and that bear dood.
BALOO! He's got the bare necessities, muffuka.
You didn't have to get the 1000 munny. Just play it once, then talk to Hayner.
Well...I agree with some of your points, L, but I can't help but disagree with others.

I've recently discovered I have a strong hate for Kingdom Hearts! :wacky:

Fair enough.

I know, I for one hated the fact that Final Fantasy Characters from good games and somewhat interesting personalities were completely destroyed, kudos to Nomura and company. So let's start with my list of bastardized characters that I give two shits about. :monster:

To some extent, I agree. Yes, Seifer and Setzer were both torn apart. I think they could have and should have handled them much better. If nothing else, I can't help but be disappointed at Seifer. First of all, why isn't he in Hollow Bastion, serving as Squall's rival? That's what I want to know. Although I have to give them props for including Setzer's trademark introduction ("My life is a chip in your pile. Time to ante up."), that doesn't excuse the horrible treatment he got.

Seifer - Nomura should really be beaten in the head with a bat for this. I mean really, he turned him into a wigger ffs. That's got to be among one of the most degrading things to do to a character, considering the wigger style sucks, and is completely non-existent in Final Fantasy. Also, lawl at how he can't come off this bastardization with the new and upcoming game The World Ends With You.


Setzer - No. Just no. You do not get to be one of the people kick one of the greatest villians of all time's asses and bribe an amateur to lose a fight to you. Absolute bollocks. That, and it's incredibly disturbing to see him beat the crap out of a kid with a dhildo when it's known that he kills people with knives and cards.

Also agreed. But you really can't blame Nomura for this one. After all, he originally didn't want to include any characters he didn't design because he didn't think he'd be able to do them justice. Really, it's the fault of the rest of the team for pressuring him into including Setzer. So...whatever. It still doesn't change the fact that he should've had a much better role.

Aerith - gtfo and run back to Cloud plz. Also, her voiceover was horrible. Really the only thing I have against her character in KHII is that she's warming up to Squall, which is irritating.

God forbid she makes other friends. This is where your complaints start to lose credibility, no offense. However, I'm willing to concede that her voice did, in fact, make my ears bleed. Even so, I don't know what's wrong with her interacting with Squall. The two of them were working together to beat the Heartless. I'm thinking she's going to colaborate with him just a bit...

Cid - simply put, whoever composed Cid's KH series character should be shot, yes?

Cid was beyond bastardized. He was completely shattered. I mean, what the hell is with that toothpick and no cursing? Sheeshus Christ. If you're gonna be an ass about killing off all the good characters, at least pick the wussies of the litter.

So...let me get this straight. You'd really want to have Cid swear and chain smoke in a video-game whose primary selling point is the inclusion of such Disney characters as Donald Duck and Mulan? You do, of course, realize that this would undoubtedly result in soccer moms attacking the series relentlessly just so you can get your quick fix of swearing and smoking? Besides, cursing and smoking=/=instant maturity. In fact, if anything, unneccessary chain smoking and swearing is quite immature.

I find it appalling that the KH series is only whoring out FFVII more than any other characters from other games. Seriously, the FF cast of KHI were

Squall, Yuffie, Aerith, Cloud, Cid, and Sephiroth. Amazing how the majority of those characters are from FFVII, isn't it? It also goes to show that the cast of FFVII blow even more in Kingdom Hearts II by adding Tifa to the game. All we need is Reeves, Barret, and Red XIII, and we'll have the entire cast! Go to hell plz.

Remember what happened to Setzer? Remember what happened to Vivi? That's what happens when Nomura tries to include characters he didn't design. I think we can both agree that he's probably better off sticking to his strengths. Honestly, you're overreacting. The Final Fantasy characters are just cameos, anyway. No more asking for characters we know Nomura can't work with plz.

