The Dreaded "R" Word.

Davey Gaga

Under you like a G.U.Y.
Jun 18, 2006
Glasgow City Centre, Scotland.
That's right: relationships. :gasp:

How difficult do you find it to get into a relationship? How long do they usually last? Would you consider yourself successful at relationships, in general? What seems to be the common denominator in any story you have about relationships?

Share. :gmonster:
I'd gotten into the habit of dating online, but as of about a year ago I told myself I would quit that because it's too depressing, and so far I've been with my girlfriend for 5 months.

It took me a while, but I managed to do okay.
i don't know if you guys mind my jumping in but I've never had a girlfriend and yeah it does get hard
I'm in and out of them all the time, I don't know how I get myself into them sometimes, I'm quite happy being single these days, although I am seeing's just nothing serious at the moment. I intend on keeping it that way

I have had a few disasters though, nothing I'm about to go into here though haha. Not counting the one dayers I had in school, my shortest relationship was about 3 weeks, got back together with him several month later though and it lasted about a year and a half/ 2 years can't quite remember. the one affter him lasted 3 years. Then I was single for about 8 months -my choice for the most part I hated men for a while hahaha. I was seeing someone for afew weeks somewhere towards the end of that 8 month stint then got with someone else about a month after which lasted just over a year. Then there was the guy that I was with for about 3 months and most reecently, Army Guy

Phew :gasp:
Oh, I saw the subject I though you meant re-tard. Sorry....

Anyway, sadly I was just In a relation before I came into this forum but Its over. Too bad that Its over. Its not really hard for me since I know a lot of gothic girls here that are gamers. And they seem to be my type. Right now, I just don't care about relationship. I love being a single gamer. :P
How difficult do you find it to get into a relationship?

considering the girls here are so far up their asses it'd take them a whole month to put out.... rly difficult. D:

How long do they usually last?

I've been in a few, and they only lasted about a week. :P

Would you consider yourself successful at relationships, in general?


i'm just as bitchy as the female counterpart of the relationship could be. My irritant for broken privacy knows no bounds:monster:

What seems to be the common denominator in any story you have about relationships?

they don't want to have sex after two weeks / are too busy having a shitfit because they didn't know i was saying shit about their forehead in a playful way to care about the relationship. >=(

fuck sake, dont tell me i look like one of jesus' disciples and have greasy hair and not expect me to say something about your massively shiny forehead, biotch =(

I've pretty much laid off relationships since I've realised what a cunt I am about everything while offline. If there's something wrong in the relationship, it's probably me throwing a fit because my boundaries are being crossed as if it was one of those miniature fences.
How ... contributory.

Anyway, I probably should've said this in my first post but I can't answer any of the questions but the first one; given that I've never, ever been in any kind of relationship, and I only seem to get shot down when I try, I'm going to say that I find it extremely difficult. :wacky:
Lately, relationships have ended with broken hearts for me ¬_¬.

As some of you may know, my last girlfriend cheated on me, (and I've recently heard that she...let's say...didn't stop with the kissing) And it's been like 6 months now...And I still haven't put my faith back into love fully as of yet, but my mate is trying to put me back on the scene for some reason...dunno what part of that he doesn't understand -_-
Never had a boyfriend in my life (still really young though). There's no point in trying, honestly.
It'll probably take a million heart breaks to find someone who isn't trash. Hell, maybe you'll never find someone who isn't trash.
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Relationships. Only had two online relationships, and all the others weren't at all serious. To be honest, a relationship would only be unwanted hassle at the moment. I'll decide when I'm ready for anything like that. Truth is, at this stage, most people tend to be naive, and get engaged in lustful, immature relationships which don't usually last. So, I'm biding my time. I don't want to have any screw ups similar to those of last year.
Relationships can be difficult to get into, especially when texting people. It's so much easier to talk to people face to face.
Sometimes they start in very odd ways, I met the girl I go out with now after I kicked a ball into a bin and hit her friend in the face and we both started laughing.

How do gauge how successful a relationship is?
Normally they end, but I suppose if you enjoyed it, it would be successful?
If so, I'd say I'm fairly successful.
I wanna start this off by saying kudos to Dave for the username, I can now go back to calling you TSG.

Anyway, I find it pretty hard to get into a relationship. I just got in my first relationship a few weeks ago, and I assume it's going good, so it's not very difficult really to stay in one.
My first proper relationship ended in fucking tears. I walked in on her having a threesome. Not the sort of thing you'd expect from a 14/15 yr old really. But no worries, just plod on....

I wouldn't have another until I was about 17. Knew her from College and we were good friends. Fancied her for ages and then turned out she did too so we hit it off.....for about 3 weeks. We went out to a night club and got with some other guy and me being the stubborn toos pot I can be told her to pretty much fuck off when she wanted to 'make it better'. Three months later with little contact she ends up in a relationship with a 43 yr old guy called Roy with two kids already. Another three months down the line they get engaged and then marry as soon as his divorce from wife number two came through. Mid-life crisis much? nice one luv.

Cue two years of occational, on-off, failed attempts and finaly I meet someone genuinly intrested in me and fucking amazing. I think we lasted about a month or two before I decided not too take it any futher because I was thinking about someone else too much at the time (that and she failed to put out despite my efforts). I didn't want to feel as if I was only really with her because I couldn't have the other girl who I have had strong feelings for quite some time anyway (as at the time she was with someone else that I may have mentioned on here at some point already). So yeah, my bad on that one.

Few months later I finaly start 'seeing' previously mentioned unavalible girl. However one night out I completly fucked it up in the most epic manner which shall not be said here....we decided to remain friends. Now shes in a seemingly long term relationship with someone else.

Since then I've had a couple more 'few weekers' but held little less significance to me on the whole. Currently seeing someone now but im not sure how long she can cope with my sense of humor and drunken flirtyness with others....

So all in all im fucking terrible when it comes to holding down a relationship, even if it isn't all too serious of one. LOLZ
....update. Just checked my phone for the first time today to find a txt saying 'i think we should stop seeing each other like this and stay friends'.

lolz :wacky:
I see you have about as much luck as I do with relationships....

I had a text last night aswel, Im not sure what to make of it though :gasp:

I'm sure he want's to make it like an official relationship :stare:

Why does he have to complicate things :gasp:
I haven't botherd replying yet though I just got another text asking to call her.....along with my boss, Mother and some promotions guy. Gawd, I spend 30 mins in the bath and suddenly the world wants me to call them! ¬¬
Hah, not's ok at the moment with him being in the Army, but he get's ou next week and if we see each other more often we might hate each other, I well can't be arsed

Fucking relationships, who needs 'em :gasp:
They are more hassle than they are worth :gasp:

Other people and their shitting feelings to consider, how inconsiderate of them :gasp:
Previously mentiond lass is no well and truely out of the picture. And she may have cried....possibly my fault a little.....serves her right really lolz

Though met this really nice lass last night at teh pub and got chattin. Got on really well, turns out to be a big Iced Earth and Metal fan (big epic win right there!) and ended up having a great night. Nearly did 'the dirrty' if it wasn't for her cock-blocking friend who wouldn't leave us alone, fucking prick :wacky: