The Dreaded "R" Word.

My history of relationships is.. non-existant. I just never really cared enough about boys to, well.. care about them. That, and I'm probably too shy and I generally make myself unavailable. I was never really bothered about having a boyfriend though, hell I'm only 16, I have no need for one. :gasp: Judging by some of my friend's stories they're too much bother aswell. >_>

Although I'll admit that being loved is a nice feeling. ><
I never had a boyfriend. When I had tried to get in a relationship with a guy I liked, they ended up being this emotionless bastard to me the whole time. I don't trust many guys these days because I don't want to meet a guy that is exactly like that again, they are the worse ones to deal with in my opinion.
Getting a relashunship is pretty hard for me. I'm very picky with people, and the few that I do look at with interest are largely uninterested in me. I've yet to figure out why, I just chalk it up to them being dumbasses. I did manage to find a gf here about a year ago, and it turned out she was some psychotic freak who believed she was a vampire. That only lasted about a month before I broke up with her with an epic page-long letter on myspace :wacky:

Tried an online relashunship once over a year ago...oddly enough that lasted around 6 months or so. Then I grew out of being emo and the girl didn't and I was like "I can't handle your constant complaining about trivial shit, sorry."

They are more hassle than they are worth :gasp:

Other people and their shitting feelings to consider, how inconsiderate of them :gasp:

What Bam said :neomon:

Relationships really are a hassle. I don't feel like putting alot of emotional investment in someone, plus once romantic shit starts it just messes with rational thought and it's not really worth it. Plus I'm still young and there's lots of other stuff I'd rather concentrate on doing, I'll find someone to settle down with when I'm middle aged, fat and lonely.
I believe in relationships and Im actually in a relationship been actually for 9 months.Its going pretty good so far. :) Relationships can last forever you just gotta find that special someone.
-__- Relationships are dumb. I've had three boyfriends (I think...I don't know), and....they were all really strange relationships. I don't think I'm capable of a normal relationship. I just get really bored. It's like being chained down D: I really suck at last boyfriend was talking about marriage, and I laughed in his face. ...Which is probably one of the reasons he broke up with me...But anyway, I prefer just random encounters or friends with benefits...except even that gets really messy. In general, I'm not terribly interested in guys though, so...I don't really feel like I'm missing much. I just hope I don't end up 80 years old, all alone, save for fifty three cats. Although I fear that is my destiny :gasp:
Heh. I've had four relationships, or three depending on what you count.

My first was online with this aussie dude and after four months I think we both kind of realized it was pretty stupid (sorry to online daters). I still talk to the guy and stuff.

Next one was 7 months long but most was long distance as I went off to college, but I'm still friends with the kid. I don't if I would call our relationship normal. It was a bit strained because his family didn't approve, the distance, and both of us just have such strange personalities that we didn't really have the normal bf/gf thing.

Then I met some guy in college and dated him for four months, but again, half was long distance because I went home for the summer. He was your average guy in every way but he turned out to be an emotionally crazy psycho who pretty much left threatening sexual messages and did really weird shit up to a year after I stopped talking to him. So much for the normal guys.

The last relationship I had was with someone almost 11 years older than me for about a year and four months, but he's really sick now from complications from diabetes so he pretty much stopped communicating with me except for a message like once every two weeks or whatever, and the situation is just confusing and complicated.

Now...trends? I don't know. Some of my boyfriends definitely have similar interests and personality traits, but they are like each other in different ways. I would say that the four month psycho is least like the other ones in interest and personality and the last one shares different traits with the first and second one, but he's definitely very different overall. I can also say I was happier with the first, second, and fourth than I ever was with the third (psycho).

I've cared deeply for someone I've never met in person, for someone everyone at my high school thought was crazy, a normal person who turned out to be some sick freak, and for someone who I witnessed in horrible pain and very close to death multiple times and I still don't understand love or relationships. I don't know how much one person or another person is supposed to affect me. I don't know how much I should do. Most of the time I don't understand my own feelings.

I think I'm a decent girlfriend. I'm a pretty caring and loyal person. I'm not high matinence or demanding. I do feel claustrophobic in most relationships I have, even when I'm happy. But I like getting to know a lot of people and I like flirting, so it gets kind of annoying when I feel like I shouldn't spend so much time with certain male friends so as not to arouse suspicion. I don't know that I could marry someone. It's not that I don't care about people, it's that i think so many people are interesting. I've never cheated on anyone, though.

I'm not very enthusiastic about a new relationship right now considering my last two ended in a psycho and the other ended with the person almost dying. Heh.

I probably will have more though. I know the way I am. I'm aggressive and open enough that I'll date more people in the future. I dunno when though. I think a lot of people are interesting, but it's rare that I'm really strongly attracted to anyone.

