The Best Version

Are you sure about graphic updates? The game doesn't run as smoothly as it did on the SNES. And the background in some parts, such as the background of Vector in the opening sequence, is missing.

huh? I noticed some of the graphic updates O.O and It depends on the consol/game on whether it runs smoothly...unless you mean that phrase in another way. I didn't really notice parts missing in the background, but it's better than the SNES version in my opinion. I like the whole old school feel every now and then but I prefer the GBA version. Think it's a very well done remake, and the new goodies they added makes it even more enjoyable. I didn't notice the new Esps until it was just brought up :hmmm:...
Are you sure about graphic updates? The game doesn't run as smoothly as it did on the SNES. And the background in some parts, such as the background of Vector in the opening sequence, is missing.

I don't think that's quite normal for your game then. My GBA copy has updated graphics, not different, but smoother and clearer. The music isn't as loud as the Snes gave, but the game is generally better looking and all the bugs have been fixed:

Video of Snes FF6.
Video of GBA FF6.

There is a slight graphical update. ^,^

You didn't? They now have Leviathan, Diablos and Catur (?). Diablos looks awesome! :gasp:
Well I didn't get too far into the GBA version so I really didn't get a chance to notice the new espers, and as for the graphics to me at least it looked basically the same. All in all I will honestly play any version because this game is a really awesome game. :jess:
The graphics are the same, they have be re-rendered and smoothed out. You can see the individual colors better and the outline of their sprited forms. ^,^

You should get Diablos. He is the best, next to Alexander of course.
The graphics are the same, they have be re-rendered and smoothed out. You can see the individual colors better and the outline of their sprited forms. ^,^

You should get Diablos. He is the best, next to Alexander of course.

I never noticed Alexander being so usefull. Generally I never summon. What does he do?
I never noticed Alexander being so usefull. Generally I never summon. What does he do?
Holy magic damage. He uses Judgment and a massive beam of light comes down and destroys the enemies. :> Plus, he teaches you Pearl and Shell.

If you think about it, summons in FF games weren't very useful anyways, except in X.
Oh, you will love him! His sprite form has to be the most badass sprite ever created for summons/espers/ect, next to my Alexy of course *goo-goo eyes*

If you need help getting him, you could always ask me. I would love to help.
I ran it on a SNES, annoyed at the whole "Final Fantasy III" title page thing, but controls were fluent, gameplay was smooth and it's on the SNES XD I've played half of the GBA version, never really got that far or noticed many aesthetic differences that Discordius didn't already comment on. I've only played the PS1 port of FFV, which I never got all the way through again, as I borrowed it from a friend. I guess it would mainly just depend on what systems you have access too.
can't be arsed creating a new thread, so just gunna bump this one

I'm led to believe there are scenes cut from the SNES version, I've head it brought up before but not really thought about it, are they cut in the PS1, GBA or both of these versions? Namely Celes' suicide attempt. My mind is really fuzzy on that scene, all i remember from the PS version was the beach and the seagull, and trying to keep Cid alive. I'd hunt it down on the snes, but its unreliable in its twilight years now, though im gunna have a look on the wii shopping channel or get myself the GBA version as I never want to play the PS version again, it was horrendously slow.

Can someone shed some light on this for me pleeeease :)
The suicide attempt is in all of the versions. No scenes that I am aware of have been removed from the game (I have even went about hacking the game code and seeing if there was, and so has many others I believe), but dialogue changes, some bugs were fixed (mainly stuff that is considered "cheating"). None of the translations, unless fan-patched, has some of the supposed lines of curse words (like Kefka calling Celes a "bitch" in the Japanese version). I have played all the versions of FFVI released so far and the only differences I noticed between them all is;