Let's not forget that you don't get to fight Sephiroth or Cloud until late in the game, when they are very strong, therefore further hyping the over hyped Final Fantasy VII series once again. (okay, I know Leon[Squall] is in the group, but still, more than half...:wacky:)

Ahem...It's one side quest that takes all of five minutes to complete. Does it somehow seem appropriate that you'd get to fight Sephiroth, the final boss of Final Fantasy VII, early on in the game? Hell, you don't even have to fight either of them. Even so, you can fight Sephiroth as early as half way through the game. You can fight him right after the 1000 Heartless Battle, if you wanted to.

Not to mention fighting Cloud with Yuffie, Tifa, and Squall definitely has it's downsides in the Coliseum. Also, Sephiroth is one of the hardest bosses in the game. Where is Kefka?

Kefka is off being a shallow, 2-Dimensional villain with next to no depth who kills people for no reason and has absolutely NO motivation whatsoever. Kefka is off being the epitome of "cliche RPG villain" and being worshiped by senseless FF7 haters who can't handle the fact that Sephiroth is a superior villain, even if it is rather close.

Kefka > Sephiroth.

Sephiroth>Kefka. What does Kefka have besides that laugh of his? I mean...don't get me wrong, I love both Kefka and Sephiroth, so don't think that I'm a Kefka Hater. They're both wonderful villains in their own rights. I just don't see how Kefka is any less cliche than Sephiroth. Honestly, if anything, he's more cliche because he doesn't have any sort of motivation. How am I supposed to accept Kefka as being a realistic character if his excuse is "I'm evil because it's FUN! MWEHEHEHE!"

Maybe I should take that back. I don't want them to turn Kefka into a pussy.

Sephiroth was stabbed through the back with the Buster Sword and he hardly even flinched. He fought against seven superhuman fighters with access to magic WHILE holding back Holy. And Kefka? He falls down or runs away every time he fights your party in the first half of the game. I dunno what you're talking about.

if they're going to keep using shitty characters, I wish they'd just go and grab characters from the Nintendo Final Fantasies. A lot of the characters that were ruined were really great characters, and it's really disappointing imo. The Setzer thing is probably one of the most annoying things to have ever been added to the Kingdom Hearts series.

You mean like Final Fantasy 6? That was originally released on the Super Nintendo,'re kind of killing yourself here. Don't get me wrong, here. FF6 is among my favorite video-games. Locke is awesome and, yes, I even like Kefka. In all fairness, there's no argument here. Setzer was ruined, I agree.

And the characters that weren't ruined were characters that already suck because they've been whored out and become clichés of the Final Fantasy series. Namely Cloud and Sephiroth. Bastards.

Oh, so you're an FF7 hater. Well...while I feel that Sephiroth and Cloud have been overglorified by the FF7 Compilation (which I don't think should exist at all...), I also think that the FF7 Haters are FAR more annoying than the FF7 Fanboys simply because they make more outrageous claims without anything to back up their statements. Cloud and Sephiroth are, as far as the original game was concerned (that is to say FF7 itself), terrific characters who were both executed very well within the context of the original script. It's the Compilation that killed them.

That aside, though, you really do have to remember that these are just cameos. Their personalities were kept in-tact. What more do you want?

It annoys me to no end that bastardized characters with ruined images keep getting reused after they've been completely ruined. That way, for the newer generation, people won't even know what the character was originally like, because eventually it will be a royal pain in the ass to get an old game to see what these characters were actually like.

I'm going to have to agree with you here, but not when it comes to Kingdom Hearts 2. As far as KH is concerned, MOST (not all) of the FF7 characters were handled pretty well. However, I think that they've been killed by Nomura's constant whoring of them in the FF7 Compilation.

In closing, I love Kingdom Hearts, as you must've guessed, but I do have complaints, too. For one thing, it's a total button masher, except for KH2FM+ on Critical Mode. Also, though the game's core plot is terrific, the storytelling could be much better.

