The 'fire' at Nibelheim

The answer is in the letter left by Hojo in Tifa's room on her desk,if you read if of course then you should know that the people living there are from Shinra and are pretending that it never happened.Most likely so anyone cannot blame Shinra for everything that is happening and all.And until Cloud and his party get there it also says in the letter that no one from back then has come back so everything's ok.So even if anyone did come back in Nibelheim from that encident(like Cloud and his party) wouldn't really cause much of a problem since probably no body would believe them.
I don't think that the report was FROM Hojo but most likely FOR Hojo.

And if I remember correctly, any question or conversation in there - it was met with either hostile or dismissive reaction.
Theres no way that it couldnt have happened. If Cloud could remember the incident so clearly, it couldnt have been a lie. You know hes telling Zacks stories, so you know it went down exactly like he said but Zack in his place. Never again let yourself be confused if it happened or not.
*face palm* I take it that some people haven't either seen enough material, or didn't pay attention.

** In Crisis Core it is mentioned in one or two sentences to start rebuilding - then when Zack escapes with Cloud - he's dumbfounded too when he sees it - addition there is a news article from an independent reporter who raises questions about on how the people now living there no longer has a 'Nibelheim' dialect/accent and knows absolutely nothing about the surrounding terrain

** in the Core game, it's in the note in Tifa's room (Present Day), and at this point (if Tifa's in your party when you first enter) she BACKS Cloud's story and expresses her own confusion.

** and in the animated short, Last Order (which with this, take it for what it's worth -- there are continuity errors here that even the writers acknowledge) provides additional information on the topic.

Due to these factors, I must conclude that there what Cloud said about a fire that burned the whole town to the ground is true and then (at first he didn't know what was the exact reason at first) was rebuilt as if nothing ever happened. If Zack was still alive, he would say the same thing too from a first-hand basis.

Tifa, Cloud, and Zack (he died later for another reason) survived the Sephiroth Incident. -- Only Tifa was lucky when her martial arts trainer came in and took her away before Shin-ra got there. (he didn't know the others and their relation to her so he only took her out of the true danger that Cloud and Zack had to endure and was lucky to survive)

At this point, I've said my reasons why I strongly say "Yes, there was a fire" and "Yes, it was rebuilt and re-populated by Shin-ra as a government cover-up"

All that's left is these people making a more informed decision. If they also doubt what I said, then go to Game FAQs where it has story summaries, scripts and walkthroughs.
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He did absorb some of Tifa's memories of him, but he ALSO copied Zack's memories and persona and absorbed them into his own, along with Tifa's memory and his own idealized version of how he wanted to be....

i didnt want to copy everything but your basicly saying exactly what i posted. He absorbed them.

also lying IS concious. Telling the truth and a fact are totally different things. Get what im saying? Not trying to be combative on it.

When Cloud told himself he didnt have to worry about it because... (refernece to getting in to soldier) made a hole. It was cloud recollecting it. He should have been able to copy zack's memory of how he got in. Instead he has this block of "not worrying about it".

Also i meant if cloud's mom or dad was an ancient of some sort, not what happened to them. He did get exposed to more mako than anyone else could survive. So he is different somehow.

Dragonmage, i wasnt refuting anything you stated or your theories. I like how you think.

and psychomage is correct about the fire.

hope this keeps things constructive and clear of what i meant :)
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*face palm* I take it that some people haven't either seen enough material, or didn't pay attention.

** In Crisis Core it is mentioned in one or two sentences to start rebuilding - then when Zack escapes with Cloud - he's dumbfounded too when he sees it - addition there is a news article from an independent reporter who raises questions about on how the people now living there no longer has a 'Nibelheim' dialect/accent and knows absolutely nothing about the surrounding terrain

** in the Core game, it's in the note in Tifa's room (Present Day), and at this point (if Tifa's in your party when you first enter) she BACKS Cloud's story and expresses her own confusion.

** and in the animated short, Last Order (which with this, take it for what it's worth -- there are continuity errors here that even the writers acknowledge) provides additional information on the topic.

Due to these factors, I must conclude that there what Cloud said about a fire that burned the whole town to the ground is true and then (at first he didn't know what was the exact reason at first) was rebuilt as if nothing ever happened. If Zack was still alive, he would say the same thing too from a first-hand basis.

Tifa, Cloud, and Zack (he died later for another reason) survived the Sephiroth Incident. -- Only Tifa was lucky when her martial arts trainer came in and took her away before Shin-ra got there. (he didn't know the others and their relation to her so he only took her out of the true danger that Cloud and Zack had to endure and was lucky to survive)

At this point, I've said my reasons why I strongly say "Yes, there was a fire" and "Yes, it was rebuilt and re-populated by Shin-ra as a government cover-up"

All that's left is these people making a more informed decision. If they also doubt what I said, then go to Game FAQs where it has story summaries, scripts and walkthroughs.
You know not everybody has played Crisis Core and it's explained in the game anyway.In Crisis Core it gets more confusing with the new characters.
I came to this conclusion YEARS before with only the core game. The other games just confirmed it. -- I guess that I got carried away... but to me that was supporting game-story information.

