The Institute Of Silver Lake


The Last Dragon
Nov 26, 2006
Suburban hell.
Sorry for the delay ^^; I've just been really busty lately. This is my first RP! And the sign up and discussion thread can be found here. So, here goes nothing -

The Institute Of Silver Lake

The students have been forced to accept the new rule of lockdown, those caught outside their dorms after 9pm will be punished severely. No one doubts this. Everyone's seen someone have their fingers or even their arm broken for disobeying the teachers in the classroom, and they shudder to think what punishments would happen if they were caught after lockdown.

This is The Institute of Silver Lake. A school laws forgot. Corporal Punishment still occurs at the school, albeit, more extreme, but, the school has a dark deep secret.

Recently, children have been disappearing, no one knows why they disappear, where they go to, or who is behind the disappearances. 3 girls and 4 boys have already gone missing, two of the girls have been discovered, laying face up in the main hall, dead. Each one had a knife stuck deep in their chests, and a note found near the bodies - "I'll be back." 2 of the boys were also discovered, hanging from a tree in the forest near the school. They also had the same note nailed to the rope.

Although the police have searched and searched, the missing children or the people responsible for their disappearances, have not yet been discovered. The children are terrified, but the school insists things carry on as normal.

This is where our RP starts, it is 8am on a cold Tuesday morning. And another child is about to be found missing.
Dr. James Alexandria stepped through the door of his flat on the campus of Silver Lake, at around 6:30 am. He looked up at the gray, cloudy sky. "Looks like it might snow today." he said to no one in particular. He smiled. Some things were still good, like this cold weather. At least he had something to appreciate, especially given the generally dreary mood on campus at this time. Students were disappearing, and bodies were beginning to turn up. In all of his 42 years at the institution, he had never seen or heard anything quite like this. He sighed, and put on his signature black fedora as he began to shuffle to class with his cane. "Where has the time gone?" he muttered to himself as he made his way to the main academic building.

Dr. Alexandria preferred to be as early as possible to school, and was often one of the first ones there. He enjoyed taking him time to get to his office, and the relative peace of the early morning. He taught classes most of the day, and there was much to prepare for. He simply preferred the quiet. As he entered his office, he heard the deep sound of the clock's 8 am bell.

"And so begins another day..." he sighed as he sat down at his desk and prepared for the first class of the day...
Zeria Iiyasei yawned as she walked through the hallways.

"So it seems that there is another day we have survived. Doesn't look like a very good day either"

She sighed and shivered a bit, staring down the hall. It was somewhat cold too, which didn't help her, considering she was wearing her old school's uniform. The skirt only went halfway to the knees, so her legs were freezing. She was glad the top had long sleeves. Zeria sighed and headed for the classroom of one of her teachers. She had a piece of late homework from when she had been ill and unable to attend class. She pushed open the door and sent a soft smile at the Math Teacher.

"Good morning, Dr Alexandria. I brought the homework from when I was ill. Please excuse that lateness"

She set the paper on his desk and gave a small bow, turning and leaving the room to head off and make it to her first class early.
beep...beep....beep....beep Stephen's alarm clock belched out beeps to signal that it was time for the young football star to wake up he sat up and turn off the beeping "Hownam why do you get up this early" asked one of his dorm mates who was still half asleep, Stephen chose not to reply as he pulled on some tracksuit bottoms and grabbed his sleeveless T-shirt.

as Stephen exited his Dormitory and headed for the sports field to go for his regular 7AM run he pulled on his T-shirt and smiled at the French teacher as she drove past in her car. when he got to the sports field he did a few stretches, put in his i-pod headphones and turned on his running playlist and then began running, he normally did around 3 miles each morning, at a steady pace it took him around 20 to 25 minutes.

After his run, he went back to his dorm removed his clothes and grabbed a towel for a shower. after his shower Stephen grabbed his school uniform from his cupboard and got dressed. he packed his football kit that consisted of jersey, shorts, socks, shin pads, boots and his captain's armband. he then grabbed his sports bag and school bag and headed down to his school locker. he put both of his bags in his locker and took out his football to practice his skills.
Zeria looked up from the floor to see someone else in the halls. It was one of the football players. She recognized him as the guy named "Hownam". She shrugged. She'd never spoken to the guy before. She didn't really care. She yawned softly and decided maybe she should be nice. She stopped in the middle of the hallway, getting lost in thought.

"Maybe I's not always a bad thing...Nah. Another time. When it's not so early"

She started walking again, lost in thought, and didn't realize she'd begun walking again, until she bumped right into the guy...
Stephen fell over and dropped his ball because of another student not paying attention, he jumped straight back to his feet and smiled at her "hey you really should keep an eye on where your going" he said as he offered his hand to help her to her feet "want a hand up?"
Zeria Blushed and nodded, taking his hand to get pulled up.

"Sorry. I must've gotten lost in thought again. I apologize"

She grabbed the ball and handed it to him.

"I'm really sorry. Here's your ball"
Stephen took the ball from the girls hand, his smile turn into more of a small laugh "no need to Blush, alots goin on at the moment, everyone is having trouble focusing" Stephen then turned around to walk away but stopped, he looked over his shoulder at the girl "not sure if you know, but my name is Stephen, but you can call me Hownam everyone does" he then turned around to face the Girl "whats your name?"
Sonny was walking down the hallway right by Dr Alexandria's room. He was wearing his earphones, the wires of the earphones all leading to his left pocket, and was miming the words to the songs he was listening to. He had was looked at the bulletin boards as he was walking, paying attention for anything related to recent events.

Sonny was slightly on edge, but he didn't show it, he just tried to seem relaxed...and remembering to bolt his dorm's door before he goes to bed...

