The Institute Of Silver Lake

Stephen smiled "well me and the guys always sit together" Stephen had noticed that Zeria was blushing just asking him to sit with her "they can do without me for one dinnertime, we probably would have been talking about the match earlier" he Said almost sounding disappointed.

he then took a couple of steps and lent against the same wall that Zeria was on, he was now stood around a foot and a half away from her "So why did you transfer, gettin bullied, didn't like the scenery, kept proving the teachers were wrong in their equations? cos if your a nerd i wont be impressed" Stephen let out a small giggle "I'm jokin, but seriously why did ya move school?"
Zeria shrugged, her cheeks still light pink.

"I dunno. I guess I was because...I didn't fit in. I was kind of shy, so I quickly became an outcast. No one gets that I like martial arts and swords and stuff, yet still love art and music. I guess I was shunned for worrying about my grades. And I got into a fight with a student where he and I were hitting each other, so my parents transferred me here"

She almost looked kind of sad. And tears were welling up at the thought of becoming outcast again...
Stephen smiled "so lemmie get this straight" Stephen said taking a small step back "your parents had you move school because you kicked the crap outta some lad" Stephen paused briefly before breaking out into fits of hysterical laughter, tears welled up in his eyes it was that bad. After a few moments of laughter Stephen regained his composure "sorry about that, anyway don't worry about becoming an outcast" Stephen said

"Anyway, if you were an outcast who cares, some days i think it would be better to be an outcast than to constantly be in the spotlight, i love football and everything it's just, because i am the captain of the team there is alot of pressure on me. So don't be so quick to say you don't wanna be an outcast, it might be better that way"
a comforting hand was put on Zeria's shoulder. "Don't get upset Zeria. I'm kinda an outcast to you know. I'm the only teacher here basically that is trying to protect you students and i have the abilities to do it. Wait... i wasn't supposed to say that. Ah well, you guys had better get to class. I need to get going before my class destroys the room" Jet turned around and headed to his classroom.
Stephen reached into his blaver pocket and pulled out a packet of clenex Tissues "sorry for laffin at ya, but when you mentioned you got in a fight with a guy" Stephen smirked "I kinda imagined you standing toe to toe with a seven foot tall 300 pound bag of muscles with no brain" Stephen handed the packet of tissues to Zeria "tissue?"
Zeria gave a soft smiles and took one, wiping her eyes and giving Stephen a grateful look.

"He was pretty big. Taller than you and very wide. A big musclehead"

She laughed a bit, wiping the last sparkling tear away and tossing the tissue in a garbage can. She got out an electronic graphic organizer.

"When should we do the modeling? The project is due next week Friday"
Stephen looked up at the ceiling and exhaled heavily, puffing his cheeks up, he knew exactly when he wanted to do it, but he wanted to make the young girl think he was busy "well my schedule is extremely full so" Stephen paused to give the idea that he was thinking "whenever you want" he announced with a smile "but your lucky it was this week, because our regular Saturday game was cancelled, although i can't do it Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays during the school clubs time as I'm at football training but all other days and times are free"
"Until you're legs are better, you probably shouldn't even try to play or practice, but I suppose if you like. . .maybe tomorrow? You can pick whatever you want to do for the pose. Football uniform, casual, it doesn't matter. Just give me an idea in the morning. I'll stop by your locker where we met this morning, okay?"

Zeria smiled and sighed with relief as the bell rang, running off to her next class, theater.

"Seeya at lunch, Stephen!"
"yea, cya Z" Stephen shouted after her "wow, she was gone quickly" he muttered to himself, he then turned and walked back to his locker to check his next lesson great...P.E thankfully it was theory Stephen then headed for the P.E theory classroom, with his book bag over shoulder and mobile phone in hand, he had a message off of his uncle, he read it and deleted it straight away. He really hated Uncle boris but couldn't tell him to fook off cos he was family,Upon his early arrival as to not get hit with something hard, he took his seat and got his books and pen out ready.
Zeria got to theater and the students began working on their assignment. But the teacher stopped them right away. It was Mr. Hansen, the theater director. Zeria liked him. He was a funny old man.

"Students, listen up. The school play is in a few months. Tryouts will be either during classes or after school for people who do not have my class. This year's play is going to be William Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet'. Only 5th years and up may participate"

Zeria smiled. She loved that play with a passion and would be determined to get the part of Juliet. She pictured herself onstage, long hair down and in that gorgeous gown, speaking the beautiful words written so many years ago. She sighed. She wondered who would all try out. Maybe Sonny and Hydra. They'd make good Montagues. She laughed to herself and picked up a copy of the script, beginning to study it. She asked to go out in the hall and was allowed to. Zeria raced out into the hallway with her things, sitting against a wall and beginning to recite lines. . .
as his next class started the teacher strode in happily..."what the hell he is normally so grumpy" thought a confused Stephen "Today students we are going to be looking at the muscles, who knows what the thigh muscles are called?" a couple of students raised their hands, the teacher asked one of them and he question the exact same happened, question..answer...praise. these lessons were always boring as the teacher, Mr Bell, always gave a list of reading material for the upcoming lesson so his students knew the answers. he then pointed at Stephen "mr Hownam, name the muscles of the shoulder for me" Stephen looked at Mr Bell "what you mean the Deltoid muscles? sorry, i don't know" a couple of the children in the room laughed and Mr Bell glared at Stephen "Mr Hownam, if it wasn't for the music teacher this morning and the fact of i want you in playing condition for next week's game against St helens school i would hit you with my ruler" Stephen smiled "then I'm glad I'm your favorite player" Stephen replied as he took a can of relentless(energy drink) from his Bag and cracked it open. Mr Bell didn't mind students drinking in his class as long as it was an energy drink or an Isotonic drink.
Kannira walked in the building. As usual, she was very unhappy. Her brown hair kept moving in her face, causing her to bump into a few girls. After a long battle of girls fighting, she moved on to class. She walked into Mr. Bell's class, and sat down in the way back. She could tell she was late, because when she walked in, everyone stared at her. But she didn't care, she was more worried about her work.

OOC: Arrg I hate my repair man, No internet for a 2 weeks is killer.

BIC: Vesper sprinted like a madman towards his new school, Vesper was late by any standard but coming in part way through the way was pushing the point of late a bit too far. Vesper pulled out a timetable and saw that he had a Mr Bell which Vesper thought was irodnic as he was coming in after the bell. Vesper ran through the doors of the building and ran down the hall towards his class or what hew hoped was his class as his running had given him a sore back as his two training sabers that his parents had let him bring were hitting aganist his back. Vesper was also carrying a over the shoulder bag that was hanging at his right hip, the bag was large and packed full of school gear while a rucksack Vesper had over his shoulder contained his clothing.

"God I'm late", Vesper mumbled to himself as he skidded round a corner only to hit a staff member of the office of something. "Arrg I'm sorry", Vesper said quickly as he helped the young woman up.

"Why aren't you in class", the woman said simply before spotting Vespers stuff. "Oh your the new boy", the woman said surprised.

"Yeah can you tell me where Mr Bells class is", Vesper asked in his normal monotone voice.

"Yes hes just down the hall on the right", the woman said before Vesper depareted with a quick bow. Vesper went into a sprint straight off and headed in the direction the woman had point towards. Vesper smilied slightly as he slid to a stop infront of the classroom door. Vesper smilied because of his uniform which was by far the best he had to wear over the last seven schools he had been in the last year because of his parents moving but at least they have settled. This unifrom consisted of a long sleeved shirt along with some long pants, Vesper had also thrown in his black boots and black gloves to give his uniform some personallity. Vesper held his breath for a quick second and openned the door and stepped in to find a group of chatting students with the man Vesper suspected as Mr Bell standing at the front of the calss.

