The Great Crystal


Dark Knight
Aug 28, 2007
Bambi Branford
FFXIV Server
I actually think this place irritates me MORE than the Pharos. I never thought that was possible

It took me an absolute aaaage to find Ultima, and that was following the guide step by step. Not having a map is a killer. It's really hard to work out which way you need to go not knowing which way is North on the map. Having gay gate timers doesn't help either

I wqas trying to get the chest with that Zodiack Shield in, got my self SO lost, I ended up where the Excalibur was. Which I guess isn't a bad thing coz I was looking for that aswel

I'm stumped if I can find this stupid shield though. It's driving me bloody mad. I hate this crystal

WHY did they think it was a good idea to not include a map at all D:

These things are sent to try me -_-
Oh. I thought a map would help.

It's ok, if I can't find this stupid zodiak shield with my guide, then I might have to refer to it

I seem to be on the right path, although I just KNOW im gunna get foiled by a gate I'm not expecting. It's giving me such a headache :ffs:
You don't seem to like this game very much. :p

Yeah it's annoying, like REALLY annoying. You think you're going the right way, but then you end up on the complete wrong side of where you are wanting to be.
The monsters there are so powerful though. How scary would it be if you ran into Omega Weapon on your way XD. I've never found the coward.
Omega, excalibur, zodiak, ultima, ahhhhh

I hate the crystal too. I'm like okay heres the virgo switch now I gotta go north, WAIT which ways north... NOOOO!!

Anyways me and my friend were playing and he glances at the map we looked up and was able to get all the way to OMega by himself. I know he hasn't been there before but he say he can do it on every map.
If you're looking for the Zodiac Esutcheon, isn't that in a random chest in the Feywood? xD

As for the Great Crystal itself, I've never had much of an issue with. If you follow a good map then it's fine, so long as it's clear and concise about which exit you need to be taking. Most of them name the locations, e.g. "Dha Vikaari Trak" or something.
Even with a map it's still confusing! like if you forget which way you came in to a circle during a fight. you end up coming back the way you came, but not for about 3 screens more! Total faff. And for excalibur, I think you need the diamond armlet. i forgot. again. and had to reset -__-
That place was ridiculous the first time I was in there. I remember giving help way back when this game came out, I found an interactive map that actually gave instructions area by area. I had to dialog it out for my friends and if I remember right I gave fairly good instructions back in the day on these forums to. 2006 era.

The place sucks though without a guide, one of the most complex places, but amazing exp.
The exp is good, I'l admit that - although Ive looked away afew times and back to find my party is dead :wacky:

I've been stuck there half the night after getting Ultima, it's a horrible palce and I couldn't find my way out. Got there eventually...I just hope I never ever have to go back there ever again. It's officially the worst place ever. Ive been stuck in there for about 3 hours D:
Ugh, this place is a real cunt. Having to open and close gates with stupid timers to get to different places was awful. To get to Omega I had to redo the entire place. When I finally got to him, he almost killed me but I managed to escape, readjust my gambits and I finally got him. Ultima was a bitch of a fight. I didn't bring enough Phoenix Downs and I got owned by her. I had to exit and then do the stupid place again. I hate this place just like you, Moondancer.
Here's the best way I can state how the crystal is.. it blows.

The only thing I can tell you, is that it is like a Test. A test of skill of gambits + naturally selecting your encounters. Basically it's a big ole skill check. Funny because in my opinion Omega and Ultima were a push over compared to going after the items here. I remember getting stuck in there for close to 10 hours one day and all I could do was suffer through the carnage. Granted this was before I had a map, but once I learned what to take on and what I needed, the place was a godsend for exp.

I don't recommend it to you if you get agitated by dying easily or hate getting lost, or lastly hate the timer on the spheres.
The Pharos I can handle... This fucking place just irks me off SO MUCH.

I took me about four hours to get to Ultima (I wasn't using a map or guide) -_- And I was all "yay, got the supposed second strongest summon" and then thought "Oh she'll be handy to use to get out of here" cos she's holy based and theres undeads everywhere....

sadly not. I got owned so many times trying to get the hell out of there.

Eventually I managed it with the help of Cucuwhateverhisnameis.

But it sucks when you keep going round and round in circles.

Fucking place needs to burn... -__-
Yeah. This place was annoying the no map and when you are timed when you press the thing to open the doors. -__-

Ultima and Omega were hard to find. -__-
But good Armour and weapons though.
Excalibur is epic. :monster:

Even with a map and guide!
On top of everything else, it takes like 15mins to get into the damn crystal! fighting your way through Gurievagan (Sp?) was always such a faff, just let me get into the great crystal dammit! ---be careful what you wish for :neomon:
I hate the GC with a passion, imo its the worst dungeon in any FF game by a mile.

Though I will probably have to wade thorugh this hellhole again on my way to kill Omega.

He and Yizzie are the only things left for me to do to get a 100% game. I have done everything else in the game.
I hate that fucking Crystal! Why not just level the whole damn thing with Flare and let everybody else deal with Omeggy and Ultima? Besides, it's beed said that it's the only way to get to the floating Gate of Fire (I think that's it). Then just cast Float you bastards! Ugh, this place gets on my nerves.
I actually didn't mind it. It was really the only place in the game that actually tested me but yeah the path to omega and ultima is pretty hard.