The Institute Of Silver Lake

as Jet left the classroom Stephen looked at his watch "yes end of period one, love to stay and chat Z but i got a home game to get to" Stephen jumped out of his chair grabbed all of his books and then headed for the sports block, accompanied by the majority of the Football team "cummon lads, were taking on those Leeds scum from St Bernards" Stephen shouted to get his team excited for the game, the entire Team were chanting school songs as they entered the chainging room to get into their football kits and the coach walked in with them.

"Right lads, listen up" the coach announced "this is a team we have drawn with every time we have played them, and i am sick of getting one point from them, this is the first game of the season and we have to start off our title challenge strong" Stephen and the rest of the team were almost fully changed "we can beat them, we will beat them" Stephen pulled on his shirt and looked at the coach "I have been working with you guys since you were 12 years old, i believe this team can win" the coach stepped forward towards Stephen "I believe in you" Stephen looked the coach in the eyes as he pulled on his captains armband. the coach exited the locker room and Stephen turned to address the team "Guys you know you positions, you know how to play, we can win this, we will win this" Stephen announced to the rest of his team "the school has been through alot recently, we are their hopes for normality, lets give them something to smile about" Stephen then whistled and a young boy carried a Bag of black armbands "we are going to be wearing these today out of respect for our fallen classmates" Stephen began handing out the armbands "you take them off before the end of the game, I won't just kick your ass, you will be off the team permanently" the team looked at Stephen "Yes captain" they all announced

Stephen then lead the Team out to the football field to warm up and wait for the opposite team, members of the school, Students and faculty alike had began flocking around the pitch and the other team arrived on time and both teams began getting warmed up.
Zeria smiled and waited til the bell rang, before grabbing her things and leaving the classroom.

"Another class to get to...oh well"

She didn't know why there would be a football game during class time, but she didn't care. She had art class to attend. Though she kind of liked that it had windows overlooking the football field. As she took her seat by the window and set up her art easel, she gazed out onto the field, seeing if she could spot Stephen playing...
the referee called both captains to the halfway circle to toss the coin. bing "heads" the opposing captain called and when it landed on tails Stephen looked at the opposing captain and smiled "they can have it" he announced Stephen then turned around and jogged into his position he was bouncing from left foot to right almost as though the young number 14 was nervous as the other team kicked off the game began.

45 minutes of football later and the score was tied at 0-0 Stephen called the team in made his substitutions and began his team talk "come on guys, we have been better than them all the way through this game, we should be winning this, put some balls in the Net's please, don't do this for us, or for coach" Stephen pointed to the main school building "do it for them, do it for the kids who aren't here" the entire team understood what he was saying and nodded. The referee blew his whistle to tell the teams to return to the pitch.

in the opening five minutes of the second half Silver Lake institution took the lead through a goal by one of the strikers who celebrated by removing his black armband kissing it and putting it back on. then half way through the second half Stephen scored from a free kick, in celebration of his first goal he ran to the corner flag stood facing it and did a back flip. When the game came to an end it was 2-0 to Silver lake and the entire team where ecstatic ofter they had all showered and got back into their school uniforms they headed for class , it was the start of third period.

"Hmmm...? What... was... that sound?" This loud sound waked Harry, or Hydra, as he liked to be called. He looked at his alarm clock: 6:00 AM. Dammit, why does this happen all the time... Hell with it, I can't go out yet... anyways... no one else heard so it probably is just my imagination... With this Hydra closed his eyes again.

"What the...WHAT TIME IS IT?" This woke up Moe, who was Hydra's best friend. "What's going on, eh? Oh, time? It can't be later than 7:30... and if so, we would still be on time... anyways, I don't think we'll see each other 'til lunch, 'cause I gotta study in the break... And yup, it'll be 7:30 right... now" Hydra jumped out of bed and prepared to get ready for class.

After all preparations were complete, Hydra left the room and headed for the garden, where he would appreciate the environment for a few minutes. He then entered the main building, where, strangely enough, he didn't see Crystal, the Janitor, anywhere around. Well, she must be somewhere else... seems that we won't be able to have our usual morning chat... Hydra then continued to his first class, a special private course he was in, on Tuesdays, with Mr. Wollowitz, who taught Electronics.

