The Glorious Revolution Against Tifa

I'm so in this revolution XD

Okies, don't get me wrong...I love canon Tifa, I HATE fanon Tifa XDDD Also, she's annoying in certain parts of AC (mostly due to her English voice acting, heh), especially when she refers to Aerith as nothing but a "memory". -_- Hey, Aerith was her friend, wasn't she? Nice way to refer to her >_>
XD i so agree with you - her voice acting makes me shudder -_-

Welcome to the club - hope you stay active and bitch - i mean Chat - as much as you can :D
Thats great to know XD

So what do you - or anyone else - think is Canon/Fanon Tifas worse attribute?

I think its her incessent nagging - and the whole lying-to-cloud-his-whole-life thing.

And fanon tifas worse attribute is her Confidence and her loudmouth and her dominance over cloud - and Tifas got none of any of those thnigs :lol:
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*sighs* Alright, I'm breaking my own word and I'm posting. Screw it. I hate Fanon Tifa and some things Canon Tifa do irritate the piss out of me. What irritates me?

Canon Tifa: In FFVII, her obsessiveness over Cloud and her clingyness. Naturally, I am a Clerith so that would irritate me, however that doesn't make me hate Canon Tifa. I actually like her in some aspects. In AC, her consistent nagging on Cloud really pissed me off and how she just brushed Aerith off as a "memory" Aerith is so much more than that and she was a hell of a lot more than just a memory to Cloud as well. KH2 Tifa....STALKER MUCH!? That's all I've got to say. Let's bust down doors and knock over shit just to go find him...

Fanon Tifa: Anything and everything her rabid fans do to her. They draw her in hentai, make her have tits bigger than her head, write her out to be something she's not, make her out to be like she's some horny woman, loud-mouthed and rude when she's not like that at all. Tifa's a sweet, caring motherly type of person to Cloud, Marlene and Denzel. Stop turning poor Tifa into a dark-haired slut! :mad:
About Tifa in KH2 - i think she's either on something or her eyesight isnt very good - i mean why on earth would Cloud be hiding behind a picture? it lacks logical sense. but then againit also makes you wonder if shes looking for him in places like that where does Cloud normally hide from her? :lol:
Cannon Tifa: I didn't like her clingyness. I also think she wasn't developed too well. I don't hate her as much as I seem too, I just like getting a rise out of her fans because they are so easy to, especially my sister. ;) I actually didn't mind her on the first disk, she was just kind of there. But then the second disk came along and she was cool in Junon, but then she just suddenly got incredibly clingy! It was like all she could think was Cloud, Cloud, Cloud. Annoyed the hell out of me. Maybe it's because she was a last minute character to the game? Maybe if she was added earlier they could have had more time to do something better than her. And I don't hate Tifa because I'm an Aeris fan. I like Aeris a lot but I wouldn't consider myself one of her fans. I'm a Yuffie fan. :)

Fanon Tifa: God her fans! And I'm not talking about all of them, there are some really cool ones. I hate it when they make her to be something she is not, which pretty much a Mary Sue. They are at their worst at anime cons. To be fair, fanon Aeris is annoying too.
i know what you mean Rydia.

I wont name names but i know and am actually friends with a few Tifa/Cloti fans - and there quite frankly awesome people :D

But her Rabid fans.........whole different story there - if you look at some of the more extremist websites - like strifeheart - you'll find that tthe more common threads are the ones which bash Aeris and Yuffie - since they are the only other competetors for clouds heart - yes even though yuffie barely does anything in the whole Cloud-Love thing they still bash her.

It makes me sick.
Wow, even Yuffie bashing because she is in competition for Cloud's heart? ::rolls eyes:: You know, he does kind of reject her on their date...

Just about every, if not all, Cleriths and Clotis on this forum are pretty cool. I haven't seen any bad drama since I've been here. From reading past post, I've see that there was some, but they seem to be gone now.

