The Great Crystal

I NEED to have a Map out when I'm navigating that place. I've never even tried going through it without knowing where the hell I'm suppose to go. Unlocking all the Gates and such were a pain in the ass and I would be stuck in a dead-end where I'd have to back-track while getting bent over by a 3 headed Unicorn that shoots fire out it's ear-lobes and junk like that. And to top it off, half the enemies in the freakin' Great Crystal can go invisible and warp and all that shit. Jeez.

I loved how it was set up; I love leveling up there. I hate not knowing where he hell I'm at or going!!
This place definitely annoyed me as well. It practically screams "Get a guide, dummy!" Fortunately, I did have a walkthrough in handy along with a map that even I sometimes had trouble figuring out, but I managed. The enemies are tough which is a great place for leveling up, but I have to admit, the place did make me nervous as hell. I love the environment though, that's for sure. But I hate how complicated the navigation is sometimes.
I thought it was an alright place actually. Sure it took me quite a while trying to find my way to Ultima and then Omega through trial and error because of the lack of a map, but i liked the challenge it posed. The surroundings plus the music really helped make it more tolerable for me too, as opposed to something like the Bevelle dungeon in FFX-2 in my opinion.
I didn't really like this place either. I found it confusing as hell even with a walkthrough. The fact that everything looked the same was one thing, but what really bugged me was that you didn't get a map for the place. At least the place had some fairly decent exp, but I was over levelled at that point anyway, so I wasn't too impressed by it.

I still thought the Pharos was worse though.
I found it frustrating too, and I have to go back to get some of the stuff. The enemies are tough, really tough, and it is just plain confusing!

I must say though, it has one of my favourite themes in the game (so far).
I didn't hate this place as much as I hated the Pharos, but I STILL HATE IT! GOD! The map was confusing, every area looked the SAME, and that DID NOT HELP!
It's just....just....
This place is evil beyond all words, I went and found Ultima myself and it took me about 6 horus, that is the last time I do that without a walkthrough in sight range, that place is an endless maze and I'm a guy who needs and likes his map so not having it makes me very lost.
This was an enjoyable little place. :monster:

I definitely needed a guide to get through that place in any appreciable amount of time. I suppose that tooling around in there long enough would get you familiar with its inner workings...but I don't have that kind of time to waste. It wasn't even really a decent place to level, I found it an obnoxious area. :gasp:
Aaaah yeah the Crystal was SCARY o_o I was around level 55, looking for the Excalibur (which I never got). But those weird bombs and other zombie-like fiends kept chasing me and I just panicked all the time :P And not including a map was a disaster, I was sooo lost >__< It also sucked that you have to go aaaall the way through Giruvegan first to reach the Crystal! Giruvegan was really scary too xD
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I hate this place. BADLY. Going through the first time was hard. Getting to Ultima was a whole 'nother ball game. I did it at 85 or so... I think?
I still havent managed that, even witht e guide, no matter how many times I try I cant get to the damn thing, i t's evil, there should be LAWS about the great crystal. I was lost for hours trying to get to it until I lost me rag and gave up -_-
I think I was one of the lucky ones.

First time I went for Excalibur, I got it. :wacky:

How cool is that?
You're clearly an arsehole -_-

I can't even get it with the guide, I need both the fucking doors to be open to get to it, and I can only ever open one, if i open the one closest to it, then I cant get to it becasu eIm stuck behind the door that makes that one ope, so if I open THAT one, the door I need to go through to get to it is CLOSED :gasp:


You tried video guides?

I was actually shocked at getting it first time, was expecting to be going back and forth about 50 ba-zillion times while contemplating throwing the game out the window like it was with alot of other things.

Without a minimap I think navigating would be still be easy enough - but no, they had to make every area look exactly the same. :wacky:
I had to go back and forth about ten times, but I got it eventually. The real pain was finding it and then finding the place to go back to if it didn't come immediately.

Stick in at it, maybe try out one of the guides from gamefaqs. I used that to navigate my way to Excalibur and Ultima. 'Twas easy with that.
So, Excalibur is after where the Shadownir are right?
There was 4 of them I think. Haven't played XII in awhile,but I remember I got some dorky gil instead of the sword >:(
So, Excalibur is after where the Shadownir are right?
There was 4 of them I think. Haven't played XII in awhile,but I remember I got some dorky gil instead of the sword >:(


If I get there and that happens it'l be going right out of the window, I didn't anticipate that D:
Great Crystal Help and all other troubles

Hey everything you need: maps, item locations, chest/coffers for the great crystal, all of it you can find at They seriously have everything mapped out nice and easy to figure out. Then you can start enjoying the game, hope it helps:)