The bad things about the Kingdom Hearts series

Lemme just say one thing, right?

You say Aerith is supposed to be dead. Kingdom Hearts is an alternate universe to the Final Fantasy series.

Consider that.
although i really enjoyed KH2 there are a few things i hated too
1. Why were any characters from ff10 or X-2 small kids or faries except 4 auron :S
2. why were charachters from different final fantasies together wen they were supposed to be from different worlds and universes:s why not have different ff world that could be visited instead of hollow bastion where merlin was :S
3. why was KH2 really easy you practical;ly just needed to press triangle, and then KH1 was really really hard compared to it
4. why did certain worlds have characters that didnt belong there :S eg;
-cloud=olympus colloseum
5. why was the gummi ship system in KH1 so crap and the KH2 was much more better
6. what was going on with seifer, setzer and vivi
7. areith is dead, but if she alive because its a different universe then how are people from completely different worlds and universes in the sama place :S

Kh really did have some werid things that when you think about it doesnt make sense compared to Final Fantasy
The VA for KH1 was done by a singer. That's why it was pretty good. This one...just does not know how to delve into the character's mind and act as she would on screen.

AMAZINGLY, Mena Suvari (She did Aerith's VA in KHII) does not sound like some whore that's jacked up on some kind of drug. Saw a zombie movie courtesy of VR some few months/weeks ago, and she can actually sound like a perfectly normal person.

Ugh, that voice she did for aerith could break glass, I'm surprised she didn't fuck up Crisis Core's English trailers with it. :s

And aye, Tifa has never been referred as Cloud's light. I don't see why she was added to KH2 other being Cloud's light. Aerith could have been that light...

When viewing the credits of Kingdom Hearts, that also makes that seem like bollockery, as Cloud was looking for his 'light' in KHI. Whilst the credits are rolling, there's like a nostalgic kind of scene between Cloud and Aerith, making it seem like she's his 'light'. No-one would think it's incorrect to assume, really.

You say Aerith is supposed to be dead. Kingdom Hearts is an alternate universe to the Final Fantasy series.

Consider that.
Seifer and Squall's scars.

G'day. :neomon:

I never played Kingdom Hearts, and I never will. So don't take me too seriously. Don't try to evangalize me by telling me how wrong I am, because I probly won't even be back on this forum.

First of all, I don't like the Disney characters. I'm sorry . . . I just don't. Mabey I would have in 7th grade, but no.

The fact they mix characters from diffrent games probly isn't too good. Most of the time, it seems to have nothing to do with LIFE AFTER the previous Final Fanatsy games. Like . . . doesn't Aerith die? Didn't Tidus fade? Is Kingdom Hearts in the Farplane or something? That would make logical sence with the fact Disney Characters being cool was like 50 years ago.

I heard It's just all mixed up . . . I don't know, I hate things that are in-correct. Mabey if you started to play with NO expectations, it would be a better game. Yet I wouldn't be able to get Final Fantasy out of my head . . .
KourtneyVT09 said:
I heard It's just all mixed up . . . I don't know, I hate things that are in-correct.

Same. Incorrect spelling and improper use of hyphens can be a pain.

I try not to think about events that took place in Final Fantasy games while playing Kingdom Hearts. After all, Kingdom Hearts is a different game/series. Aeris died in Final Fantasy VII? Good for her. I'm playing Kingdom Hearts now.

What's with the bold? Oh, well.
although i really enjoyed KH2 there are a few things i hated too
1. Why were any characters from ff10 or X-2 small kids or faries except 4 auron :S
2. why were charachters from different final fantasies together wen they were supposed to be from different worlds and universes:s why not have different ff world that could be visited instead of hollow bastion where merlin was :S
3. why was KH2 really easy you practical;ly just needed to press triangle, and then KH1 was really really hard compared to it
4. why did certain worlds have characters that didnt belong there :S eg;
-cloud=olympus colloseum
5. why was the gummi ship system in KH1 so crap and the KH2 was much more better
6. what was going on with seifer, setzer and vivi
7. areith is dead, but if she alive because its a different universe then how are people from completely different worlds and universes in the sama place :S

Kh really did have some werid things that when you think about it doesnt make sense compared to Final Fantasy
I'll ignore the silly closed-off questions you've asked and simply address one, which relates to this whoppingly obvious statement I'm going to make.

Despite being developed by Square-Enix and Disney, the entire concept of Kingdom Hearts is new. The characters whom we have seen before are simply cameo appearances. They're there to add a bit of flavour into the game and story - removing such characters, all of them, actually has little direct affect on the story of Kingdom Hearts. As an example, removing Agrabah does little to the rest of the story - it simply makes the game shorter. While the rest of the story might be made inconsistent, you'll see that it doesn't affect what goes on in Hollow Bastion, really, minus Jasmine's input.
although i really enjoyed KH2 there are a few things i hated too
1. Why were any characters from ff10 or X-2 small kids or faries except 4 auron :S
I don't have a good answer for that one. Kingdom Hearts II is a different game than Final Fantasy X or X-2; therefore, some of the characters may be a tad different.
vincent said:
2. why were charachters from different final fantasies together wen they were supposed to be from different worlds and universes:s why not have different ff world that could be visited instead of hollow bastion where merlin was :S
I'd prefer being able to visit each character in their respective world, but again, Kingdom Hearts II is its own game. The Final Fantasy characters orginate from Hollow Bastion in Kingdom Hearts--not Zanarkand or Midgar.
vincent said:
3. why was KH2 really easy you practical;ly just needed to press triangle, and then KH1 was really really hard compared to it
I guess Square Enix didn't feel like challenging us with this one. I suppose some may consider the game to be difficult.
vincent said:
4. why did certain worlds have characters that didnt belong there :S eg;
-cloud=olympus colloseum
In Cloud's case, he was hired muscle by Hades. In Auron's case, he was a prisoner to Hades' Underworld, also utilized by Hades as means of ridding himself of Hercules. In Kingdom Hearts, the characters aren't misplaced.
vincent said:
5. why was the gummi ship system in KH1 so crap and the KH2 was much more better
Kingdom Hearts was the first game in the series. It's only natural that the sequel would see various improvements in certain areas.
vincent said:
6. what was going on with seifer, setzer and vivi
Seifer was head of Twilight Town's "disciplinary committee" in Kingdom Hearts II. Vivi is part of his gang. Setzer just fights little kids with a foam bat. Insignificant characters, really.
vincent said:
7. areith is dead, but if she alive because its a different universe then how are people from completely different worlds and universes in the sama place :S
She's alive because it's a different game--not because it's a different universe.
When a family member walks into the room while your singing along with the Little Mermaid.

