The FFF dating service! ^_^

:omg:....what the heck is up with this thread?. Not only is that so pathetic its not even funny, well it is kind of funny but its creepy. Go out and meet people not meet fantasytards(no offense) on Forums.
Er... This IS in spam y'know. :wacky:

We're just having a joke 'tis all. :neomon: and @Rau-Rau it was done but Addle's a reptile, he grew another... Smaller one. :wacky:
*Sigh* :dry:

Looks like someone needs a sense of humor, its a bit of fun, nobody is actually dating anyone on here anyway.

Ugh, why can't people just keep their opinions to themselves sometimes?

EDIT: haha ok well he doesn't count as part of the sausage fest anyway then
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Well I don't see what the problem is with this thread anyway, people do internet dating don't they? This ain't much different :confused:

I love my Wolf though <3 :P
Er... This IS in spam y'know. :wacky:

We're just having a joke 'tis all. :neomon: and @Rau-Rau it was done but Addle's a reptile, he grew another... Smaller one. :wacky:
How come every time I see you, you're always talking about my penis?
Oh. My. God!! The lack of girls in the thread are turning the guys gay! :gasp:
I think FFGuy secret;y wants Addles nob, let out your inner gay, FFGuy, you will feel so much more liberated :gasp:
Nah I think I'll let you suffer just cos I'm evil!

You never know, you might like it. :P