After the class, he was in the hall again, but still no sign of Crystal. This is definitely not normal... Either something has happened to her... or maybe... it's just... Damn... I have to try to calm down... all these people disappearing and all... it seems to be affecting my mind badly... Having arrived to the art classroom already, he sat down near the windows, there appeared that a football match was going on out there. After looking around, he saw that only Zeria was in there. "Well, hi Zeria, how's your day been?" asked Hydra.
Zeria smiled and watched the game play out, doing a large easel size drawing of Stephen and his team playing on the field. She was coloring it in by the time the game was halfway through. She finished and sat up in the window, gazing out and watching the game. She'd wanted to go down and watch, but she had art class, and school was more important than fun.

"He's a great player. I bet he'll go pro someday"

She turned back.

"Oh! Hello. How are you?"
"Well, I asked you first, right? Nah, Tis okay... Anyway, I'm awright... now you answer, heh!" Hydra seemed to be joyful after all this, but he was still worried by not having seen Crystal. Let's see, what should I draw today... I don't feel like drawing any building or anything... let's see... oh... perfect idea!

After creating his masterpiece, a wonderful drawing of a silver wolf howling to a majestic full moon in the midst of a forest with a small lake in which everything was reflected. However, Hydra decided not to color it, due to the fact that he didn't bring any color pencils, for he had lent those to Moe.
Stephen walked past the art block but didn't notice that Zeria was in the room, he headed to maths which was his third period but noticed that second period had just finished well was about to anyway he listened as the bell went off and he grabbed his football and his boots and headed down to the field to have a kick about with the team during break.
Zeria smiled.

"I am good. I made a new friend today, and pissed someone else off. But it's all good"

She saw Stephen walk by and shrugged. Class was almost over, and then she had a study hall. She packed up her things and left the large drawing in the art room on her easel, heading out into the halls. She was getting kind of hungry, so she grabbed a granola bar from her bag and started snacking as she went to her Study Hall...
Stephen and his friends where having a good tie on the field even though they were playing on solid ground and it hurt every time they made a sliding tackle, after Stephen grazed his knee he looked at the other lads who were playing "I can't be bothered with this today lads, the weather aint good enuff" he announced s he turned and ran to the building.

he went through the school towards the library when he saw a young girl in tears, she couldn't have been older then 15, which isn't that young but he still had to stop and see what was wrong so he stopped running and crouched down next to her "hey kid, anything you wanna talk about?" the young girl looked up at Stephen and he wiped a tear from her cheek "come on" Stephen helped the girl to her feet and they walked and had a conversation about why she was so upset.

Stehen and the young girl who was known as Kara were sat on a flight of stairs talking, it was now five minutes before the end of break "why are you so nice?" She asked causing Stephen to smile "because, in the absence of light Darkness prevails, and I'm acting like a torch" the girl smiled "that made no sense" she said with a giggle "It wasn't ment to, now you better get to class, save yourself a beating" Stephen then stood up and looked at the girl "I'd walk you to ya lesson but i have music and its on the other side of school, cya round kid" Stephen said as he walked off

As he arrived at the music hall the teacher summoned him to the front of the class "you were 3 minutes late Mr Hownam" Stephen stood up straight and allowed the teacher to walk behind him "Sorry Mrs it wo..." !!!!!BANG!!!!! "ARGH" the music teacher hit Stephen across the back of the legs with a carbon fiber drumstick and he fell to his knee's in agony "your right, it wont happen again Mr Hownam now take your seat" Stephen managed to pick himself up and carry himself to his seat, which he took and stayed quite until he was spoken to.
"Bye..." Sheesh... why is she so... It doesn't matter... Now, let's see if I can find Crystal in this break... It's got me mad... I mean, I need to know if she's okay... Hydra left his sketch and picked up his belongings. He sighed and went outside.

Unable to find Crystal, he decided to rest in the garden, the only calmed and quiet place he could find. Ah... this place let's me forget all my worries... too bad that I don't have too much time... After a nice walk in the garden, break time was almost up, so Hydra had to return to the building. Still no sign of her... damn... Well, next up is... History...
OOC: Sorry to be gone so long, guys! I left on a two week visit to my grandmother (she lives 300 miles away and lives alone). Lemme try and get in, okay? EDIT: My new kitty fell asleep in my lap as I was typing this. He's so cute! ^^ He's the reason posting this took so long, the little attention whore. ^^


Crystal woke to notice the comforting feeling of the gun under her pillow. Ever since the disappearences, she had kept the pistol there, just in case. Being a janitor--though it sounded like a lackluster job--had its perks. Whereas the students had only plastic sporks to fend off an attacker, she had a weapon. Anyone creeping into her small home would have a nasty surprise.

