The Glorious Revolution Against Tifa

I would have loved to battle Yuffie and Aeris in KH 1. It could have been a tough battle. You would have to take out Aeris first because she would be healing herself and Yuffie. But come to think of it, I would feel waaaay to bad about hitting Aeris with a key blade. Yuffie on the other hand I can do cause she's a ninja.
What about Hitting Tifa with the keyblade?

I would have nearly killed her - then healed her 0 then beat her up some more ^_^
That I could definently do, lol! Pretty much the only FF girls that I just couldn't hit are Aeris and X Yuna.

I was actually mad that they made Yuffie so easy in the Hades cup in KH1.
Iwouldnt be able to hit Garnet either :(

But tifa yeah!! HELL YEAH! shes practically a manbeast anyway XD

And am i the only one who HATED her voice in KH2 and AC?
No you are not the only one who hated her voice acting in AC and KH2 :blink:

Tifa+voice acting= LA's EARSBLEEEED

Seriously, I would love to beat the shit out of her with my keyblade! XD Fun fun stuff people! Aerith on the other hand, I couldn't hit and I couldn't hit Garnet either. I did fight both Leon and Yuffie in KH 1 to win the Pegasus Cup at the Coliseum and I kinda cringed when I was hitting Yuffie because I like Yuffie a lot! lol :P
I heard you can fight tifa in KH2 - now i dont know if thats true but if it is:

It is now my favourite part of the game :D

Screw sora donal goofy riku & Kairi and al the heartless - the games really about exposing tifa as the stalker she really is!

And beating her up to - Naturally
Yeah if I'm not mistaken, you can take the Gummi Ship back to the Coliseum and fight her there. I just can't remember when it is, or maybe I'm wrong >_< Damn, I can't remember. *needs to play KH2*
I so hope you can! that would be awesome!


Yeah...i wuv my mages XD

You know Anti-Aeris people say that Aeris is 22 going on 7 - well then i shudder to think about tifa then XD

if Aerith is 22 going on 7 then Tifa is 20 going on 3 XD
i know Aeris seemed sensible to me :D

And as for Aeris being the damsel in distress....

Im sorry but who was the one who made Cloud "promise that if he ever became strong to come and rescue her" - Tifa.

And if i remember correctly when Aeris was captured by the Shinra she told cloud not to worry about it.

I highly doubt that would be Tifa's attitude about it - she'd be doing to whole Screaming/Crying/Begging thing -_-
It would be more of a "WHERE'S MY HERO!"

Although, to be fair, she didn't do that in Junon. Maybe because she knew Cloud wasn't coming.

Yuffie was a damsel in part of the game. But no one complains about that. Unless they are very anti Yuffie but then they usually just bring up the Wutai side quest as being boring.
Junon was a rare Tifa moment - i think all her momentum vanished the second she realised that Cloud wouldn't be coming to save her at all.

And Yuffie wasn't a damsel - she was fighting all the way through it ^_^
I think I know what really bothers me about her now. She reminds a lot of some of the girls from the popular group from Junior High and High School. I sort of had problems with them but mainly because I couldn't keep my mouth shut. Maybe its just a grudge that I've been holding deep down in my psych and it's now being directed at Tifa.

Suddenly, I feel lighter now...
Alright guys, let's leave the Anti-Aerith people out of this. We don't need this turning into a flame war.

Tifa is just like a high school girl - OMG she;s the cheerleader in the movies whos always pissed when the guy likes the non-cheerleader girl and not her!

So much makes sense now.
Nah, she just reminds me of the ones from my school.

That may have been why I didn't like her when I originally played the game and its just carried over through the years.

It wasn't really until disk 2 when she really started reminding me. It was like them with their boyfriends.

And I need to let grudges go.

And to be fair

Tifa > popular girls from my High School
But Tifa in disk two < Most people

Disk 2 tifa...ah so much to say so little typing space XD

But i hated how they tried to develop her loads in like an hour....seriously in disk 1 she was just there.....and in disk 2 WHOAH shes thrust right in your face!
The problem that I had with her development was that it seemed rushed. So much that they had to conviently stick her with Cloud's past so they didn't have to develope her own.

I think she would have worked better if she had just met Cloud in Midgar and never knew him as a child.