The Best Version

How is it horrendous? What's the difference exactly? Don't they play and use the same scores from the original? While it's true that this FF has one of the most memorable OSTs for me, I'm not really sure if I'd know if there was a difference unless I was told exactly what it was. >.> I don't really know anything about the PS slowdown issue... As for the sidequests N what not I'm sure I could do without them, but after experiencing them already along with the improved script there's this haunting feeling that I might be let down if I go back. xD That's why there's hesitation for me to buy that one.

Alright Perhaps a little demonstration! - DO you really wanna listen to that rather than -
Also to be hones when I first played the game I used a translated Japanese version and I have played FF VI advance too but with this
- The Script has so to speak a little better english but it doesnt make much difference, besides the gba version has unecessary censorship and the PSN version is as fast and cleaner than the GBA.

Also, the new content added in FF6 advance isnt that great, it actually makes the game a whole lot easier with the new espers and stuff. Its just 1 dungeon with the same old bosses and Kaiser Dragon/Omega Weapon, bosses that are obsolete with the amount of power you can get with the Advance version. But do as you like but please take a look at the videos!
So the PSN takes away the slowdown? Thats brilliant! Does it have the GBA script? or SNES?

It was fast to me, but like I said, I only played it once through. :( And PS1 script. Straight port.

Dude! The GBA music is horrendous! If you value the music as much as I do FF VI advance is not for you. It may have some extra content but to be honest its not worth it. FF VI is already packed with numerous sidequests, those that were added are almost obsolete, they are not even that hard after you do everything else because you are beyond overpowered. The PSN version has no slowdown! It keeps the original script(not the best) but it is completely uncensored. And it has a cool art gallery and some neat FMVs.

If you are looking for an original perfected experience go for the PSN version. The music in GBA is so horrendous that the only way I can play that version is in my psp through emulation with a patched ROM that restorates atleast 70% of the original music quality.

Horrendous? I wouldn't use that term. It is a bit too strong. Isn't it the speakers for the GBA that is the problem? I remember playing it in a DS and thought it sounded a lot better than in a GBA. :hmmm:

- The Script has so to speak a little better english but it doesnt make much difference, besides the gba version has unecessary censorship and the PSN version is as fast and cleaner than the GBA.

I would like to kindly disagree. The differences between GBA and SNES/PS1's script is very big. A lot of the dialogue has been improved and or changed. Parts that made little to no sense (biggest being Sabin's appearance) is fixed. So I wouldn't say it "doesn't make much of a difference" when it changes so much and does make a pretty large difference.

Also, the new content added in FF6 advance isnt that great, it actually makes the game a whole lot easier with the new espers and stuff. Its just 1 dungeon with the same old bosses and Kaiser Dragon/Omega Weapon, bosses that are obsolete with the amount of power you can get with the Advance version. But do as you like but please take a look at the videos!

Hmm? They aren't? :confused:

More Espers? Weapons? A music player? Correct translations? Bug fixes? And more? The graphics look clearer too. Besides the music and the censorship of Celes' torture scene, it is the most accurate of all the releases.

The PSN takes the sound of the PS1 and slightly improves the graphics (please see this video of the PSN release on PS3/PSP; change video quality for a clearer image), but it still doesn't match the GBA graphics.

However, if the removal of the torture scene and the differences in the audio/music is very important to the player, then perhaps it would be better to purchase a PSN/PS1/SNES version. But if you like the idea that the English and translations are far more accurate and that there are new Espers, new weapons, a new dungeon, clearer graphics, and the bug fixes, than the GBA version is definitely the way to go.

For me, I decided I liked them all, so now I have them all. Of course I'm a fangirl so I'm obsessed with it. :D

*However, one of my biggest complaints of the GBA version besides the music, was that there was only three save files. To think more than 3 would be available...
Well.. I didnt exactly compare the scripts side by side but Ive experienced both versions! The feelings and impressions I got from playing were completely the same, thats why i said it didnt make much difference to me besides "better english". A music player is worthless when the music isnt so great in that version. More espers are unecessary..Sure having the option to kill JUMBO cactuar is a big plus for me but whats the point? I can get so overpowered already.. Doing the new dungeons to me was a 1 time thing. They are not worth it, they are not even challenging.

But its like you said, its up to players choice :). It would be brilliant if they made some kind of port with all the best elements of each version, including the extra content and script in the gba which ofc are nice but not worth enough to discard the original soundtrack ( Ye I have a strange "relationship" with FF6, its the music that matters the most when it comes to it)
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Well I'd rather have an improved script, and they did really improve the graphics with the GBA. The music links you gave didn't really make too much of a difference. It's the same song, only the GBA version sounds more handheldish(if that's even a word). The music still sounds fantastic no matter what speaker it comes out of it's the same score more or less so there's no reason to fret(I prefer the live orchestrated versions of all FFVI songs; Dancing Mad in it's all 3 parts can actually make me cry!). The extra content I probably could do without, but since this is one of those FFs I play the most(to grind, explore, and learn spells and what not) I'd prefer if there were extra things for me to do while I'm exploring every town, dungeon, etc in the Ruined World(Or else there's not much motivation). I'm aware there's already tons to do in the game but more kinda sounds better to me. That and since I already have the game getting another copy would kind of feel a bit odd. I really might just buy the psn version anyway though if I find myself coming into some money anytime soon.
I feel forced to let my nostalgia take over and say the SNES. Of course, there is a slight bias in the fact that I haven't played the GBA version -yet-. I am looking into buying it now. Just wasn't big into the portal game scene until recently. So, between the SNES and PS1 versions, I'd go with the original.

I do have to say that I really wish they would give FF6 as much attention as some of the other games in the series get. All the other games with re-releases, sequels and spinoff games. I suppose that FF3 still gets more of the shaft than FF6, but still. :P
*However, one of my biggest complaints of the GBA version besides the music, was that there was only three save files. To think more than 3 would be available...

Hardware limitations, my friend, hardware limitations. The PS1 version was limited by 30 saves, while granted is a lot, but those saves take the form of 2 memory cards.

Back on topic though, I would like to paraphrase Charles Krauthammer when he described who he thought won the Vice Presidential debate recently.

If you are looking for script accuracy, it is the GBA version. If you are looking for the extras, it is the PS1 version, and when you are looking for history, it is the SNES version.
(Not sure if I'm reviving and old thread or not, feel free to call me out if I am.)

I've only played and beaten on the GBA version, and I absolutely loved it. It's definitely a game I would play again.
I know that this is kinda an old post, but I'll put in my 2 cents for those who end up reading it anyway.

I only played the FF Anthology version for the PSX. I think the load times were credited with being slower than the GBA version of the game, but I feel a console style game for any Final Fantasy gets the edge in this department. Sure you can only be at your TV to play the game and not on the go where the GBA will allow you, but there's gonna be pro's and con's for both ways to pplay FFVI.
I'd say the GBA version is the best, despite the poor OST conversion. The PS1 port was horrible, load times were insane and SNES version never came out in the UK so I never had that chance. But the GBA version through the GameCube is a great way to play FFVI