Anyway, L, I hope you don't take offense to this. I realize that I get carried away on some of my rants. FF7 Hate is just one of my pet peeves, so I kind of jumped at the chance to defend it. ^_^
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Also agreed. But you really can't blame Nomura for this one. After all, he originally didn't want to include any characters he didn't design because he didn't think he'd be able to do them justice. Really, it's the fault of the rest of the team for pressuring him into including Setzer. So...whatever. It still doesn't change the fact that he should've had a much better role.

HA! Say what? He didn't want to include them because they weren't his designs...and if ANYONE here says "well it's hard to translate Amano characters into videogames", NO, it's not. Look at the FFs on the DS. Nomura COULD have easily done that. But no, he decided to make Setzer some piece of shit anime character with bad clothes.
So...let me get this straight. You'd really want to have Cid swear and chain smoke in a video-game whose primary selling point is the inclusion of such Disney characters as Donald Duck and Mulan? You do, of course, realize that this would undoubtedly result in soccer moms attacking the series relentlessly just so you can get your quick fix of swearing and smoking? Besides, cursing and smoking=/=instant maturity. In fact, if anything, unneccessary chain smoking and swearing is quite immature.
It would be pretty funny though. I actually kinda liked Cid's character, he was a nice counterpoint to Merlin.
Remember what happened to Setzer? Remember what happened to Vivi? That's what happens when Nomura tries to include characters he didn't design. I think we can both agree that he's probably better off sticking to his strengths. Honestly, you're overreacting. The Final Fantasy characters are just cameos, anyway. No more asking for characters we know Nomura can't work with plz.
I'd rather ask for a talented artist. You know, someone who doesn't just draw the same lackluster characters over and over and change their clothes a little bit and give them different names so we can tell which is which.
Ahem...It's one side quest that takes all of five minutes to complete. Does it somehow seem appropriate that you'd get to fight Sephiroth, the final boss of Final Fantasy VII, early on in the game? Hell, you don't even have to fight either of them. Even so, you can fight Sephiroth as early as half way through the game. You can fight him right after the 1000 Heartless Battle, if you wanted to.
That's what I did, and he beat my ass. Granted, I didn't have the superglide ability so that probably hampered my chances, but whatever. It would have been nice to see some other awesome bosses though, instead of just Sephi and the Coliseum (which, btw, was utter crap in KH2).
Kefka is off being a shallow, 2-Dimensional villain with next to no depth who kills people for no reason and has absolutely NO motivation whatsoever. Kefka is off being the epitome of "cliche RPG villain" and being worshiped by senseless FF7 haters who can't handle the fact that Sephiroth is a superior villain, even if it is rather close.
See the bolded text in your quote? That's where it makes no grammatical sense.

You see the italicized text in your quote? That's where you're wrong. Kefka DID kill people for a reason and he DID have motivation: he LIKED it. It was FUN for him. It gave him pleasure to see people suffer and to kill them. That's why he is a better villain, he is purely psychotic and evil.

Sephiroth is a moron. So he finds out he was a "monster" because he had Jenova cells along with mako in him. Hmm, well lets see, for being a "monster" he still turned out to be a 1337 warrior with looks to kill. So he's really quite the pussy for throwing a tantrum over it. Any normal person would be like " mom and dad experimented on me...and now I'm the strongest person on the planet...KICKASS!" and then go about exploiting it, not throw a tantrum.
Sephiroth>Kefka. What does Kefka have besides that laugh of his? I mean...don't get me wrong, I love both Kefka and Sephiroth, so don't think that I'm a Kefka Hater. They're both wonderful villains in their own rights. I just don't see how Kefka is any less cliche than Sephiroth. Honestly, if anything, he's more cliche because he doesn't have any sort of motivation. How am I supposed to accept Kefka as being a realistic character if his excuse is "I'm evil because it's FUN! MWEHEHEHE!"
And then right in the next sentence you state his motivation... *facepalm*

Sephiroth wasn't evil, he was an emotionally unstable pussy who babbled on about his "mommy" and the promised land. Yeah, the little twit didn't even finish reading the research. He finds one little bit saying he has Jenova cells and all of a sudden thinks he's a descendant? Pfft, no, he was the son of two HUMANS and just happened to be their guinea pig. Sephiroth sucks.
Sephiroth was stabbed through the back with the Buster Sword and he hardly even flinched. He fought against seven superhuman fighters with access to magic WHILE holding back Holy. And Kefka? He falls down or runs away every time he fights your party in the first half of the game. I dunno what you're talking about.
Blah blah blah, are you still going on about the almighty Sephiroth? I could give you a list of things about Kefka, but I think just stating one of them will do:

Kefka became a god. Can your omnipotent Sephiroth boast that? No.
Oh, so you're an FF7 hater. Well...while I feel that Sephiroth and Cloud have been overglorified by the FF7 Compilation (which I don't think should exist at all...), I also think that the FF7 Haters are FAR more annoying than the FF7 Fanboys simply because they make more outrageous claims without anything to back up their statements. Cloud and Sephiroth are, as far as the original game was concerned (that is to say FF7 itself), terrific characters who were both executed very well within the context of the original script. It's the Compilation that killed them.
And you're only saying VII haters are FAR more annoying than VII fanboys're a fanboy? That's nice. We don't care how much you love VII and Sephiroth. Take it to the VII section, or ACF.
In closing, I love Kingdom Hearts, as you must've guessed, but I do have complaints, too. For one thing, it's a total button masher, except for KH2FM+ on Critical Mode. Also, though the game's core plot is terrific, the storytelling could be much better.
Agreed. Just swing the keyblade a billion times. Cure once per battle. Maybe. Because usually Donald and Goofy will heal you. And what happens in boss battles? Donald and Goofy get KOed because their AI sucks. Then if you're low on health and MP, you run around the boss in circles dodging their attacks waiting for Donald or Goofy to revive so they can heal you and you can go back to kicking the boss's ass.

Anyway, L, I hope you don't take offense to this. I realize that I get carried away on some of my rants. FF7 Hate is just one of my pet peeves, so I kind of jumped at the chance to defend it. ^_^
All I saw you defending was Sephiroth and Cloud, not even the game as a whole. Plus, nobody here even said they hated VII, Cloud and Sephiroth are just generic-looking characters and have become entirely too whored out by now.
Completely agree about Setzer. I can not stand how they pretty much made him a pansy who needs to bribe a little kind in order to win. I'd rather they had just left him out.

And what was with Vivi's super creepy voice? He's supposed to be a badass black mage anyway.

There was something very wrong with Seifer being much younger than Squall.

And Tifa... why did they make her a psychotic stalker?
Also agreed. But you really can't blame Nomura for this one. After all, he originally didn't want to include any characters he didn't design because he didn't think he'd be able to do them justice. Really, it's the fault of the rest of the team for pressuring him into including Setzer. So...whatever. It still doesn't change the fact that he should've had a much better role.
Could've been better to throw out a few more terms, such as development teams, retards/fanboys/fangirls, etc., but i really couldn't be arsed, see. :wacky:
God forbid she makes other friends. This is where your complaints start to lose credibility, no offense. However, I'm willing to concede that her voice did, in fact, make my ears bleed. Even so, I don't know what's wrong with her interacting with Squall. The two of them were working together to beat the Heartless. I'm thinking she's going to collaborate with him just a bit...
Usually when a character dies, they don't get to walk around and flirt with characters from other game series, y'know.

