The bad things about the Kingdom Hearts series


HA! Say what? He didn't want to include them because they weren't his designs...and if ANYONE here says "well it's hard to translate Amano characters into videogames", NO, it's not. Look at the FFs on the DS. Nomura COULD have easily done that. But no, he decided to make Setzer some piece of shit anime character with bad clothes.
You misunderstood me, VengefulRonin. I wasn't referring to his character designs/the appearances of the characters. I was referring to the personalities of the characters involved. Setzer was quite out of character and was given a small role in the game primarily because Nomura didn't think he'd be able to do him justice. And...well...he couldn't. Would I like to have more oldschool Final Fantasy characters in Kingdom Hearts? Of course. Cecil Harvey and Kain, Golbez, Terra, Locke, Bartz, even Firion would be a refreshing change of pace to me. The problem is Nomura just can't pull it off, and he knows it.

It would be pretty funny though. I actually kinda liked Cid's character, he was a nice counterpoint to Merlin.
Admittedly, you're right. It would be pretty funny, but...impossible, given the game's rating. I'd like it if people were more tolerant of swearing in video-games, but...alas, that's not going to happen anytime soon. So, while I'd like it if Cid could be kept in-character, it's virtually impossible considering the number of soccer moms who are outside Square-Enix HQ in their mini-vans, just waiting for the chance to complain about the Kingdom Hearts series.

I'd rather ask for a talented artist. You know, someone who doesn't just draw the same lackluster characters over and over and change their clothes a little bit and give them different names so we can tell which is which.
Nomura used to be quite talented. His anime-like style was a unique change of pace for the Final Fantasy series at the time. Cloud Strife and Sephiroth were, believe it or not, actually interesting characters at the time of their original conception. Recently, though? Yes, I agree that Nomura is losing his touch. Again, my complaints primarily have to do with the Final Fantasy 7 Compilation. As far as Crisis Core, Dirge of Cirberus, and Advent Children are concerned, you're absolutely right. All of the characters look more like J-Rock stars than RPG characters.

That's what I did, and he beat my ass. Granted, I didn't have the superglide ability so that probably hampered my chances, but whatever. It would have been nice to see some other awesome bosses though, instead of just Sephi and the Coliseum (which, btw, was utter crap in KH2).
I never said that it was easy to beat Sephiroth early on in the game, I said that it was possible. You were complaining about how you have to have this big, climactic battle with Sephiroth at the end of the game, whereas you really don't have to fight him at all if you don't want to. And even if you do fight him, it's not required that you wait until near the end of the game. Hell, Sephiroth has been beaten on Level 1 in Critical Mode.

In any case, as I said earlier, I would also love some oldschool Final Fantasy bosses in Kingdom Hearts, but...I wouldn't want a repeat of Setzer, either.

See the bolded text in your quote? That's where it makes no grammatical sense.
lrn2english. No offense or anything, but that sentence is grammatically correct. I really don't know what you were getting at there...

You see the italicized text in your quote? That's where you're wrong. Kefka DID kill people for a reason and he DID have motivation: he LIKED it. It was FUN for him. It gave him pleasure to see people suffer and to kill them. That's why he is a better villain, he is purely psychotic and evil.
Yes, but that's basically the worst motivation a villain can have. By your logic, all villains should revert back to the way they were in the 1920's, constantly shouting out "I'LL GET YOU IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!" as they adjust their monocles and stroke their mustaches. I'm sorry, but in this day and age, villains need to have decent motivations that make them at least somewhat believable as characters. In real life, nobody is evil for no good reason (and no, "Because it's fun!" isn't a good motivation). Even psychopaths are able to justify their actions in some way. Kefka, however, is just evil, which makes no sense by any logic (except, perhaps, fanboy logic).

And before you say anything, I realize that this is fantasy and doesn't have to follow all of our rules. However, for as long as there has been fiction, authors and video-game designers alike have been trying to replicate human behavior for sake of creating realistic characters that the player can relate to. Why, then, would we want to take a step backwards and revert back to creating 2-Dimensional villains with next to no motivation?

