The Best Final Fantasy?


Jun 30, 2007
North Wales
There has been people who have started threads saying they hate this game. I have to say I strongly disagree! In fact it may be my favourite Final Fantasy. The story isn't depressing and sad, I can really warm to the characters and I adore the battle system! Does anyone agree with me?
i have to disagree, im sorry

but its just that the story was too short and the characters were not that appealing to me

this is actually my least favorite of the final fantasy series

I've confessed it before, but I'll say it again, FFXII is my favorite. I don't think the story was short at all, in fact it times in as way longer than most other games (not just FF's, either).
i ve gotta disagree i found this game.....well the right word is ''dull''
the characters the storyline the battle system all very dull it just didnt appeal to me at all. There were a few plusses the graphics were amazing and there was plenty of places to explore.
Ive only played through the game once at some point im gonna play it again and see how it fairs on a re-run.
im playing it for a second time now..first time i didn't do much sidequests or hunts just enough to complete it. This time im gonna perfect it>_<
I found this to be my favorite now also. I'm on my second play through and I'm using different characters as my main party and different weapons to mix things up. The game is defiantly pretty hard early on I've found myself grinding a lot in areas just before a hard battle now that I know what's to come. The characters don't have much of a background but that's fine with me. I'd rather play the game then listen to some sappy story as to why your life sucks right now.

I love the voice acting all the different accents, the characters are all great, Balthier, Fran, Ashe, and the story with Bashe.

Also for once this game has hours upon hours of side quests that are actually worth doing and are challenging. All of the hunts and rare game side quests and getting the hidden espers is a fun hard challenge.
It's all a matter of opinion, but I guess this could be considered one of the best if not the best if people fully understand the game.

You can't just play a game and skip every line that's being said, not get any of the references, or misunderstand the characters and call it a great game. We'll never determine what the "Best" FF game is, but we all have our biases and preferences.
I'm really enjoying this FF, currently 150 hours in (training to defeat the Yiazmat), this has been the most fun FF to play and most rewarding in my opinion, the only let down for me was the lack of the trademark FF humour and atmosphere, the story was ok, it was suspiciously similar to Star Wars A New Hope.....10/10;)
Difficulty level and lots parts of the battle system were great but I'm disappointed in the game story-wise. Way too less cutscenes and not enough background info on some matters. And that with such great characters, square had a trump card in this game with characters like those but didnt play it out in this game.
Its not the worst, but its certainly not the best. Lack of cut scenes and character development are my problems with this game. It could have been better, but Ive played much, much worse.
It's not my favourite F.F., but it is my 2nd favourite! Really, this was something of a surprise for me, I didn't expect it to be nearly as good as it was, shame on me to doubt Matsuno. I for one liked the telling of the story, it's notlacking or under-developed in the way that some people would say, it just focuses on events and broader populations/movements rather than characters and individuals, it's not everyone's cup of tea but I enjoyed it. It was a better storyline than Vagrant Story's, but that game still rocked like a mo' fo'. The gameplay, quests and the vast world available are what really do it for me though, none of the ones I've played have matched it, I just like IX better for....I s'ppose X-Factor for want of a definite reason.
Its currently my second favorite. But my favorites change according to what I'm currently playing. Like right now I'm playing FFIX through for the second time. So thats my favorite right now. But I truly love this game. I will be going through it a second time and look forward to doing it all again.

The MAIN reason I liked this game, (which is also the main reason alot people hate this game) is because its different than all the other FF's. I like that. Most FF fans don't. They prefer to have very similar set-ups. As far as the story.. meh it could have been better. :P
Yep, this is my favourite FF... and the story isnt too short... this is a "Life Friendly" game... where its good for people with lives in real life. I mean I cant dedicate my entire time to finish a game... FFXII was long enough, with lots to do after finishing the storyline...
I would have to disagree at this point of time because I have been bored with the game on and off for quite a while. I am no where near finished completing the game but I just don't have any interest in beating the game right now, I started replaying VIII again because I prefer playing that. I am not too fond of the battle system, it took me quite a while to get used to it, I prefer the old school battle systems. I like the characters but the storyline doesn't really captivate me all that much. There are too many caves and stuff and it tends to bore me.

I need to start playing it again sometime but.. I never feel like it. >_<
The story...ugh.

Otherwise, Final Fantasy XII was a solid game. Half of why I play the Final Fantasy titles is for story. The developers gave us an awesome world with diverse designs and a great battle system. But at the end of the game; I felt indifferent about it ending. With my favorite games; I usually feel a little melancholy that the playing time came and passed. However, that wasn't the case with XII; I was indifferent.

Baltheir was only my real reason for playing. His charisma, attitude and ways of expression kept me playing until the bitter end. Very few characters in XII held my interest. The battles featuring judges really excited me though.

Ashe's quest made me yawn and I kept playing to see the credits roll. The gambit system was a nice change and the weather changes of Ivalice made the journeying experience more versatile.

All in all, it was a good game. Ivalice had a nice world and exploring it was tedious but fun.

But the story...ugh.
I don't see why nobody likes the story. I suppose it's better in some FFs but I didn't think this one was that bad. I do admit that the end cutscene could've been better.
Believe it or not Reddas, people are intitled to their opinions. I agree that the story was a but meh, but none the less Im still enjoying the game.
Damn, there are too many of these threads that I don't know if I posted my views in this one or not, and I'm too tired to even check. Some people are probably more than aware of my views on this game but as I mentioned, I am too tired to even go into detail on this so I'll just say I was left less than impressed and leave it at that.