The Final Fantasy Boot and Immune Game.

how very dare u boot vincent :O like meh!

immune - Vincent (he better win otherwise..... summit bad will happen)

boot - Jecht (you lose :D)

Sadly Torbonator is the biggest fangirl of the lot! He'll see that and want to defend him now!
You'll have to be consistent in booting him if you want him out, and hope that no-one else but Torbo protects him!

I am a guardian 2 winged angel
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I am just stating now that the next round of the Boot and Immune game will be calcualted a little bit later tonight, rather that at the time it usually is because I will be at the pub... So therefore I may do it when I get back, depending on circumstances... Which will be about 2 in the morning perhaps...
Sorry for any inconvenience, but I am not a vampire who lives here all day! Plus... I'm gonna have to leave the game in the hands of Torbonator soon when I go on holiday, but I'm sure he can handle it!
Round 11
Immune last round = Cait Sith
Booted last round = Jecht
Cloud (4,0)
Zidane (1,0)
Vivi (0,0)
Faris (0,0)
Sabin (0,0)
Edgar (0,0)
Cid Highwind (0,0)
Kefka (0,0)
Red XIII (1,0)
Ultros (1,0)
Cait Sith (Immune)
Sephiroth (0,0)
Yuffie (2,0)
Ramza (0,0)
Delita (0,0)
Marche (0,0)
Garland (0,0)
Zack (2,0)
Firion (0,3)
Galuf (0,0)
Kain (0,0)
Golbez (0,0)
Palom and Porom (0,0)
Rydia (2,0)
Tifa (1,0)
Zell (0,0)
Barret (0,0)
Edea (0,0)
Mog (0,0)
Balthier (0,1)
Gogo (0,0)
Shadow (0,0)
Gabranth (1,0)
Gilgamesh (0,0)
Steiner (1,0)
Umaro (0,0)
Aerith (0,0)
Amarant (0,1)
Celes (1,0)
Kimahri (0,0)
Relm (0,1)
Sin (1,4)
Garnet (1,0)
General Leo (0,0)
Vincent (1,3)

My votes...

Immune - Terra

Boot - Balthier
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How was Jecht booted? Two were kicks and two were immunes.

EDIT: Scratch that he got two immunes and ONE kick.

Fix your math :P

He was on a "4" boot vote count the roudn before. All it needed was one boot vote for him to be out.. If he was to be saved he would need 5 immune votes BEFORE the fatal boot vote.
Sadly, its whatever coems first, applies.

Also immunes and boots dont cancel each other out.. It's simply 5 either way boot or immune.
Yeah I caught that after I posted it, but thanks for verifying. And sorry if I came off offensive. It didn't mean to sound that way.
noooooooooooooooooo u evil ppl how very dare u!!!!!!!!!!! vincent best character ever, not playin now :(
How does that work?

Aren't you supposed to take over for Argor during his leave?

If you still refuse I suppose I could finish it.. but it's really sort of a pain. :gasp:
How does that work?

Aren't you supposed to take over for Argor during his leave?

Yes Torbonator is meant to be. I'm sure he'll coem round and make a vote soon.

To be honest I'm suprised Vincent is out... But its good news realy, means a more excitign and unexpected victory for one of ther other characters.
Yes Torbonator is meant to be. I'm sure he'll coem round and make a vote soon.

To be honest I'm suprised Vincent is out... But its good news realy, means a more excitign and unexpected victory for one of ther other characters.

not gud news meh! :(

immune - zack (zack new fav character :P :D)

boot - cloud
Quite an eventful round!

Round 12
Immune last round = Cloud
Booted last round = Vincent, Sin
Cloud (Immune)
Zidane (1,0)
Vivi (0,0)
Faris (0,0)
Sabin (0,0)
Edgar (0,0)
Cid Highwind (0,0)
Kefka (0,0)
Red XIII (1,0)
Ultros (1,0)
Cait Sith (0,0)
Sephiroth (0,0)
Yuffie (2,0)
Ramza (0,0)
Delita (0,0)
Marche (0,0)
Garland (0,0)
Zack (4,0)
Firion (0,4)
Galuf (0,0)
Kain (0,0)
Golbez (0,0)
Palom and Porom (0,0)
Rydia (3,0)
Tifa (1,0)
Zell (0,0)
Barret (0,0)
Edea (0,0)
Mog (0,0)
Balthier (0,2)
Gogo (0,0)
Shadow (0,0)
Gabranth (1,0)
Gilgamesh (0,0)
Steiner (1,0)
Umaro (0,0)
Aerith (0,0)
Amarant (0,1)
Celes (1,0)
Kimahri (0,0)
Relm (0,1)
Garnet (1,0)
General Leo (0,0)

My votes...
Immune - Gilgamesh
Boot - Firion (Ok... He's gone!)