Sephiroth is a moron. So he finds out he was a "monster" because he had Jenova cells along with mako in him. Hmm, well lets see, for being a "monster" he still turned out to be a 1337 warrior with looks to kill. So he's really quite the pussy for throwing a tantrum over it. Any normal person would be like " mom and dad experimented on me...and now I'm the strongest person on the planet...KICKASS!" and then go about exploiting it, not throw a tantrum.
Sephiroth found out that he was a monster in a very literal sense of the word. You seem to be under the impression that superpowers make everything better, which is just not true. The fact that Sephiroth was a "1337 warrior" doesn't make up for the fact that he was, in fact, a monster who was created for the explicit purpose of killing people for Shin-Ra. You have to remember that Sephiroth wasn't in his right mind, and rightfully so. Given the circumstances, any normal person would not have thought it was "KICKASS!" They would be having a serious identity crisis that would probably lead them into insanity...kinda like what happened to Sephiroth.

See, that's what separates Sephiroth from Kefka. Kefka is just a psycho for no good reason. Square really took the easy way out with him, and he came out like they intended: a shallow, 2-Dimensional character with absolutely nothing unique about him. Hell, his most memorable quality is his evil laugh. How cliche is that? Sephiroth is a psycho with an actual reason to be a psycho. He's not the most realistic character I've ever seen. Far from it, in fact, but you have to remember, this was 1997. RPG's were still evolving, so naturally, they're not going to get it spot-on their first try.

And then right in the next sentence you state his motivation... *facepalm*
Yes, but it's a terrible motivation. I can't count the number of times I've seen a villain who is evil "BECAUSE IT'S FUN! KEKEKEKEKE..." That's really all there is to him. How is Sephiroth cliche if Kefka isn't?

Sephiroth wasn't evil, he was an emotionally unstable pussy who babbled on about his "mommy" and the promised land. Yeah, the little twit didn't even finish reading the research. He finds one little bit saying he has Jenova cells and all of a sudden thinks he's a descendant? Pfft, no, he was the son of two HUMANS and just happened to be their guinea pig. Sephiroth sucks.
How, exactly, is Sephiroth a pussy? He may be emotionally unstable, but a pussy he most certainly is not. By the way, he only refers to Jenova as "Mother" once throughout the entire course of Final Fantasy 7 after the Nibelheim Incident. After his refreshing dip in the Lifestream, Sephiroth had come to recognize Jenova as nothing more than a means to an end. Oh, and Sephiroth no longer thinks he's a Cetra once the game begins.

Blah blah blah, are you still going on about the almighty Sephiroth? I could give you a list of things about Kefka, but I think just stating one of them will do:
Almighty? Hardly. It's a lot easier to make a list of things Sephiroth has done than it is to make a list of things Kefka has done. Yes, Kefka's scheme eventually resulted in the creation of the World of Ruin, but he didn't do it through his own power. That was the power of the three statues you saw.

Kefka became a god. Can your omnipotent Sephiroth boast that? No.
Maybe not, but that doesn't mean that he isn't tougher than Kefka. Hell, look at Kingdom Hearts 1. Sora isn't a god, but he was still able to beat Hades, who most certainly is a god. Hell, Sora beat the Rock Titan. The Titans are, according to Greek mythology, stronger than the gods. So I really don't see how that's relevant.

And you're only saying VII haters are FAR more annoying than VII fanboys're a fanboy? That's nice. We don't care how much you love VII and Sephiroth. Take it to the VII section, or ACF.
That's your argument? "You're an FF7 Fanboy?" Nice try, but no. Final Fantasy 7 isn't my favorite RPG, nor is it even my favorite Final Fantasy game. That award goes to Final Fantasy IX. FF7 is tied for second place with (gasp and shock) Final Fantasy 6. By the way, if you'd actually paid attention to my post, you'd see that I don't like how Sephiroth was portrayed in the FF7 Compilation. If I were a blind fanboy, why would I openly admit to disliking his character in recent titles? Take it to the VI Section.

Agreed. Just swing the keyblade a billion times. Cure once per battle. Maybe. Because usually Donald and Goofy will heal you. And what happens in boss battles? Donald and Goofy get KOed because their AI sucks. Then if you're low on health and MP, you run around the boss in circles dodging their attacks waiting for Donald or Goofy to revive so they can heal you and you can go back to kicking the boss's ass.
Yeah, that's true...Though, from what I've seen, Critical Mode on FM+ is much better. In fact, I've heard that it's actually quite challenging. I'll have to get my hands on it to see if it really is any good.