After the usual morning rituals, Crystal checked her schedule and groaned. Shat. Basement work. And she'd likely be at it all morning too. She sighed. She'd have to miss the usual morning conversation she had with Hydra. He was a good kid, wonderful to talk to. He'd be disappointed. Maybe she should try that new magic trick she was working on to compensate? Yeah, that'd be good.

Hours later, Crystal cursed bitterly why she had to take basement work. It should've gone to Rolf or someone, the other janitor who worked only part-time. That dang principal knew she hated it down here. There were spiders.

Aiming carefully with a borrowed gear, Crystal tossed the gear and it crushed the big spider resting just above the gauge she had to check. She crowed in victory but still read the gauge from a safe distance. She hated spiders.

After checking all the piping and whatnot and gladly resurfaced. Once there, Crystal resumed her daily activities, which largely consisted of reading and looking busy. It was between classes right now, so the halls were empty. Crystal felt obliged to not have to act like she was doing her job for no one and so went walking down the halls, whistling 'Battle Hymn of the Republic' while reading a book and pushing the usual cleaning cart before her.

She glanced at the classes as she passed them and stopped. Hydra should be in here, if memory served her correctly. The history teacher... Mr. Clade. A stiff old owl, likely to put everyone to sleep. Crystal felt that, to make up for her absence this morning, that she could help Hydra out a little.

Marking her page in the book, Crystal opened the door and banged her way--with the cart--inside the classroom, rudely interrupting Mr. Clade, cutting him off in mid-monotone.

"Hey, I was told that the heating unit needed fixing?" she said in explanation. An easy excuse--half the school was freezing and the other half was baking and complaints about the heating system were always coming in. She had no idea what people wanted her to do about it--she was meant to maintain the damn stuff, not adjust it in any way.

"Very well," Clade said stiffly, watching her coldly as she crossed the room. A few years ago, a prank had been pulled on him. His entire desk had been filled with pudding. He had long suspected Crystal an accomplice of this prank as she was the only one with a key to the food (besides the cooks) that was mischevious enough to do such a thing. Though he hadn't found any proof against her, he still suspected her involvement, and rightly so.

Crystal grinned and winked at Hydra as she went past. This was gonna be fun. Loudly whistling to add to the annoyance her presence had alreadly created, Crystal began removing the top of the heater.
Someone began wondering as he heard his teacher speak about fending of attackers..."Looks like it ain't just the students that are worried...poor guy...he shouldn't have to see something like this happening at his age..." Sonny thought to himself.

Sonny then followed his teacher as they begun making their way to the classroom, then the question came along, "This is awfully early for you to be at school at all, let alone around the faculty offices. Is there something that you needed?"

As Filden was asked this, he then smiled, "Well, you know me, sir! I'm just one of those teens that need constant entertaining, y'know? I just can't sit there with nothing to do. Usually at this time, I would be watching TV until 5 minutes before class when I'd leave, but my TV broke...really gutted about it, and my laptop is in for repairs, so with nothing to do till school begun, I decided to come to school early and keep myself entertained."
"Fair enough." Dr. Alexandria smiled at him. "Television is no good for you anyways, but I have to say that. Not only am I a teacher, I'm an old man." Dr. Alexandria sighed, somewhat wistfully. I really am an old man, he thought to himself. As if growing old isn't enough to deal with, now these disappearances....I truly am too old for this. Dr. Alexandria looked at Sonny through his horn-rimmed glasses. "At least you came to the right place for...ah...alternate entertainment. Nothing is more glorious in this world than mathematics!" He laughed, knowing that wasn't a popular sentiment along student, but Math was Dr. Alexandria's life, after all.

They made it to class, Beginning Calculus, just as the bell rang. Dr. Alexandria removed his hat as he stepped into the room, and walked up to the lecture table at the front, placing his hat and briefcase on the table. He looked up at the class. "What is a derivative?" The class just stared back at him. Dr. Alexandria sighed, and removed his glasses, waving them in his hands as he spoke. "Come on, we've been discussing derivative for the past week, and you still don't know what one is?"

"It's the slope of a tangent line." A student piped up from the back.

"No no, what's you're describing is an application of the derivative. Not what a derivative actually is." Dr. Alexandria looked around. "It's something of a trick question, who can think on their feet this morning?"

"An equation." A student said...