But yeah, it was the original game where I got to this conclusion when I played it through the first time many years ago back in high school.
i didnt want to copy everything but your basicly saying exactly what i posted. He absorbed them.

Your original wording implied Zack had nothing to do with it.

also lying IS concious. Telling the truth and a fact are totally different things. Get what im saying? Not trying to be combative on it.

If you arent' conscious of the falsehood, it's not a lie. Cloud made up a lie that he believed, as a result of Jenova's meddling.

When Cloud told himself he didnt have to worry about it because... (refernece to getting in to soldier) made a hole. It was cloud recollecting it. He should have been able to copy zack's memory of how he got in. Instead he has this block of "not worrying about it".

No one said it was perfect, but it has canonically happened. It's a patchwork mind, I've always said it's a patchwork mind to give him something to work with and let his real self reconstruct itself beneath.

Also i meant if cloud's mom or dad was an ancient of some sort, not what happened to them. He did get exposed to more mako than anyone else could survive. So he is different somehow.

Must awesome heroes always have some strange heritage that is the cause of their awesome? No. Besides, we've got two of those in FF already. No need for more.
How can one lie when what you talk about is what you're absolutely certain is the truth?

... A mind is never consistent - if it was, the medical discipline of Psychology would be absolute and there would be no mental illness since one medicine can cure all for a certain ailment. (one for Depression, one for Bipolar, one for ADD - or what ever) instead of spending years being diagnosed, re-diagnosed, go on multiple combination of medications of the Med Roulette wheel, and still suffer from it.

And this JENOVA comment.

I strongly believe that if JENOVA cells were injected into a true CERTA it will kill the person (which is how and why I believe Aerith's mother died) **Personal Theory**

So if that is the case - Where how did this "one of Cloud's parents is an Ancient" theory come from? (I know that it's wishful thinking for many Fanfiction writers, but that is not cannon)
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Now all of the ones lived in Nibelheim was killed, and the village was set on fire by Sephiroth, so ShinRa rebuilt the village the same way it was before the fire but people can't be revived so they just brought some people in, and since they are outsiders and doesn't know of the fire of course they will deny it. and that's my opinion. ^^
the people in Nibelheim in the present are hired by Shinra to be placed there. Everyone in the fire died. Shinra wanted to keep the fire quiet as if nothing happened, so they rebuilt Nibelheim.
I thought the Survivors of the fire were the ones in the black cloaks? Gathered up and experimented on. Those people had to be somebody. So Im guessing they were survivng towns people. The the ShinRa staff have come in as actors to make out like nothing has ever happened. Government coverup. Says as much on the letters on Tifas chest of drawers anwway - about the staff part anyway
I agree with Moondancer. The there are survivors and they shared the same fate as Cloud and Zack. -- They just lost their minds or made no effort to become sane again. (as if they could but what if)
actually,well,i didnt read the full post,just a few of the replies,so sorry if im stating what was already said,i made an account just so i can answer this one question,everybody was killed off in nibelheim during the fire,in crisis core,and just to get this clear,cloud is reliving zacks memories as in the end of crisis core,zack touchs clouds head to his bleeding body,and his last words were that cloud is his living legacy,then he dies,anyhow,back on topic,apparently,zack and cloud are kept in the mako tanks for approx. 4 years,giving shinra enough time and to move people of midgar to a new,more civil location,hence "new" nibelheim,nobody knew about the fire,nobody was paid,and can someone answer this question for me,in the sector 5 slums in ffvii,there is a man in a tank that doesnt speak,only groans,people keep telling me its zack,can somebody clear this up for me
Not everyone died in that fire, it as much as states it somewhere in the game that the Survivors were rounded up and they are the clone guys...otherwise who are they? It makes sense that they would be the survivors, not EVERYONE would have died. Had Zangan not got Tifa out she would have suffered the same fate and been roaming around in a cloak saying 'reunion ion ion' over and over,well, if she hadnt died that is

Im pretty sure it states it in that letter found on Tifas desk - that ShinRa report
well,the people in the blacks hood claimed about some reunion,how they could be linked to the fire,remeber,sephiroth left the side of him that wasny a complete psycho at nibelheim,is it possib le that they could have something to do with sephiroth,maybe the destroyed super soldier remanes,the super soldiers are the chemically mako altered shinra soldiers thaat were in the reactor,maybe they reunited with sephiroth to make sephiroth the ultimate weapon of destruction
They were the survivors. The were experimented on, they would have lost their minds. Hojo or whoever tried to make them into Sephiroth clones, much the same they tried with Cloud I guess. Remember he wasnt PURSUING Sephiroth, he was being summoned by him. He could make him do things for him -like hand over the balck materia

I suspect he could also manipulate the clones aswel. Its all Jenova related but that's where I get confused...
maybe the black hoods,what i call the guys in the black hoods were survivors who were experimented on as you said,and their supposed to form with sephiroth and create an ultimate monster,but im playing ff7 right now on my psp and he just killed them all,whats up with that,also,i need help on defeating the giant monster he sends out,can you help
^ And this, people, is why we don't imbibe too much caffiene.

The people wandering about the town in black robes are the survivors of the Nibelhiem fire, who Shinra then turned into mindless "sephiroth clones". Get it? No one should have to repeat this answer again!