The Institute Of Silver Lake

Jet looked across from his LCD projector. "oh hello Stephen. do you want to help me with this thing? i don't have a clue how it works" Jet punched a nearby wall and left a dent in it. "Crap that comes out of my salary to."
Stephen smiled "yes Sir" he announced as he got out of his chair and walked down to the front of the room, he pressed a couple of buttons on top of the projector and it turned on "there ya go Sir" he said with a smile, he then walked back to the back of the classroom and sat down, as he past Zeria he sent a smile in her direction
Zeria looked up from her drawing and turned beet red in the cheeks, quickly closing her art tablet.

"Oh, hi Stephen. Yeah. History is my first class of the day. Always has been"

She waited until he was in the back of the room, before opening her art tablet and continuing to work on her drawing of him throwing a football. It was looking really good, and she had it almost finished. She was just adding the last bit of detail to his clothes and the football...
"next time they need to give me a manual for this thing" Jet muttered as he jumped off his chair and wheeled it over to his desk. "ok guys we got 15 more minutes before class, so enjoy yourself until then. I'll be in the teacher's lounge" Jet walked out of the room and went into the room next door, which was the teacher's lounge.
Kevin started laughing at Zeria's reaction to Stephens smile. when Stephen sat down Kevin looked at him "oh hi Stephen" he said in a kind of squeaky feminine tone "Dude your such an ass" Stephen announced almost instantly Kevin let out a laugh and then lent over to Stephen "Hownam, she wants you, you can tell" Stephen punched Kevin in the arm, causing him to flinch, "Dude i only met her today, we hardly spoke" Kevin began rubbing his arm "whatever you say, but i think she is cute" Stephen smiled "I'm not disputing that but i ain't her type, she has an art folder and she enjoys history" Kevin put his hands over his face to stop himself laughing "your right, you two would suck as a couple"
Zeria finished her drawing and put her tablet away, sighing and putting her head down on her desk.

"It's too quiet. I'm bored"

She stood up and went to the window, looking out it and gazing at students on the grounds. Another sigh and she was sitting on her desk, kicking her feet.

"What I wouldn't give to have something energizing to do right now. . .like fencing. . .or martial arts. . .or even just running. . ."

She sat in her seat, opening up her tablet to look at that drawing of Hownam she'd done and tearing it out, setting it in front of her on the desk.
~Not too bad, if I do say so myself~

She smiled and propped her head up on her palm. Just then, a small breeze blew through the window, knocking the drawing onto the floor.


She got up and quickly went to pick it up, hoping Stephen hadn't seen what it was.
Stephen caught a glance of a piece of paper blowing across the room and Zeria frantically chasing it, he stood up and launched himself across the room he grabbed the piece of paper and rolled onto his back to get back up "what do we have here
he said smiling "I noticed your an Artist are you any..." he stopped as he saw the picture, it was him, and it looked good "wow, your fairly good" he looked at the picture and back to Zeria "but I gotta ask you something and please be honest" Stephen said as he turned the picture around to face Zeria "Is my nose really that big?" he asked with a smile on his face
Zeria turned bright red and turned away.

"N-no. I'm sorry. If you don't like it, you can throw it away. I just went by mental picture. Sorry"

She got up and bit her lower lip, cheeks still burning.

"Thanks for catching it. Do what you want with it"
Stephen smiled "well I'm honored that you drew me, and if your saying i can do whatever i want with it" Stephen folded it in half, and then in half again (quaters) "I'll keep a hold of it" he said as he slid the picture into his inside blazer pocket "i might even put it up in my Dorm" he said as he glanced at his watch "lesson is about to star, i better get back to my seat or risk a beating" Stephen said with a smirk as he went back to his seat, he stopped after just one step and glanced over his shoulder "next time you wanna draw me, text me and I'll meet you, so you don't have to do it from memory" Stephen informed Zeria as he wrote his phone number on a piece of paper and dropped it on her table, he then walked back to his seat and sat down.

