FF Music the best ff song like ever

This brings me neatly round to my next point. Where is the best place to get hold of soundtracks? So far as i have seen, they are like gold dust; readily available in the right market but thoroughly expensive. Any thoughts?

Download them like evil haxorz do :wacky:

Yar :P
This brings me neatly round to my next point. Where is the best place to get hold of soundtracks? So far as i have seen, they are like gold dust; readily available in the right market but thoroughly expensive. Any thoughts?

I imagine they can be downloaded from certain places, though I'm not too knowledgeable in that area.

As for physical copies, I got my FF soundtracks at anime conventions where they were being sold, and from playasia.com - they can be pretty pricey (especially if buying online if shipping charges come into play), though OSTs are often well worth it as you're getting 4 CDs for your money.
My favorite Final Fantasy music is the Dancing Mad music from VI. I am not sure if Kefka's music is a Dancing Mad version, but it is my favorite out of the final battle music.

Oh, and Decisive Battle from VI. It is THE song to get into battle with. It gets me pumped, actually. It makes me WANT to fight the battle that much more. ^^
This brings me neatly round to my next point. Where is the best place to get hold of soundtracks? So far as i have seen, they are like gold dust; readily available in the right market but thoroughly expensive. Any thoughts?

Try a torrent.

Theres a good one out there if you search for "FF USC torrent", and see what comes up.

It's pretty big, and you can pick and choose what you want. Contains all soundtracks from 1-10 and possibly a bit more, and also involved most other FF media albums: Rare albums, edits, mixes, songs cut from the original games.

It's a great torrent.

If you want to buy... Then prepare to part with a large portion of your money. A single cd could cost a lot on the internet at the moment.
I have a few to name, I like all FF Music but these are the ones that stoof out to me...
One Winged Angel (any version, The Black Mages version is the best for me though)
Besaid Theme, it's very soothing :)
Hymn Of The Faith, So addicting :P
Eyes On Me, just pure aweomeness
The Symphonic Poem "Hope". And the full one, with the 'Romance' movement like in the credits, not the cut version on the OST.

The cut version made me sad, because 'Romance' is my second favorite part to the thing, behind 'March of a Wise Man'. :(
Download them like evil haxorz do :wacky:
This brings me neatly round to my next point. Where is the best place to get hold of soundtracks? So far as i have seen, they are like gold dust; readily available in the right market but thoroughly expensive. Any thoughts?
Olol not really, I know a lot of websites you can get those 'relics' for free, here is a tip: Ask to Google. ;))

As for physical copies, I got my FF soundtracks at anime conventions where they were being sold, and from playasia.com - they can be pretty pricey (especially if buying online if shipping charges come into play), though OSTs are often well worth it as you're getting 4 CDs for your money.
I wouldn't buy them online, when I can download them for free, but thats just me and millions of people.

Try a torrent.
I don't use Torrent and I can get ahold of all the OST's and those remixes + Black Mages etc...
That reminds me I got DISSIDIA OST on the day it was released on JP. :P

I also like the 10000 Words its a great song. I just wish they included some Black Mages' remix, they are far more better than the original ones.
Yea, thanks a lot for the advice folks. Not going to download them, i want a physical copy, i'm a bit of a collector when it comes to music, especially rare music.
Well that's really good actually :)
I for once don't support Piracy at all and try to wait untill i get my hands on money to buy a music album/videogame ... but sometimes they cost way too much and plus if you really need it you just can try downloading it and then buy the original ;)

Got a little :offtopic: here but what the heck... :gasp:
I wouldn't buy them online, when I can download them for free, but thats just me and millions of people.

Well as you can see, some people like the person who asked the original question and myself prefer to get a physical copy sometimes of music. If you want to download that's perfectly fine, but that doesn't mean all of us necessarily will want to (I do download sometimes, it depends). It may cost more but the OSTs especially are pretty good value for money. I got the OSTs for FFVII, FFVIII and FFIX for just under £30 each, which works out as £7-8 per CD (as each soundtrack has 4 CDs), which is pretty good actually. The single CD soundtracks are pricier though I admit.

I don't really care for the sneering tone of your comment. And frankly I don't care how many 'millions of people' download for free, doesn't mean it's any better or worse than buying the music.
but sometimes they cost way too much and plus if you really need it you just can try downloading it and then buy the original ;)
Yup thats correct.

I don't really care for the sneering tone of your comment. And frankly I don't care how many 'millions of people' download for free, doesn't mean it's any better or worse than buying the music.
Well then downloading stuff for free from the PS3 is BAD!? If was that bad they wouldn't allow it. And to make you feel better, I have the VII/VIII/X OST. If I found the rest, I would buy it as well, but seeing I can't I resort to other methods, and I don't support it, otherwise I would distribute it, Sell it, etc. I download them for my own use and because I take interest on the Albums.

Oh and it would be nice If I could find the albums of FFI/II/IV/V etc.. in the first place.

As for downloading DISSIDIA I couldn't resist waiting half-year for the OST. :P
I wasn't having a go at you for downloading the albums, I did stress that however people choose to get their music is fine. I agree that when they're impossible to find etc then downloading is the obvious option, and a very welcome one.

That would have to be "find you way" during Ifrits cave and Sentra ruin
It's beautiful. I think a song from Alicia Keys kinda sounded like it too.

That's been my favorite FF song ever since I played FFVIII when it came out.

So that takes the win in my book.

i find Waltz for the moon very nice...weird i know but...i like it...and the the Theme of Cid

seriously it depends on my mood

but there are the un-deniables

aeriths theme, to zanarkand, eyes on me, waltz for the moon, final fantasy VII main theme

and of course the FF theme (I want that song at my graduation)
Ha ha. I love how this thread is still going and it was pretty much Torbo's only contribution to this forum after I told him about it :awesome:

Anyway I've been listening a lot to the Bran Bal theme tune from FF9 lately. I didn't notice it much while I played the game but now I really love it. I also like Terra planet theme as well for similar reasons.

I wouldn't say they are my favourite though and would probably still hold Terra's Theme (FF6), You're Not Alone, Cid's theme and Gilgamesh' theme higher.
Hmm... My favorites are probably Man with the Machine Gun, Gilgamesh Theme, You're Not Alone, and Don't Be Afraid.