The Gunblade

It was a nice concept of a sword. I thought it was one of the better swords throughout the FF Games. That's just my opinion though.
Definitely creative, and definitely fantasy. I like it, but only because it's part of FFVIII. Otherwise, it's just another weapon to me, albeit one that's fun to use (with the timed hits and limit break).
i thought the gunblade was a pretty good idea i guess, it just seemed wierd that it was never really used as a gun. like you never saw squall take it out and spray some bitches with it. it would have been cooler if things like that happened.
Good idea because combining a sword and gun together is very fantasy. IMO its one of the best and recongised weapons in the FF series.
It was an unusual weapon but it did look really cool the concept of combining both sword and gun into one making a gunblade it was really interesting to see a new type of weapon
The gunblade was a silly idea that turned out to be less than the sum of its component parts. Give me a gun and a sword instead.