The Dreaded "R" Word.

I've only been in one real relationship in my life, and I'm still in it. All the others were just me trying to make myself believe that I actually loved a crush. But anyway, I've been in this one for... I'm not sure, since around April. It wasn't "hard" to get into at all, we both knew each other decently and loved talking with each other, and at one point we admitted that we both liked each other, and since then it's just grown; a lot. I'm fairly positive that this will be my first, and last serious relationship with anybody, and I'm pretty sure my boyfriend feels the same.
i find it difficult to get into a relationship, it takes alot of time and work, and by the time i've put in alot of time, i usually have a friend more than something.... more
my relationships usually last about couple months, im not sure i don't count. lol
no, not at all, my relationships always end bad.
a common denominator in my relationships are that they are all freaks! Women i date are wierd and confusing...
I cringe when I hear the word "relationship". If I had balls, they would probably want to jump back up into my body. :3 As you can probably guess, relationships are just not my thing; not at this point in my life, anyway. I've been in one or two before, one serious one that lasted for three years, but that didn't turn out to be as good as I'd hoped it would. *shrug* Now that I'm a bit older and have experienced more things in life, I'd rather not be tied down to someone. It would be pretty unfair to both myself and the other party because I am way too independent for my own good, and too damn stubborn to want to take on the responsibility of caring!

That just makes me sound like a heartless jerk. -__-
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i been with my guy for almost 5 years now!
and we annoy the hell outta each other!
but we love each other and still intend to marry! Relationships are all about give and take! all that matters is that both of you work at it together!
I pretty much gave up on relationships after Garnie turned down my offer to ditch her fiancee and run away with me :monster:

Seriously, I just cba looking. I'm still enjoying the single life. My last relationship lasted 19 months so I figure I'll stay single for a year or two.
Relationships are never easy. But the awesome feeling you feel when you're with someone you like... well it's just so worth it.

I've had a girlfriend online (but we broke up after around 3 months) and I've had a few flings IRL too (but rarely did it ever work out). It's hard I'd say. A few months ago, before graduating from High school/College/A levels, I had 3 girls who were into me. I was asked out TWICE, and rejected them because I barely knew said girls AND they weren't exactly my type. I've been rejected too, quite a few times.

Are relationships worth it? hell yes. There's a slight chance you might end up with someone awesome, and the time you spend with that person is magical, however long it lasts.

I haven't met a person I've liked for a year or so now, but hey, if I do, I definitely will go all out and try to get into a relationship with them. :)
Wow has this thread gone inactive? i think it's time for a renovation! updates about your social life would be good to reboot this thread. I'll go with mine for starters:

My relationship is still going pretty well. My girlfriend came over yesterday and we had a great time. I'm calling her right now and hope to see if she can come over on Wednesday, as i get a half day. whole day with my girlfriend...... if you ever repeat that last sentence to a soul not on this forum site, i will hunt you down and medievally kill you. and medieval killing is always messy and satisfying.
Well, I've only been in one relationship my whole life (I'm 20 now), but I'd say it's going rather well, as we are still together (happily, that's the most important part lol) nearly 3 years later. :monster: We plan on getting hitched as soon as he graduates the service academy he's attending.
Haha I thought the "R" word was republican. There don't seem to be many on this site so I figured that was the "evil" you were referring to. Anyhow, for me relationships are relatively difficult to get into. Around this area, if you tried for one, you could probably get one but the quality of the girl would be pretty questionable in almost every aspect. I find myself not really wanting a relationship more often than actually chasing someone just because of the local women. When I try though, it isn't too hard... but not a cakewalk either.
I've been in about 5 different relationships since I was 17. I'm 20 now.

The first 4 lasted about 4 months each at the max because I chose all the wrong guys. However I am now happily living with my new partner who I've been with for over a year now.

In my experience you really do need to go for the older guys. You may be lucky enough to find the occasional young one who's mature enough, but it's very rare.

My partner is only 5 years older but the others were all around my age at the time and weren't ready to settle down.