All I saw you defending was Sephiroth and Cloud, not even the game as a whole. Plus, nobody here even said they hated VII, Cloud and Sephiroth are just generic-looking characters and have become entirely too whored out by now.
I defended Sephiroth, Cloud, Aerith, Cid, and (to some extent, though I hate the man's recent work) Tetsuya Nomura. And I never said you hated VII. Cloud and Sephiroth hate, however, generally counts as FF7 Hate. In any case, I, too, believe that the two of them have been entirely too whored. I never denied that. With such titles as Advent Children and Crisis Core, Square-Enix has milked the two of them for all they're worth. However, in the original FF7, they were very good characters. Kingdom Hearts 2 isn't the problem here. The problem is the FF7 Compilation.


Could've been better to throw out a few more terms, such as development teams, retards/fanboys/fangirls, etc., but i really couldn't be arsed, see.

Well...true as that statement is, my point is that Nomura really didn't want to include Setzer. And, given how poorly Setzer's character was handled in KH2, I see his point.

Usually when a character dies, they don't get to walk around and flirt with characters from other game series, y'know.

The problem with her warming up to Squall, is that it destroys part of his character, even if it sucks anyway. But nonetheless, it destroys a part of his character because it's as if Rinoa never even existed. That's a huge point in his history, you know. She was really the motivation for him to complete the story of Final Fantasy VIII, and it's wrong to see that hooker just shove something like that away like it never happened.
Again, ordinarily, I'd agree with you. However, you have to realize that this isn't the Aerith from Final Fantasy 7, nor is it the Squall from Final Fantasy 8. Kingdom Hearts operates under the assumption that all Final Fantasy cameos are nothing more than "Alternate Universe" versions of their original self. In other words, Aerith never died, and, within the context of the Kingdom Hearts universe, Rinoa never did exist (as far as we know).

Although that would be nice, no. Not really. I'd prefer they remove him from the game and replace him with his girlfriend. She'd make a much better character to be put in that position, seeing as she is a rated PG character.
Point taken. Cid really wasn't a PG character, so...I don't know why Square chose him over someone like Shera or perhaps Vincent Valentine. Pretty much anyone else would have been much easier to incorporate into the game.

No, no the Sephiroth battle does not take five minutes when you're only level 47. I dare you to try it without using cheats or smashing your controller to pieces.

I never stated that I hate FFVII. If you must know, I'm a hater of FFVII being whored out. The game was bloody good for the most part itself, but now it's nothing but a pile of rubble.

I'm sorry, which whored out villian appears in almost every game that's got Final Fantasy Cameos and almost always has those gay flames? Sephiroth. Last I ever saw Kefka, he was only in Final Fantasy VI.
Then we're in agreement here. That's pretty much exactly how I feel on the subject. FF7, itself, is a damn good game. The FF7 Compilation, however, is a different story entirely. Yes, Sephiroth has been whored during the past couple of years, and yes, they really need to stop rehashing that "Walking into fire" scene. It was badass the first time, but after that? Ugh...

So I couldn't agree more with you there.

can I lawlfacepalm nao? Also, it was more of a MWGWAHAHAHHAHAHA kind of thing.

I'm sorry, but...Kefka is quite cliche. He's definitely a great villain and was a lot of fun to watch, but there's...really nothing very unique about him. Again, it's not that I don't like Kefka, I just think that he's almost as overrated as Sephiroth himself.

True, true. Forgot that little factor, due to the fact shortly after the production of Final Fantasy VI, they ditched nintendo and grouped up with Sony.

But what I was referencing to were characters that are already shallow, and weren't the least bit interesting. Like Marche from Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, for example.
Oh...right...Tactics Advance. I forgot about that little "gem." Anyway, FF6 and FF4 actually had some pretty damn good characters. Other than that? have to remember, this is the 8-Bit Era we're talking about here.