Maybe I should start up The Glorious Revolution Against Yuffie just for the hell of it. And then every FF7 girl will have one of these clubs for them! But then everyone in my Yuffie club would probably start freaking out and wonder what the hell is wrong with me.
Rydia you could always say that you came down with split-personality disorder XD

But i wish that if someone made an anti-yuffie club they wouldnt call it "The Glorious Revolution Against Yuffie" - our club name has been whored out enough already -_-

But i digress.

Yeah Rydia there were some really nasti Tifa/Cloti fans - the same ones that made StrifeHeart - they basically insult anyone who challenges there opinion and they flame all the anti-tifa/anti-cloti videos on youtube - they insult aeris fans constantly, theyve crashed CxA forums a load of times and they think Yuffies a waste of space - and i quote

"The Person who came up with Cluffie is a perverted Retard"

Yeah those two just warm my heart with love to all cloti fans.

Yeah I know what you mean. I think every Cluffie fan knows that it is canon. I would say that Yuffintine is more perverted.

One would think I had a split personality disorder with the amount of times I've posted "I'm the only rabid Cluffie fan! But I hate that pairing!" lol!

Oh yeah, I posted on the Anti Aerith thread, it's not because I hate her or anything, I was just getting them back on topic because I did kind of bring them off topic there. I just posted what I though were some of Aerith's negative attributes. Every character has them
Yeah every character has negative traits.......

some just really piss you off more than others.

Oh and Jared (*Omni-slasher*) made an EXCELENT Anti-Tifa siggy - he's given me permission to share it here and any member is free to use it :)

It has both Aeris and Yuffie in the sigs (in good ways) so it appeals to everyone who Dislikes tifa but likes one of the other two :D

Its my own current signiture right now but if it changes here is the link -
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*gives cookie*

Now that we have a signiture we could all use we could work on finding/making some banners - this one is espicially for the Cloti haters in our Club :
Yeah I know what you mean. I think every Cluffie fan knows that it is canon. I would say that Yuffintine is more perverted.

Oh my, I made a confusing typo. That should be Every Cluffie fan knows that it is NOT canon. Because you know, that's really stretching it.

I guess those girls also don't know that back when VII was released, the age of consent was still only 13 in Japan. Recently it has been raised to eighteen. Hmm... Cloud is like a sixteen year old, Yuffie is sixteen. ZOMG Cannon!

I one time jokingly put a Cluffie arguement in an LTD debate and posted really ridiculous reasons for it. But a lot of people took me seriously and I ended up getting a lot of nasty e-mails. Needless to say, most of them, but not all, were from Tifa fans.
A lot of Aeris Haters are Cloti fans or tifa fans thats what pisses me off - that they cant accept that Aeris is there and is an obstacle to their way of thinking....

*sigh* i wish yuffie was a mandatory member and Tifa was the optional character -_-
Hmm... If Aeris is that much of a threat then they just don't have enough faith in their pairing.

I have noticed that a lot of Tifa fans, but not all, seem to be young girls. And anytime I bring up Tifa's faults, no matter how significant it is, they all seem to get offended especially when I say that she's boring, or annoying on disk 2. I'm not saying this is the case with all Tifa fans, just a lot. Sephiroth fans can be very annoying too.

Aeris's fans seem to be a lot more kinder with this as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure there are rabids out there, but I haven't run into many.

And yes, Yuffie should have been a mandatory character. Then she could have been in the final FMV and I don't have to conclude that she and Vincent fell in the northern crater and died.

That's a funny banner btw!
Aeris and Yuffie were in both Kingdom Hearts games ^_^ clearly because *puts on whisper* they were the best ones*looks around* They were even more important than cloud :O *yells* and at least they didnt look under PAINTINGS to search for a guy! or wonder round randomly destroying peoples offices!!!

Jeez. Aerith and Yuffie were actually conductive and useful in kH2 - and i love how Aeris cast Curaga on yuffie ^_^