Sonny then looked straight ahead and noticed two students talking to each other, one a boy with a ball, and one a girl. He noticed the girl to be Zeria, but he didn't recognise the boy...

"Hey! Zeria!" Sonny then lifted his right arm and began waving to her, he then took out his earphones and placed them both in his left pocket, he then looked back at Zeria and asked, "Who's your friend?"
Zeria smiled.

"I'm Zeria. You can call me Z for short if you want. I transferred here just last year"

She sighed.

"You're right there's a lot going on. With all of the students going missing and some showing up's hard not to worry if you'll be the next to disappear. I must admit, I've never been so nervous all the time. I dont' usually space out like this either. I'll have to go practice my martial arts later and clear my head..."

She slung her bag over her shoulder and shrugged. She wondered what was going to happen with the other few missing students...and she wondered who or what was taking them...just then, an old friend came up to her.

"Oh! Hi Sonny! This is...Hownam? He's one of the football players here at school. I kinda bumped into him"
As Zeria slung her bag over her shoulder Stephen smiled "hey Z, don't worry bout it" Stephen then heard someone behind him shouting to Zeria "Hey! Zeria! Who's your friend?" Stephen then smiled as he looked at Zeria, "looks like your fella wants ya" he muttered with a smile on his face, he then walked past Zeria in the opposite direction to the guy up the hall "see you around" he muttered with a wink in Zeria's Direction.

Stephen then headed out onto the field for the second time in the day and dropped his ball on the floor, he then chipped it up and began kicking it up into the air with great control he was using different parts of his body to do it aswell, his head, knee, feet, shoulder. after around 20 keep-ups he caught the ball between his right butt cheeck and the heel of his right foot "OLAY" he shouted as he dropped the ball
Sonny watched Hownam walked off, he then turned his attention back to Zeria.

"Seems like a nice chap," Sonny smiled, "So have you heard about all these recent events lately? Them people going missing and turning up dead later? It's creeping the hell outta me, I can tell you that, I can assure you one thing, I'm bolting my bloody dorm door tonight!" Sonny then sighed and shook his head, "You making any safety measures?"
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Jet entered the school and headed for his classroom. "nice to be in school again" Jet muttered, then laughed. He had spent years to get out of school, and now he's been hired as protection for the school. "small wonder, seeing as they still beat children" Jet said to himself as he walked into his classroom. He looked around and saw a note on his chalkboard. pulling it off he read it: leave this school now or you will be the next to go. Jet laughed. "Death threats are nothing new to me, if you want to kill me go ahead and try" Still laughing, he threw the piece of paper into a garbage can and began to set his classroom in order.
Stephen checked his watch and saw it was only half past 8 "oh man" he then lay on the grass and placed his ball next to him "got ages until class" he let out a loud sigh and rested his head on the hard floor, he then reached into his pocket and pulled out a king sized snicker bar pulled off the wrapper and began eating it "perfect breakfast" he then sat up and looked at the main school building and saw that the other students were finally getting up and leaving their dorms "wow, I've been awake for over an hour now and their just getting up" Stephen stood up and walked towards his locker to put his ball away "and they wonder why I'm fitter and better than they are"
Zeria shrugged and sighed.

"I just lock my doors and one of my collector swords near my bed. It's all I can do"

She stretched a bit, then adjusted her bag strap.

"Well, I've got to get to class. I'll talk to you later, Sonny, okay? Cya!"

She ran off down the hall, trying to make it to History Class. She rather admired the teacher. She was part of the after school martial arts club too. She slid to a halt outside the door and pushed it open, entering the classroom.

"Good morning, Jet-sensei"
Jet glanced up from checking his planner. "oh morning Zeria. Why are you here so early? school doesn't start for" Jet checked his watch "another 45 minutes. i wasn't expecting anyone for another half hour."
Zeria laughed.

"A troubled mind makes it difficult to sleep. I figured I'd come to class early and maybe study some more. Or try to calm my mind so I can focus on my work. With the students going missing and showing up dead, I must admit that my mind has been a lot less than focused"

She sighed and took her seat in the front row by the window, taking out her sketchbook and beginning to draw the guy she'd met today, Stephen. She just felt like drawing him with that football of his. She was sketching out the lines for a pose of him ready to throw the ball...
"ok then, go on ahead." Jet said as he checked his planner again. He looked across the room and saw new textbooks. "Something good finally happened." Jet then walked across the room and began setting up the LCD projector.
"Right, right. I'll see ya around!" Sonny waved to Zeria as she walked off.

He then reached into his right pocket and got out a piece of paper folded into a quarter of it's size, he then unfolded the paper. It was his time table...

Right then, let's see what lesson I've got next...Maths with dear Mr Alexandria...

Sonny then folded the paper again, and then turned to the door...

...See I've got a long walk...

Sonny then walked to the door and knocked on it, he then opened it slightly, and poked his head through,

"Heyo, sir!" Sonny said with a cheerful tone.
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As Stephen put his ball back in his locker he checked his planner "oh man, i got history, why do the days never start with Maths or P.E something fun" Stephen grabbed his book bag and slammed his locker closed "hey Hownam, if you hate it that much why did you take it?" another student announced Stephen turned around "because It's the one subject my parents asked me to take" Stephen said before he left the locker room, he then met up with his best friend Kevin and they walked to history "I can't believe you switched to history over French, why would you do that, Mrs Benoit is gorjus" Kevin joked around "yea but she is also French" Stephen replied "and My parents hate the French, don't know y they just do"

Stephen and Kevin then entered the History room half an hour early for the lesson "Kevin i can't beli..." Stephen stopped mid sentence as he Saw Zeria towards the front of the room "Hey Z, didn't know you took history" he said with a smile on his face as he sat down in the back row of the classroom "Good morning Sir" he announced with a nod