Cloud is your emo guy, Cid is your soccer dad guy, Yuffie is your random hot chick lady, Aerith is your smelly french whore, Squall is your other emo guy... and so on.
I'm sorry, but I really don't like it when people call Cloud and Squall emos. KH2 Cid and KH2 Aerith you pretty much have right, for the most part. KH2 Cloud and Squall, though? While it's an easy mistake to make, neither of them are really emos. It's a common misconception, though.

The reason that I do not classify a lot them as Cameos is because they become a part of the game. Normally, a cameo is a character from another game that you fight against and then never see in the game again.

But the Final Fantasy characters are a part of Kingdom Hearts. If they were included in only one game, I think it would be necessary to call them cameos, but when they keep appearing in the game as important characters, they are a part of the story.
Well...they're cameos because any other characters would have worked just as well in their places. If I took Cloud and Sephiroth out of the plot and replaced them with Dante and Vergil from DMC (submitting that idea to Square Enix), the subplot still would've worked. While the characters are part of the story, they're not a crucial part of the story. They're replaceable, in other words.
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You know, you remind me of someone on the KH2 Gamefaqs board.
Well...they're cameos because any other characters would have worked just as well in their places. If I took Cloud and Sephiroth out of the plot and replaced them with Dante and Vergil from DMC (submitting that idea to Square Enix), the subplot still would've worked. While the characters are part of the story, they're not a crucial part of the story. They're replaceable, in other words.

The Final Fantasy characters from KHI that were also placed in KHII are not cameos. They do not make brief appearances once or twice in the game, but are they're in Hollow Bastion throughout the game.

Though they play smaller roles, their roles are much bigger than any of the other lesser characters met throughout the entire game. Plus, adding on to the connection with crucial main characters, it puts them above the rank of cameos.
You know, you remind me of someone on the KH2 Gamefaqs board.
Really? Who? I don't think I'm the person you're talking about, but I'd probably be familiar with him.


The Final Fantasy characters from KHI that were also placed in KHII are not cameos. They do not make brief appearances once or twice in the game, but are they're in Hollow Bastion throughout the game.

Though they play smaller roles, their roles are much bigger than any of the other lesser characters met throughout the entire game. Plus, adding on to the connection with crucial main characters, it puts them above the rank of cameos
That's not what I meant. I realize that they do play fairly large roles in the game's respective plots, especially when compared to some of the other minor characters found in the series. They do, indeed, hold quite a bit of importance as far as the core plot of the game is concerned. However, I'm not really talking about how large their roles are. What I mean is that...hmm...this is a bit difficult to explain. I'll try to get my point across as clearly as I can. Forgive me if I cause another misunderstanding.

Just as an example, the Cloud we see in KH2 isn't the Cloud we see in FF7. Though they're similar in appearance, personality, and overall abilities, their backstories and identities are completely different. That's why Cloud doesn't even mention SOLDIER, Shin-Ra, or any of his other acquaintances aside from Tifa, Aerith, and Sephiroth. This is further proven by the fact that Sephiroth refers to himself as a physical manifestation of Cloud's darkness, rather than a separate entity altogether.

Naturally, this means that Aerith had a different backstory, too. As far as we know, she'd never really encountered Sephiroth before. This explains why she's...y'know...alive.
The_Oathkeeper;283869That's not what I meant. I realize that they do play fairly large roles in the game's respective plots said:
is[/I] a bit difficult to explain. I'll try to get my point across as clearly as I can. Forgive me if I cause another misunderstanding.

Just as an example, the Cloud we see in KH2 isn't the Cloud we see in FF7. Though they're similar in appearance, personality, and overall abilities, their backstories and identities are completely different. That's why Cloud doesn't even mention SOLDIER, Shin-Ra, or any of his other acquaintances aside from Tifa, Aerith, and Sephiroth. This is further proven by the fact that Sephiroth refers to himself as a physical manifestation of Cloud's darkness, rather than a separate entity altogether.

Naturally, this means that Aerith had a different backstory, too. As far as we know, she'd never really encountered Sephiroth before. This explains why she's...y'know...alive.

