The Great Crystal

While it was pretty annoying and very powerful at times, one thing I can say about the Great Crystal was that the music was very good.

Very mysterious and creepy in a sense, yet soothing as well.
I didn't understand the need in having a place that is so confusing and annoying. lol. To test our patience I guess. =p.

Anyways, I HATED the crystal. Even with the map I had, I got lost. I ended up finding omega weapon instead of Ultima. (Omega Weapon was not awake though...weird). I finally found Ultima, got lost...and was frustrated. I got out though and saved as soon as I saw the nearest save point!

I have yet to this day found Omega again to beat it and nor have I found the Excalibur. I need serious help with this place. Anyone? lol.
You got Danjuro?

Otherwise its another trip for you back to that wretched place. XP
I actually think this place irritates me MORE than the Pharos. I never thought that was possible

It took me an absolute aaaage to find Ultima, and that was following the guide step by step. Not having a map is a killer. It's really hard to work out which way you need to go not knowing which way is North on the map. Having gay gate timers doesn't help either

I wqas trying to get the chest with that Zodiack Shield in, got my self SO lost, I ended up where the Excalibur was. Which I guess isn't a bad thing coz I was looking for that aswel

I'm stumped if I can find this stupid shield though. It's driving me bloody mad. I hate this crystal

WHY did they think it was a good idea to not include a map at all D:

These things are sent to try me -_-
the pharos is one of my favorite places, however the great crystal is indeed very annoying. im stuck trying to find omega mark 12
Noooo, the pharos is the entire reason that i stopped playing FFXII for like 6 months! And if im not mistaken the omega mark 12 is in the coliseum before the pharos or is it at the entrance to the phaos, im not sure which.. but anyways to stay on topic... does anybody know what all there is to do in the Great crystal? i know there is Ultima and Omega weapon, but what else is there?
Even with a map it's still confusing! like if you forget which way you came in to a circle during a fight. you end up coming back the way you came, but not for about 3 screens more! Total faff. And for excalibur, I think you need the diamond armlet. i forgot. again. and had to reset -__-
i guess im pretty lucky i have the excalibur, zodiac spear, ultima wearon, well no need to name all the best weapons kuz i have every item in the game. im a collector :)

Noooo, the pharos is the entire reason that i stopped playing FFXII for like 6 months! And if im not mistaken the omega mark 12 is in the coliseum before the pharos or is it at the entrance to the phaos, im not sure which.. but anyways to stay on topic... does anybody know what all there is to do in the Great crystal? i know there is Ultima and Omega weapon, but what else is there?
i do believe ur confuzed. omega wep duzent exist, its omega mrk 12 ur thinking of and its a different wyrm waiting in colisium called yaismant or something. also ultima wep isnt found in great crystal its found in pharos 2nd secret floor. the three related wyrms are the hell wyrm, omega, and yaismant, there like brothers.
I am not talking about Ultima Weapon... i am talking about the optional summon Ultima. Ohh, did they rename omega weapon in FFXII? I didnt even know that Ultima weapon was in FFXII, im going to have to replay the game.
Cloud Fantasy, please use the ed it button in future so as not to double post

Also could you change your font colour, it's impossible to read without highlighting, thank you
About ten minutes into stepping into this place i realized what i had gotten myself into. I was in there looking for excalibur and zodiac escutcheon when i found out....

i had no idea where i was :(

so i googled up GC and found the gamefaqs map and steadied myself, then i went on that tedious quest to get the two and after alot of monsters and re entering screens i got the two. but it was fairly easy since i was about 85 and brought black masks along.

Getting swarmed by those ghosts though were terrible. I absolutely loathe the death spell! And excalibur and the shield were most definitely worth the trouble. favorite setup in the game for leveling in that area
I have the guide... but my ps2 is temporarily FUBAR..... and the last thing i remember about the Great Crystal was getting pwned, cause my main party was only lvl 60 something i believe... is Excalibur really all that good? That was what i was looking for on my expedition... but i was just randomly wandering hoping to find it, and needless to say.. failed miserably.
that might pose a problem for you... lol. but yes if you have it equipped with a strong character it has holy element and it can hit for quad 9's on a very constant basis. but yeah you need to find out what room its in and just keep re entering until the chest appears. and make sure you have the diamond armlet :)

Sorry to throw the thread off track!