"Shut up, before you say anything" Stephen ordered Kevin who looked speechless "how did you know?" Stephen looked at Kevin "Kev mate, i have been your best friend since year 1"
Zeria sat back down in her desk, head buried in her arms.
~That was so embarrassing!~
She sighed and put her art tablet away, taking out her history notebook and a pencil, reviewing some of her notes and waiting for the teacher to return so class would begin. She looked at Stephen's phone number and put it away as well in her bag...
Stephen removed his blazer and put it around the back of his chair "I hate those things" Kevin looked at Stephen "so why do you wear it?" Stephen smiled "Because it makes me look respectable" Stephen replied as he buried his head in his book bag there where a couple of muffled sounds that sounded like words then he sat back up straight and placed his history text book on the table and placed his A4 notepad on the table and pulled out his favorite Newcastle united pen that he bought on his last trip to St James' park and began spinning it around his fingers waiting for the teacher to return
Zeria gave a frustrated sigh.

"Jet-sensei has been gone too long. Class already has started and he's not returned"

She groaned and put her head on her desk again.

"I'm so bored. . .is there ANYTHING to do?!"

She made a paper airplane and chucked it at Stephen's friend, just to be annoying...
as the paper airplane hit Kevin he stood up seemingly angry "stupid..." his sentence was interrupted by him being thrown out of the classroom door by Stephen who found it funny that she threw the paper airplane, Stephen then exited the classroom after Kevin "Dude chill, she was having a laugh" Kevin stepped forward so he was nose to nose with Stephen "She could have taken my fuckin eye out" Stephen smirked as Kevin was not as built as he was "If she had you would have a reason for sizing up to me, I'm bigger and stronger, so i suggest you calm down" Kevin pushed Stephen back "I don't need to listen to shit you say" Stephen stopped himself falling over and stood up straight "I suggest you take a walk, before i kick your ass"

Kevin turned around and walked away and Stephen couldn't contain his laughter, he turned around and walked back into the class room, he grabbed his bag and his Books and walked up the class and stood next to Zeria, "is that seat taken?" Stephen asked with a smile on his face
Zeria sighed.

"No, it's not. Sorry about throwing that at your friend. I didn't realize it would upset him that badly. I'll go apologize to him later"

She folded up an origami swan and tossed it on the teacher's desk. She was positively bored. And if the teacher didn't come back, she was going to let the office know. She was worried that possibly the teacher had been kidnapped. But no. Jet-sensei wouldn't just be silently kidnapped. He'd have made a big fuss and lots of noise to attract attention. Zeria sighed again, her viper yellow eyes gazing out the window again and her fiery red hair tickling her cheeks. It was tied up, but she'd left a few strands out to border her face. She brushed them back and kept staring out the window.
Stephen smiled at Zeria's apology "hey don't worry about it, he is a jerk who gets angry way to easily" Stephen said with a smile as he dropped his books onto the table and threw his bag under the desk. As he sat down he looked at Zeria and her fiery red hair "wow she is kinda cute" was all Stephen could think "Don't worry your little pretty face about it, he gives us Sportsmen a bad name"

"oh, and i can solve your Boredom problem" Stephen announced with a smile on his face, he reached into his Bag and pulled out a Book title 'Origami for idiots' "try doing some of these, don't worry bout the title"
"quiet down class" a voice said. Jet was standing in the doorway. an amused look on his face. "Any explanation for why there is an extremely pissed off kid outside my classroom."
Stephen put the book back "he needed to cool down, i told him his girlfriend wasn't attractive and he took it to heart" Stephen announced moments before Kevin walked back in and took his seat "Sorry I was late Sir" Stephen smirked as he sat back in his chair "Sir it was my fault"
"forget about it, it's all good" Jet grinned at them both. "No more insulting each other's girlfriend aight?" Jet walked over to his desk. "Ok class, today we're going to start class with some ice breaker activities. So, let's go with..." 50 minutes later "Ok 5 minutes till class ends, so for the final 5 minutes you can do what you want. I'll be in the teacher's lounge again and if anything goes wrong send a student on over and i'll come sort it out" With that, Jet left the classroom.
Zeria blushed.

"It seems like a good book. Just please don't say 'your pretty little face' again. I rather hate that. Sorry"

She smiled as the teacher walked in and blushed again when Stephen made it so she didn't get in trouble for throwing a paper airplane. She kept quiet and endured the whole lesson, then remained quiet, simply gazing out the window...
Dr. Alexandria looked up from his papers. "Oh, good morning Sonny. You can accompany me to the classroom. As old as I am, how could I fight off any attackers." He laughed, in an attempt to hide the simple truth behind his statement. He grabbed his worn leather attache case and his cane, and stood to go. "This is awfully early for you to be at school at all, let alone around the faculty offices. Is there something that you needed?" Dr. Alexandria asked as he placed his hat on his head and began to walk to his class with Sonny following behind him...