The problem with her warming up to Squall, is that it destroys part of his character, even if it sucks anyway. But nonetheless, it destroys a part of his character because it's as if Rinoa never even existed. That's a huge point in his history, you know. She was really the motivation for him to complete the story of Final Fantasy VIII, and it's wrong to see that hooker just shove something like that away like it never happened. :wacky:
So...let me get this straight. You'd really want to have Cid swear and chain smoke in a video-game whose primary selling point is the inclusion of such Disney characters as Donald Duck and Mulan?
Although that would be nice, no. Not really. I'd prefer they remove him from the game and replace him with his girlfriend. She'd make a much better character to be put in that position, seeing as she is a rated PG character. :wacky:

Besides, cursing and smoking=/=instant maturity. In fact, if anything, unneccessary chain smoking and swearing is quite immature.
The argument is not about maturity, it's about the destruction of decent characters. If you looked closely enough, the characters were listed as characters that had an unsavory development that I was disappointed in.

Ahem...It's one side quest that takes all of five minutes to complete. Does it somehow seem appropriate that you'd get to fight Sephiroth, the final boss of Final Fantasy VII, early on in the game? Hell, you don't even have to fight either of them. Even so, you can fight Sephiroth as early as half way through the game. You can fight him right after the 1000 Heartless Battle, if you wanted to.
No, no the Sephiroth battle does not take five minutes when you're only level 47. I dare you to try it without using cheats or smashing your controller to pieces. :wacky:

Kefka is off being a shallow, 2-Dimensional villain with next to no depth who kills people for no reason and has absolutely NO motivation whatsoever. Kefka is off being the epitome of "cliche RPG villain" and being worshiped by senseless FF7 haters who can't handle the fact that Sephiroth is a superior villain, even if it is rather close.
I never stated that I hate FFVII. If you must know, I'm a hater of FFVII being whored out. The game was bloody good for the most part itself, but now it's nothing but a pile of rubble.

I'm sorry, which whored out villian appears in almost every game that's got Final Fantasy Cameos and almost always has those gay flames? Sephiroth. Last I ever saw Kefka, he was only in Final Fantasy VI. :monster:

What does Kefka have besides that laugh of his? I mean...don't get me wrong, I love both Kefka and Sephiroth, so don't think that I'm a Kefka Hater. They're both wonderful villains in their own rights. I just don't see how Kefka is any less cliche than Sephiroth. Honestly, if anything, he's more cliche because he doesn't have any sort of motivation. How am I supposed to accept Kefka as being a realistic character if his excuse is "I'm evil because it's FUN! MWEHEHEHE!"

can I lawlfacepalm nao? Also, it was more of a MWGWAHAHAHHAHAHA kind of thing. :wacky:

You mean like Final Fantasy 6? That was originally released on the Super Nintendo,'re kind of killing yourself here. Don't get me wrong, here. FF6 is among my favorite video-games. Locke is awesome and, yes, I even like Kefka. In all fairness, there's no argument here. Setzer was ruined, I agree.
True, true. Forgot that little factor, due to the fact shortly after the production of Final Fantasy VI, they ditched nintendo and grouped up with Sony.

But what I was referencing to were characters that are already shallow, and weren't the least bit interesting. Like Marche from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, for example.

That aside, though, you really do have to remember that these are just cameos. Their personalities were kept in-tact. What more do you want?

NO NOT RLY. :wacky:

Rule 1 for cameos: They have personalities that don't go any deeper than a stereotype.

Cloud is your emo guy, Cid is your soccer dad guy, Yuffie is your random hot chick lady, Aerith is your smelly french whore, Squall is your other emo guy... and so on.

The reason that I do not classify a lot them as Cameos is because they become a part of the game. Normally, a cameo is a character from another game that you fight against and then never see in the game again.

But the Final Fantasy characters are a part of Kingdom Hearts. If they were included in only one game, I think it would be necessary to call them cameos, but when they keep appearing in the game as important characters, they are a part of the story.

I was wondering when someone would catch that reference xD

But that seriously was a faggy scene. His childhood friend who likes him a good deal has grown up into a hot redhead...and he doesn't even so much as hug her, he just latches onto Riku and BAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWW. Like seriously Sora, grow some balls already.

Plus, one thing I always wondered about in KH2: when Sora is let out of his stasis chamber or whatever...he's outgrown his why isn't his hair longer? o_O Inconsistent, much?