Um...yeah, in other words, you don't understand the difference between a cameo and a main character. Setzer, Selphi, Wakka, Vivi, those guys would be cameos. And I think we're all aware that their backstories were changed, since they all hail from Hollow Bastion, that has nothing to do with their being cameos or not. I don't know what it has to do with ANYTHING, for that matter.
Um...yeah, in other words, you don't understand the difference between a cameo and a main character. Setzer, Selphi, Wakka, Vivi, those guys would be cameos. And I think we're all aware that their backstories were changed, since they all hail from Hollow Bastion, that has nothing to do with their being cameos or not. I don't know what it has to do with ANYTHING, for that matter.
Yes, I am willing to concede that they are a bit more important than cameos. However, that's not what I was getting at. I love how you ignore my point and, instead, nitpick the most insignificant of details in a desperate attempt to look intelligent. My point is that Aerith has a good reason for being alive and for hanging out with Squall, and that reason is that she isn't the Aerith from FF7. I'm not really trying to argue her relevence in the core plot of Kingdom Hearts 2 so much as I am her right to appear in the game.
The thing I hate about it is the fact that it's really recycled and the new things that do get put in or limited which brings on the topic *in my head* about kh2fm.

Apparently there were some other things ppl were thinking about as well. The fact that selling the same game is a big one.. And we add things that they don't add or something like that. But Honestly I wanted to fight ALL Org members in Kh2fm and that game allows you to fight them all regularly then all buffed up to crazyness including Roxas. *So awesome* Even Xemnas is freaking fast buffed and uber pwn ~_~.

The new enemies would be a challange at first but we would want it mainly for the fact you can fight all the Org bosses as many times as you want.. I mean come on everyone likes Xaldin >_> Who wouldn't want to fight the book freak? And Larxene *personal favorite* And the fact that they are harder then sephiroth is a major bonus. Also I would buy it only for the fact you get to fight a knight... Which if you think about it in Khfm you could fight an Org member, but that Org member ended up being the main culprit type person wonder if that principle is the same with the Knight. *Ponders* Oh and I'd like getting my old abilities in KH1 back anyways >_>.
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I've recently discovered I have a strong hate for Kingdom Hearts! :wacky:

I am aware that we have a Kingdom Hearts area, but this is about the series, and there is not a section to discuss the entire series, so as far as I know this is the best place to put it.

I know, I for one hated the fact that Final Fantasy Characters from good games and somewhat interesting personalities were completely destroyed, kudos to Nomura and company. So let's start with my list of bastardized characters that I give two shits about. :monster:

Seifer - Nomura should really be beaten in the head with a bat for this. I mean really, he turned him into a wigger ffs. That's got to be among one of the most degrading things to do to a character, considering the wigger style sucks, and is completely non-existent in Final Fantasy. Also, lawl at how he can't come off this bastardization with the new and upcoming game The World Ends With You.

Setzer - No. Just no. You do not get to be one of the people kick one of the greatest villians of all time's asses and bribe an amateur to lose a fight to you. Absolute bollocks. That, and it's incredibly disturbing to see him beat the crap out of a kid with a dhildo when it's known that he kills people with knives and cards.

Aerith - gtfo and run back to Cloud plz. Also, her voiceover was horrible. Really the only thing I have against her character in KHII is that she's warming up to Squall, which is irritating.

Cid - simply put, whoever composed Cid's KH series character should be shot, yes?

Cid was beyond bastardized. He was completely shattered. I mean, what the hell is with that toothpick and no cursing? Sheeshus Christ. If you're gonna be an ass about killing off all the good characters, at least pick the wussies of the litter.

I find it appalling that the KH series is only whoring out FFVII more than any other characters from other games. Seriously, the FF cast of KHI were

Squall, Yuffie, Aerith, Cloud, Cid, and Sephiroth. Amazing how the majority of those characters are from FFVII, isn't it? It also goes to show that the cast of FFVII blow even more in Kingdom Hearts II by adding Tifa to the game. All we need is Reeves, Barret, and Red XIII, and we'll have the entire cast! Go to hell plz.

Let's not forget that you don't get to fight Sephiroth or Cloud until late in the game, when they are very strong, therefore further hyping the over hyped Final Fantasy VII series once again. (okay, I know Leon[Squall] is in the group, but still, more than half...:wacky:)

Not to mention fighting Cloud with Yuffie, Tifa, and Squall definitely has it's downsides in the Coliseum. Also, Sephiroth is one of the hardest bosses in the game. Where is Kefka?