Here's to hoping they will work out. I do see the appeal of romantic friendships over true relationships though. Oh well.

-__- Relationships are dumb. I've had three boyfriends (I think...I don't know), and....they were all really strange relationships. I don't think I'm capable of a normal relationship. I just get really bored. It's like being chained down D: I really suck at last boyfriend was talking about marriage, and I laughed in his face. ...Which is probably one of the reasons he broke up with me...But anyway, I prefer just random encounters or friends with benefits...except even that gets really messy. In general, I'm not terribly interested in guys though, so...I don't really feel like I'm missing much. I just hope I don't end up 80 years old, all alone, save for fifty three cats. Although I fear that is my destiny :gasp:

I pretty much second all of that :gasp:

I don't really care all that much ffor affection, especially public displays of it, and mentioning that Love word came less frequently than the sunshine over here :gasp:
I'm 19 and never been in a serious relationship before (and consequently, I am still a virgin). A lot of times I feel really depressed about it, but I know there are many reasons why I haven't been in a relationship. For one, I went to a high school in a small town and I honestly was not attracted to any of the guys I went to school with. I'm also pretty shy and many guys may overlook me or have the misconception that I'm not interested in them (which is not always the case). Along with my shyness, I can be a bit insecure about myself. Growing up, I never felt pretty or had any confidence in myself which has hindred my getting a boyfriend. However, my self-esteem has improved a lot since I've gotten in college and guys have been noticing me a lot more lately.

And as much as I hate to admit it, I was once involved in an online relationship that lasted around three years. Although, I do believe some online relationships can work out, the majority of the time they do not. The guy I was involved with wanted to wait a extremely long time to actually meet me (he wanted to go through college and get a job first). I had to break things off with him because I didn't feel that it was realistic to have to wait that long to be with someone I never even met. I was also very young and felt that it wasn't fair that I should miss out on meeting and connecting with guys in real life (there also was a guy that I had my eye on at the time that I 'broke up' with my online boyfriend). Needless to say, he was very unhappy with me and I feel that he still resents me for being a 'selfish bitch' to this day.
I've never been in a relationship before, nor am I really looking for one.

My biggest problem is that I have super high standards and am very, very picky >.> I'm also very extreme and weird and hard to understand xD Well some guys tell me it's why they like me but I think i do tend to freak people out.

I'm pretty blunt too :_: Last rejection line I gave was just "Um I don't like you very much".

Not surprising i've never been in one xD
I'd say the reason I'm so bad at getting into relationships is because I'm a bit dodgy with trust. I don't like opening up to people at all. I don't know if it's just out of being shy, or a fear of having it all thrown back at me. Of course there are people who I do trust that much, but it isn't in double figures. I also used to really lack self-confidence, so of course that got in the way a lot.
I've only had two, what you'd call "proper" relationships, the first ended about a year ago after we'd been together for four months. Then the second was at the end of last year, but it didn't last long at all.
It's all a bit odd really, because I tend to be happier if I'm in a relationship, I've found. :wacky:
i'm only 13, but i do have a girlfriend. This is kinda my first relationship as pretty much every girl in my school are retards excepting one. and that one is 15, lost her virginity at 13, has over 15 exs, and has had sex 6 times with four different guys. i'm surprised she's in school, her mom wants her to be a prostitute.
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I'm 19 and never been in a serious relationship before (and consequently, I am still a virgin). A lot of times I feel really depressed about it, but I know there are many reasons why I haven't been in a relationship. For one, I went to a high school in a small town and I honestly was not attracted to any of the guys I went to school with. I'm also pretty shy and many guys may overlook me or have the misconception that I'm not interested in them (which is not always the case). Along with my shyness, I can be a bit insecure about myself. Growing up, I never felt pretty or had any confidence in myself which has hindred my getting a boyfriend. However, my self-esteem has improved a lot since I've gotten in college and guys have been noticing me a lot more lately.

And as much as I hate to admit it, I was once involved in an online relationship that lasted around three years. Although, I do believe some online relationships can work out, the majority of the time they do not. The guy I was involved with wanted to wait a extremely long time to actually meet me (he wanted to go through college and get a job first). I had to break things off with him because I didn't feel that it was realistic to have to wait that long to be with someone I never even met. I was also very young and felt that it wasn't fair that I should miss out on meeting and connecting with guys in real life (there also was a guy that I had my eye on at the time that I 'broke up' with my online boyfriend). Needless to say, he was very unhappy with me and I feel that he still resents me for being a 'selfish bitch' to this day.