I mean they couldn't just settle down with one person when there were so many other girls to fool around with could they? *sarcasm*

But I wouldn't consider it difficult getting into a relationship. It's keeping it going that's the real hard part.
Oooh time for an update, I'm pretty sure I came to the conclusion relationships sucked in an earlier post *cough*isnowinone*cough*
I'm not sure whether I was in one the last time I posted. But I'm in one now either way, although people say relationships suck, you do get to the point where you actually would give anything to be with someone. And I think Emily is generally the perfect person. :)
Haha I thought the "R" word was republican. There don't seem to be many on this site so I figured that was the "evil" you were referring to. Anyhow, for me relationships are relatively difficult to get into. Around this area, if you tried for one, you could probably get one but the quality of the girl would be pretty questionable in almost every aspect. I find myself not really wanting a relationship more often than actually chasing someone just because of the local women. When I try though, it isn't too hard... but not a cakewalk either.
Thats exactly the same for me. Plenty about but not enough decent ones worth sticking with. I don't like the idea of being in a relationship just for the sake of having one. Then again, the few I have liked enough for a relationship it just wouldn't work for various reasons. ><
Let's seeeeeee...I've only had four "relationships" in my life.

+ The first one was my high school sweetheart; it lasted for about 8-9 months. I broke up with him because he turned into a blabbermouth, and he started smoking pot.
+ The second two were kind of meaningless. I didn’t get anything out of it; no wisdom achieved…they only lasted for 3 months each.
+ My current relationship has been going for…(*calculates*)…3 ½ years.

I don’t have a lot of experience in the relationship department, except with my current bf…I think I’ve made a lot of significant changes in my life to make things work with him, and so has he…
I met him in California when I was 16, then I moved back to New Orleans with my family right after I met him. I moved across the country by myself when I was 17 to move back in with him. o_O

Here’s where the pearls of wisdom come in…
Never move in with your bf until you can support yourself. I would never go back and change things because I’m happy with the way things have turned out, but…it was a really poor choice for me to jump into adulthood before I was ready.

I’ve learned that relationships are all about compromise. You can never, ever do anything entirely for yourself…

I’m working a full time job downtown…and…I can’t even drive my new car because it’s stick shift. Downtown LA is all hills…I couldn’t hack it without burning out my clutch and my handbreak. o_O
So…I have been getting rides to work every day for…a while now. I have to wake up at 5:00 to get to work at 7:30. On the days that I get off of work at 4pm, I don’t get home until 7pm. I only have a small amount of time around the house…because I’m relying on other people to chauffer me around.
So…I’m in the process of learning how to drive standard…and I only just started learning like a week ago.
Now my bf works even further away from the house than I do, but fortunately for him, he has a better freeway route than me. Regardless, he leaves for work at 5pm and gets home at 3-4am, at which time, he usually goes to sleep.
So here’s where compromise comes in…
I wake up at 3-4 in the morning, or…at whatever time my bf comes home from work…and he takes me out to practice driving, when we should both be sleeping. Lol. o_O

I think that’s a good example of compromising your time…Errr…?
The point is that you have to work together to get things done. Sacrifice your time, etc…

It used to be a real biznitch to cooperate with each other. But it’s safe to say that we haven’t fought about anything in…well…years…I think we’ve established a really nice partnership. o_O
I know, that doesn’t sound very romantic. Lol.

I’m babblinggggggggg!
I know it's a cliche to say that you find the perfect person when you stop looking, but it's true in some cases. >_> I mean, a lot of people I know just want relationships for the sake of having one, and I think that's kinda silly. Sure, it IS nice to feel loved and everything but you shouldn't try to force these things. If you meet somebody who you're compatible with then that's fantastic, but if you go out for the purpose of meeting somebody then there's a bigger chance that you'll just get 'involved' with the first person to show you any attention. That's just the way I see it. >_>

Anyway, on the whole update thing, I've been with somebody for about 6 and a half months now and it's been just lovely, I couldn't ask for anybody better. :monster:
Actually, it's not easy for me to get into really solid relationships. My general bravado either annoys women away... or attracts them to one nighters and that sort of thing. lol I don't have bravado but such a cool word. Anyhow, whenever I seem to have a girl interested in me there's usually other unique circumstances... like she's insane, married, dating someone else, has a kid, has vaginal cancer (talk about a date ruiner), she asked how much I made on our first date, or she likes country music. The only solid relationship I had going was kind of ruined when the bitch went crazy, gained weight, and started having panic attacks. That was fun.
I had one or two shitty experiences, never a proper relationship....but then I met my girlfriend and we're together just over 2 years now!
I don't really have a problem with relationships. I found the right girl for me already. Me and my girlfriend have been together for almost 23 months.