Cringe-worthiness doubled if anyone mentions 'finny-fun'.
When a family member walks into the room while your singing along with the Little Mermaid.

Cringe-worthiness doubled if anyone mentions 'finny-fun'.

Hahaha that has to be the worst thing ever, I hate that stupid bloody song....

The camera angles peck my head more than I care to mention

Having to repeatedly watch scenes multiple times when you die (I'm looking at YOU Riku....) thank the lord that you can skip scenes in KH2 because I'd be at my wits end by now and I'd quite probably know every line off by heart now

I just wanted to flick Yuna Paine and Rikku...I hated those 3

Winnie the Pooh -__-
Omg in the first one.....what a pile of piffle, I gave up after trying to get Pooh Bear up that stupid tree with the bees..I hate having to balance on stupid branches and swat bee's away, especially with that crappy camera angle yet again -__-

Getting ridiculously lost in every maze like world. Just no need

Having to visit them all twice in KH2. WHY?! Just leave me alone

The stupid pirates that you can only damage in the moonlight....they really did my head in. That was WAY to infuriating for words -_-

Hollow Bastion. Nuff said

The Disney Characters. I mean...okay, they're part of the main cast, but why did they have to pick two of the most annoying Disney characters in existence? Between Donald's voice and Goofy's retarded laugh, I cringed everytime I heard them talk.

The Winnie The Pooh thing. I thought it was extremely lame, but I guess people might have liked the mini-games. :/

The overall cheesiness of the entire game. I would have liked it better if KH was a bit more mature, rather than having it seem as though the game were aimed at nine-year-olds (and even THEY would have thought it was cheesy, seriously...).

The little sing-a-long thing at Atlantis. I hated that part of the game...especially since I have horrible hand-eye coordination and it took me like fifteen tries to get anything remotely good in the way of scoring.

Those were my little "pet peeves" of the game. I liked the game overall, though. But there's always a few things that annoy you when playing a game, that's just how it is. xP
Y'know I don't think Kingdom Hearts is aimed at people of our age group :O
Little Mermaid
Winnie the Pooh


A game designed for the younger gamers!? To possibly draw them to the FF Series when they grow older? A company trying something new? BLASPHEMY!

Squareenix are only allowed to make games for me! >=(
I didnt find too many things wrong wit the game truly beside Atlantica but other than that it was completely normal and fun
the only thing i dont like is the fact that they used to many cliched characters...where are the ones you dont see like Yuna, Kimahri, Zack, Gilgamesh

Wakka and tidus can gtfo!
heh im really hoping that they add zack into birth by sleep :) it would be really awesome if they did :DD
I hated the fact that they completely ruined Seifer! He went from being a badass dude to some cranky teenage kid with a stupid hat!
i hated the ultra-kiddie parts of the series, namely Winnie the Pooh and the Atlantica sing-along crap.

i get that the entire focus is on Disney worlds and characters, and for some of them, thats great and the influx of action and sword weilding violence goes well with it, but somethings are just too kiddy-based for T rated game.
i hated the ultra-kiddie parts of the series, namely Winnie the Pooh and the Atlantica sing-along crap.

i get that the entire focus is on Disney worlds and characters, and for some of them, thats great and the influx of action and sword weilding violence goes well with it, but somethings are just too kiddy-based for T rated game.

yeah but still, how could you make whinnie a T rated are :P
i admit it is rather childish, but still, some people will have enjoyed it.
yeah but still, how could you make whinnie a T rated are :P
i admit it is rather childish, but still, some people will have enjoyed it.

lol, you have a point, but i wasnt suggesting that Whinnie gets a T rated area, but maybe a part where you actually battle some heartless/nobodies. Whinnie could be a sorta tag-along character that helps you with the battle but doesnt battle Super Mario World, how Peach is in the Clown thing but still helps you out with items and stuff when you fight Bowser(horrible analogy, but its was all i could think of).

Atlantica as well, they could have kept the musical but included a set up like they did for KH1. it would have subtracted from the childishness of the worlds, and added something more action focused for the people who play KH that older than 10.
lol, you have a point, but i wasnt suggesting that Whinnie gets a T rated area, but maybe a part where you actually battle some heartless/nobodies. Whinnie could be a sorta tag-along character that helps you with the battle but doesnt battle Super Mario World, how Peach is in the Clown thing but still helps you out with items and stuff when you fight Bowser(horrible analogy, but its was all i could think of).

Atlantica as well, they could have kept the musical but included a set up like they did for KH1. it would have subtracted from the childishness of the worlds, and added something more action focused for the people who play KH that older than 10.
I see what your getting at.
Yeah i agree, some heartless in 100 acre woods would have been sweet. Im pretty sure they had some in KH1, atlantica, the musical reminded me of a dumbed down version of guitar hero : /