  • Translations (GBA version is the most accurate translation, and makes some of the sillier parts of FFVI*SNES/PS1 version* understandable. For example, when you meet Sabin.)
  • Bugs. There were various bugs in the older games. One that stood out among them that I can recall the best is the Daryl bug; die in her tomb a couple times and receive a very glitched game that makes Terra a friggin' god. Infinite items, even if you didn't have them and so on.
  • Smoother graphics for the GBA version. Just look here in this thread for what I mean.
  • Speed, sound, music and effects is different for each as well. PS1 version is slower than both SNES and GBA, but has a crisper sound (some say). SNES has the best sound of them all, lower graphics and the worst set of translations (Ted Woolsey just started then). GBA has new features, better looking graphics/effects, not so much of a better sound, is faster, a better saving memory, accurate translations and more.
  • The sound is different to a lot of fans in the GBA version. Some say worse, others say clearer.
  • The GBA version has some new dungeons, Espers, weapons etc etc with a music player and bestiary.
  • No version has some scenes over the other. They remain the same, though again, dialogue might change in certain places.
  • And prices, of course! SNES and PS1 versions of the game has become quite expensive.
Ive already got it on PS1 but I refuse to play it again because of how slow it is lol

I'll see what's available on the Wii shopping channel, if there's nowt there, I'll just ebay the GBA version :) Saves me pissing about with my SNES as well lol.
I understand. It especially gets really slow after it has sustain some scratches or smears. Then it takes a really long time to load, especially when going into a town or cave.

I forgot to add that a torture scene was removed from all the FFVIA releases, not just the localized versions. It involved Celes and something about CERO, and not wanting to display violence on a restrained person.

Example. Original version;

Watch from 10:40 onward.

New version;

Watch from 1:00 to 1:34.

It takes out him punching/torturing her and skips it, trying to let it imply what happened with her fainting. It looks ridiculous now. It sucks, but it isn't too much of a big change.
Have you played the psn version of the game? I was wondering if that was just the same as the ps1 version or more like the GBA version. Since my old DS broke I haven't been able to play my beloved GBA version. I really hope it gets a remake since the games a pain to squint at on the dark GBA screen :(
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Me? I've played it once through, when it came out, but my PSP is dead now (turns off randomly). I'm sure it is a port of PS1 version of the game. Aren't the other Final Fantasy PSN games just ports? Or did FF7 go through changes? :hmm:

I'll see if I can find anything about it. I don't recall any changes. It felt like I was playing the PS1 version, but faster.
Have you played the psn version of the game? I was wondering if that was just the same as the ps1 version or more like the GBA version. Since my old DS broke I haven't been able to play my beloved GBA version. I really hope it gets a remake since the games a pain to squint at on the dar GBA screen :(

On the PSN version it is the PS1 version, any PSone classics on the PSN are straight imports of PSone games, nothing changes from them (y)
Aw well I guess I'll have to buy a used DS lite or something :hmmm: I wouldn't like to know I'm missing out on the extra dungeons and magicite. So it's either that or keep hope of a possible remake. Thanks guys. ^_^
Dude! The GBA music is horrendous! If you value the music as much as I do FF VI advance is not for you. It may have some extra content but to be honest its not worth it. FF VI is already packed with numerous sidequests, those that were added are almost obsolete, they are not even that hard after you do everything else because you are beyond overpowered. The PSN version has no slowdown! It keeps the original script(not the best) but it is completely uncensored. And it has a cool art gallery and some neat FMVs.

If you are looking for an original perfected experience go for the PSN version. The music in GBA is so horrendous that the only way I can play that version is in my psp through emulation with a patched ROM that restorates atleast 70% of the original music quality.
Dude! The GBA music is horrendous! If you value the music as much as I do FF VI advance is not for you. It may have some extra content but to be honest its not worth it. FF VI is already packed with numerous sidequests, those that were added are almost obsolete, they are not even that hard after you do everything else because you are beyond overpowered. The PSN version has no slowdown! It keeps the original script(not the best) but it is completely uncensored. And it has a cool art gallery and some neat FMVs.

If you are looking for an original perfected experience go for the PSN version. The music in GBA is so horrendous that the only way I can play that version is in my psp through emulation with a patched ROM that restorates atleast 70% of the original music quality.

How is it horrendous? What's the difference exactly? Don't they play and use the same scores from the original? While it's true that this FF has one of the most memorable OSTs for me, I'm not really sure if I'd know if there was a difference unless I was told exactly what it was. >.> I don't really know anything about the PS slowdown issue... As for the sidequests N what not I'm sure I could do without them, but after experiencing them already along with the improved script there's this haunting feeling that I might be let down if I go back. xD That's why there's hesitation for me to buy that one.