The Final Fantasy Boot and Immune Game.

Well it looks like Lulu will get the boot next round! As she has 5 boot votes.
Also... Vincent is Immune next round too, as he has 5 immune votes.
So anyone else who takes part before later tonight, there is no need to boot or immune either of these two, as the votes will be pointless.

Instead, boot and immune two other characters.
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Round 4
Immune last round = Vincent
Booted last round = Lulu
Cloud (1,0)
Zidane (1,0)
Vivi (0,0)
Faris (0,0)
Sabin (0,0)
Edgar (0,0)
Cid Highwind (0,0)
Kefka (0,0)
Red XIII (0,0)
Ultros (1,0)
Cait Sith (1,1)
Sephiroth (0,0)
Yuffie (1,0)
Ramza (0,0)
Delita (0,0)
Marche (0,0)
Garland (0,0)
Zack (0,0)
Firion (0,1)
Galuf (0,0)
Kain (0,0)
Golbez (0,0)
Palom and Porom (0,0)
Rydia (0,0)
Tifa (0,0)
Genesis (0,2)
Zell (0,0)
Barret (0,0)
Edea (0,0)
Mog (0,0)
Balthier (0,0)
Gogo (0,0)
Shadow (0,0)
Gabranth (0,0)
Gilgamesh (0,0)
Steiner (0,0)
Umaro (0,0)
Aerith (2,1)
Amarant (0,0)
Wakka (0,1)
Celes (0,0)
Kimahri (0,0)
Relm (0,0)
Sin (0,0)
Garnet (1,0)
Jecht (0,0)
Fran (0,0)
General Leo (0,0)
Hojo (0,2)
Vincent (Immune)

My votes...
Immune - Hojo (He may be a slimy git, but he's good at being one Torbo!)

Boot - Genesis
Round 5
Immune last round = None (Vincent back in the game)
Booted last round = None
Cloud (2,0)
Zidane (3,0)
Vivi (0,0)
Faris (0,0)
Sabin (0,0)
Edgar (0,0)
Cid Highwind (0,0)
Kefka (0,0)
Red XIII (0,0)
Ultros (1,0)
Cait Sith (1,1)
Sephiroth (0,0)
Yuffie (1,0)
Ramza (0,0)
Delita (0,0)
Marche (0,0)
Garland (0,0)
Zack (0,0)
Firion (0,1)
Galuf (0,0)
Kain (0,0)
Golbez (0,0)
Palom and Porom (0,0)
Rydia (0,0)
Tifa (0,0)
Genesis (0,3)
Zell (0,0)
Barret (0,0)
Edea (0,0)
Mog (0,0)
Balthier (0,0)
Gogo (0,0)
Shadow (0,0)
Gabranth (0,0)
Gilgamesh (0,0)
Steiner (0,0)
Umaro (0,0)
Aerith (2,1)
Amarant (0,0)
Wakka (1,3)
Celes (1,0)
Kimahri (0,0)
Relm (0,1)
Sin (0,0)
Garnet (1,0)
Jecht (0,0)
Fran (0,2)
General Leo (0,0)
Hojo (1,2)
Vincent (0,0)

Immune - Hojo
Boot - Genesis
And again...

Immune - Zidane
Boot - Wakka, that's him gone I believe

Yep. :P

I can confirm that Wakka will not be in the next round, he has 5 boot votes so he's out.

So any votes towards Wakka for the rest of the round from now on will not count, since he is already out of the game, and will be removed from the list for all rounds onwards (ie, he is booted, goodbye, so long!).
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dam i knew i shud have immuned wakka, i was too busy trieing to annoy argor, the hair makes him deserve first place meh! :mad:
I have started highlighting characters one point away from being booted or immuned now, so that anyone wanting to turn the tables or give a final kick can see it and get that vital move in.

Round 6
Immune last round = None
Booted last round = Wakka
Cloud (3,0)
Zidane (4,0)
Vivi (0,0)
Faris (0,0)
Sabin (0,0)
Edgar (0,0)
Cid Highwind (0,0)
Kefka (0,0)
Red XIII (0,0)
Ultros (1,0)
Cait Sith (1,1)
Sephiroth (0,0)
Yuffie (1,0)
Ramza (0,0)
Delita (0,0)
Marche (0,0)
Garland (0,0)
Zack (0,0)
Firion (0,1)
Galuf (0,0)
Kain (0,0)
Golbez (0,0)
Palom and Porom (0,0)
Rydia (0,0)
Tifa (0,0)
Genesis (1,4)
Zell (0,0)
Barret (0,0)
Edea (0,0)
Mog (0,0)
Balthier (0,0)
Gogo (0,0)
Shadow (0,0)
Gabranth (0,0)
Gilgamesh (0,0)
Steiner (1,0)
Umaro (0,0)
Aerith (2,1)
Amarant (0,0)
Celes (1,0)
Kimahri (0,0)
Relm (0,1)
Sin (0,0)
Garnet (1,0)
Jecht (0,0)
Fran (0,3)
General Leo (0,0)
Hojo (2,3)
Vincent (0,0)

Immune - Hojo
Boot - Genesis (Ok, Genesis is out!)