Kefka > Sephiroth.

Maybe I should take that back. I don't want them to turn Kefka into a pussy.

if they're going to keep using shitty characters, I wish they'd just go and grab characters from the Nintendo Final Fantasies. A lot of the characters that were ruined were really great characters, and it's really disappointing imo. The Setzer thing is probably one of the most annoying things to have ever been added to the Kingdom Hearts series.

And the characters that weren't ruined were characters that already suck because they've been whored out and become clichés of the Final Fantasy series. Namely Cloud and Sephiroth. Bastards.

It annoys me to no end that bastardized characters with ruined images keep getting reused after they've been completely ruined. That way, for the newer generation, people won't even know what the character was originally like, because eventually it will be a royal pain in the ass to get an old game to see what these characters were actually like.

/end fred rantz

At the end of the day, the Final Fantasy characters play a very minor role in the game as a whole. While I agree with pretty much everything you stated, I don't believe that screwing up a few characters makes the game poor...or worth hating.

But yeah, they totally fucked the Final Fantasy characters. Setzer is champion of the foam bat war! Well...until some random punk beat him down. Seifer is a gangstah, self-proclaimed protector of a town with a population of twelve. What a sorry lot...
Sorry. I just don't got a lot of love to spread to that homie.

I cringed when he spoke that line. "Owned those lamers." Ugh...
I don't like the way they tried to create the same impression as they did in the real FF's. They failed miserably.
Meh. They did a pretty good job with Cloud, Squall, Aerith, and Yuffie. But...Seifer, Setzer, and Vivi? Ugh...Why, oh why, didn't Seifer appear in Radiant Garden as Leon's rival? Why wasn't Vivi questioning his existence? Why wasn't Setzer a gambling airship pirate with attitude?

Sorry. I just don't got a lot of love to spread to that homie.
Dawg. That's cold, man. Don't be hatin'. Fazizzle yo wizzle, yo.

...Really. They at LEAST could've made him one of those dancing gangsters from West Side Story.
I didn't get the same impression about Aerith as I did in FF7. She was more vibrant and adventurous. in KH, she's monotonous boring ol' sod.
They were probably using her persona from AFTER her death in Final Fantasy 7 (foolish, I know, but what're you going to do?). Remember, when we see her in Advent Children, she's acting pretty monotonous, herself.
She doesn't get much screen action on Advent Children. Most people would expect her person to be based on FF7 original.

Oh well, Tifa was ruined, that's for sure. She was more of a delicate and understanding sort of person.
You've got me there. Tifa just...wasn't Tifa. She's always been concerned about Cloud, but she was never a creepy stalker who feels the need to refer to herself as "his light."

Aerith, though...I blame her voice actor, primarily. A lot of her lines (meaning the lines themselves) don't imply monotony or boredom. It's that lazy VA of hers that makes her sound like that.
The VA for KH1 was done by a singer. That's why it was pretty good. This one...just does not know how to delve into the character's mind and act as she would on screen.

And aye, Tifa has never been referred as Cloud's light. I don't see why she was added to KH2 other being Cloud's light. Aerith could have been that light...
I just don't think Aerith's KH2 VA knows how a voice actor. She can't do fundamental emotion, which is pretty much the most important part of the job. I really have no idea why they would change her voice actor. The KH1 VA did a pretty good job. And...don't they audition these people? What on Earth possessed them to think that a monotonous voice suited Aerith...or ANY character in the game, for that matter?

As for Tifa...meh, she's a stalker and barely constitutes as a plot device. That's all there is to it. I don't so much mind that they changed her role, but...what sense does it make that she would be Cloud's light? I can understand her being his girlfriend or something, but...
Dawg. That's cold, man. Don't be hatin'. Fazizzle yo wizzle, yo.

...Really. They at LEAST could've made him one of those dancing gangsters from West Side Story.

I lol'd :pikamon:

You've got me there. Tifa just...wasn't Tifa. She's always been concerned about Cloud, but she was never a creepy stalker who feels the need to refer to herself as "his light."

It just further proves that SE is doing everything for the fanboys/girls now. Tifa wasn't the badass bitch blowing Cloud in VII that you see in fanfics, Nomura just elaborated on the AC Tifa for KH2.