((OOC: I'm giving the opprotunity for someone in this class to sound smart. Own up to the last answer I gave.))
after the class were ordered to begin playing their instruments Stephen Sat playing away on a guitar he began talking to the music teacher with a smile on his face, she looked surprised at how the young man could play guitar and talk effortlessly. she became even more amazed when Stephen began singing "who made that song?" she asked causing Stephen to stop playing "it was made by one of my favorite bands, all time low, it's called Remembering Sunday if you wanna know what it's meant to sound like" the music teacher smiled "continue Mr Hownam" she ordered "yes mrs" Stephen replied as he began playing the song from the start
Zeria groaned and looked out the window. She liked study hall, but hated it too. Study hall meant boredom and silence. Plus, she had to figure out who her model was to be for art class. It was a new project the teacher had assigned. To do a large portrait of someone. And it had to be painted as well.

"It's so boring. . ."
"Ms. Iiyasei, keep quiet"
"Yes ma'am. Sorry ma'am"

She sighed and put her head down on her desk. Who to draw though? Hydra? No, he'd be busy with his own art project. Sonny? No, he could never sit still long enough. Her friend Landon? No, he was leaving for vacation with his family in 2 days. But then who?
Sat playing on his Guitar Stephen was thinking back to the game that took place earlier in the day and as he looked around the classroom he realized that a couple of the girls in the classroom kept glancing over at him. Stephen stopped playing his guitar and walked over to the piano "well, i could try and play this but, I'm not to good" the teacher walked over "stop contemplating what to play and just play" Stephen looked at the teacher with a smile "even though i enjoy playing music It's difficult to express myself sometimes" the teacher glared at him "Mr Hownam, here in the music block we play to our mood" Stephen smiled "Okay then" he sat back down on one of the desks and began playing a slow tune on his guitar that sounded like something Enrique Iglesias would play "well I guess that is the type of mood im in"
Efectively, Hydra was literally falling asleep in History class. God this has to be so... boring... I mean, I've read all this stuff already and it's not that I get low grades or anything... Maybe I'll just... With this, Hydra lowered his head and closed his eyes, hiding the fact that he was effectively going to sleep. Seconds later, a voice interrupted his attempts.

"Hey, I was told that the heating unit needed fixing?" That voice... it's Crystal! But wait, am I dreaming? Did I fall asleep already? Well, let's see... Lifting his head, Hydra was in time to see how Crystal crossed the room, and manage to let out a slight smile, but not enough as for Mr. Clade to catch it. Now Hydra could "enjoy" the remainder of the class and knew that Crystal was okay.
A deep crimson blush rose to her cheeks as she thought of who could be her model for her art project. Zeria got out her notebook and began writing out a note.


Do you think you could model for me for an art class project? There's not really anyone else I know that can do it for me. Let me know if you can or not. Thanks.


She smiled as she finished. She would give it to him in the halls once class was over. She found that a blush rose to her cheeks thinking of what kinds of poses she could have him do. Maybe a simple one in his uniform, or a relaxed pose by the window, or maybe a pose of him doing work at a desk. Oh well. She'd ask if he said yes...
After his Spanish heart throb inspired melody Stephen changed from his acoustic guitar and sat at one of the piano's he gently pressed down on a couple of the Keys then stood back up "nah, that wont work" as he turned around he realized how close the Music teacher was WHACK!! another blow to the back of the knees this time with a meter long ruler, again Stephen fell to his knees "again in the same place" his thoughts screamed "Mr Hownam, you really should find a way to creatively spend your time in my lessons" Stephen nodded "yess ma'am, I'll find something ma'am" Stephen replied through gritted teeth.

Stephen made his way across the classroom slowly, back to his seat, he sat at his desk and pulled out a music book that held alot of classic melodies including alot of all of the great composers including Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner and Verdi, he opened it and began reading, although it was a book on how to play some of their great symphonies he still read it, jus so he looked busy
Zeria made another decision. She was going to switch some of her classes around. She was a skilled musician and wanted to play cello with the orchestra in class, not just as an after school club.

"Um, excuse me, ma'am?"
"Yes, Miss Iiyasei?"
"May I have a pass to the music room? I need to arrange a schedule change"
"Of course"

The teacher filled a pass out for her and she grabbed her bag, heading for the music room.

"Now, let me see. I'm supposed to go to. . .this room"

She pushed open the door and she could swear that the entire room's temperature skyrocketed...when she saw Stephen. She did her best to ignore him and went to the teacher.

"Excuse me, ma'am. I need to discuss my transfer out of my study hall into this class. I play cello, piano, and sing"