Don't spend your time worrying about it. It's pretty selfish to make someone wait that long for a physical relationship.
Broke up about a year ago, been single since. And for the best too, didn't really have time to go on dates and spend time with someone special. Now that I passed the first year however, I will have some more time I think. But I'll probably won't find anyone soon. Everybody in university is way younger than me cause I already finished a college before this one. There is a Japanese guy interested in me, keeps sending me emails and such. But I'm not really that interested as he is about 6 years older than me. (Plus Japan, thats like the other side of the world) Yeah so its either too young or too old right? Well I'm fine staying single for a while. Maybe I should go out more..
i'm not dating the slut-like one, (she isn't a slut) although she's a good friend i hang out with. nah, i'm going out with a girl who goes to a different school and she lives not that far from my house. Gotta say, it's been working out well in the sense she hasn't gotten mad at me yet.
I've only been in a couple of serious ones, and the longest lasted a year and a few months... They all end for the same reason- it gets to intense, and the other person decides they're not ready. All of the relationships I've been in have had their ups and downs but bad things aside they were really good.

I guess that means I am unsuccessful with relationships? I don't usually have trouble getting into them. Its just a matter of finding someone I want to go out with.

Its upsetting sometimes, but I'm still young, its not like I'm going to find the love of my life at this age. :wacky:
I have a medium sized resume when it comes to relationships, but even with past experience, I am by no means experienced.

My very first relationship experience happened when I was eight. My best friend and I played kissing tag, and the couch was T.O. XD He said he didn't want to be my boyfriend because he liked this girl back at his old neighbour. Like a normal eight year old, I forgot about it the next day, and we rode our bikes together. :P

A few things happened between then and up until three years ago.

Firstly, I was eleven, and dated a boy named Adam who was a year older than me and six inches shorter than I, but we never did anything serious, nothing past kissing on the lips :P

We broke up because I told my friend about "us". Apparently, he was ashamed of me :P

Then a year later his friend, Travis started to like me, and I dated him. This wasn't to get back at the first boy, not one of those I'll-date-your-best-friend-and-you'll-get-jealous-and-we'll-totally-hook-back-up things.

We broke up because I asked him for a slushie. :S

During all this, I had a best friend named Devin. He was never any different with me until he hit puberty (I assume that's what happened because we'd been such good friends and ONLY friends up until then.) He asked me to go out with him, but I said no because I didn't want to lost my friendship with him like I did with Adam and almost did with Travis.

We remained friends, and later I hooked back up with Adam at Devin's birthday party. Since we last met, he'd grown taller than my 5'6". And all that, only to have him break up with me again.

Recently, Devin's moved out of his home because his parents were abusing him (I saw the bruises on him) and moved in with his girlfriend. No conversation happened for five months and I was devastated. Suddenly, he IMs me, and we started hanging out. Even more recently, he spends four days over at his friend Paul's house (a guy who had previously asked me out awkwardly...) and he visited me nearly every day. Suddenly, he can't leave me alone. He keeps hugging me and trying to kiss me. He must've told me he loved me twenty times or more.

This is still happening to this day, and I don't know what to do about him. I don't want to hurt his relationship with his current girlfriend because if they break up, he's out of a home. But I don't want to shove him away and lose our friendship.

What a mess. :wacky:
It would be strange for me to put in my side of the relationship story. But yet I cant help myself. I'm a tool when it comes to relationships. Because i'm generally an idiot with women. I mean I can esily score a relationship, and that's not me being bigheaded, it's just the nature of its easy to get in a relationship but hard to actually have one. I find myself in a place where I dont care about the person who cares about me or vice versa. I do this to myself really because at core of it all I need to be in a relationship most times, even though I'm doing pretty good out of one again.

recently I started talking to an ex girlfriend again and we're close, and she recently got in a relationship, and has openly admitted she feels extremely strongly for me and when herself and her boyfriend fall out she talks to me and claims things, on top of all this I still feel strongly for her, dare I say I love her? And these prediciments just fly over my head. And I am rather busy with things so I just do them to get it out of my head but its still gonna be there.

That problem aside though I struggle with something very simple but fnd the hard easy. I am great at being there and being everything someone needs when they need it. But I can't keep it together with the stupid things like going out and find it awkward. It doesn't help that my personality is rather messed up at best. I mean right now I'm trying to get it on with a college tutor just for the laugh. I openly admit I'm a mess at best, but then again, i think most relationships till you learn to understand yourself are a mess at best. You get the biggest highs and lows in a relationship and its worth it sometimes, Sometimes it not, and finding that balance is what it is about I reckon.

Live and learn I suppose.
I think I'm pretty successful in relationships, seeing that me and my boyfriend are getting ready to celebrate our first anniversary. ^_^ But before that, I wasn't so lucky. This is actually my first relationship, and hopefully, if I play my cards right, it'll be my only one. ^_^