"Your late", Mr Bell said simply.

"I'm new Teach", Vesper said simply and and unemotionally before taking a seat towards the back of the class. Vesper was now in no mood to argue with a teacher.
Stephen sat forward as the 'new boy' entered the room, after Mr Bell informing him of the obvious he looked at Stephen "Mr Hownam" Mr bell spoke in a strange tone, almost as though he was planning something "oh crap" he muttered "how would you like to escort our new student around school, seems as you will no be playing football" Stephen smirked at Mr Bell "Sure thing Sir" he then turned his attention to the new kid "hey new guy, come sit over here" Stephen announced
Vesper rolled his eyes as he did when he was slightly board or annoyed and this time it was the latter. Vesper rose from his seat and sat next to the boy who had call at him and as this boy wasn't Vespers friend he remained emotionless. Vesper then dropped his pack and his bag to the ground but left his sabers on his back as he lent back on his chair.

"My names Vesper", Vesper said in a monotone before closing his eyes and thinking about what could possibly happen next since this was a new school after all. Vesper then did what had got him kicked out of four schools, he drew one of his training sabers and balance it on one hand before flipping it over. Vesper then started spinning it quickly before sheathing it as the teacher turned round to see Vesper without a sword in hand, this made the girls in the class giggle.
Stephen smirked at Vesper "well vesper my name is Stephen, but you can call me Hownam if ya wont, and as far as the sword twirling goes, they wont kick you out or suspend you for it here, the teacher will just hit you with the longest hardest thing they have to hand" Stephen informed Vesper as he sat foreward and began writing down what was on the board "and if you are carrying those about, maybe you should try out for the fencing team or something"
Crystal whistled as she 'worked', and Mr. Clade was forced to speak above her. Once, she paused in her musical interlude as she inspected something and Mr. Clade allowed himself a smug smile, sure that she had caught on because of his loud voice that she was disturbing his class.

Sitting back on her heels, Crystal began whistling once more.

If looks could kill, she'd be a puddle, what with the glare she was getting from Mr. Clade.

Crystal craned her neck to look at the open book on Hydra's desk. "So, whatch ya teaching, Mr. Clade?"

"We are attempting to learn about the history of ancient Rome," he replied coldly.

She gave a low whistle and shook her head. "Wow, those were terrible times."

"Ms. Hawkins, need I remind you that you're interrupting my class?"

"Oh no, no, sir. Quite understand that I do."

With a sagely nod, Clade opened his mouth to continue the monotonous speech.

"Have you told them about the hygiene though? It was terrible," Crystal said once more as she stood up and brushed her hands on her jeans. She nudged Hydra in the shoulder. "Say, you know what a vomitorium is? Well, see, they'd have these big parties and--"

"MS. HAWKINS!" Clade bellowed, waking the remainder of the sleeping students.

"Well, wouldn't you look at the time! Sorry, Mr. Clade, but I can't fix this. I gotta go now, so take care! See ya kid's at lunch!"

This was said as she quickly made her way out of the room, and waved to all the kids before slipping through the door and narrowly missing Clade's wrath. Laughter rippled through the class but was quickly cut short as Clade's furious gaze swept towards them. When he turned his back, however, they were all grinning.
A vomitorium... not mentioned anywhere else, but... it... doesn't sound good, but anyways... "MS. HAWKINS!" This fully awakened all of the students, and Hydra knew that Crystal was about to have to leave the classroom. While she was going out of the room, Hydra answered with a soft smile and a low "Of course" before having to 'pay attention' to the class.

The bell, the sound that marked the end of the third period, and beginning of the lunch period was the center of attention of all students. In fact, few were still paying attention to Mr. Clade, who taking the chance decided to put some nasty homework. Okay, so it'll be a 2000 word essay about Ancient Rome? Well at least that's easy... Ring! The glorious sound made its appearance and they could now have lunch.

Upon exitting the classroom, Hydra found Crystal nearby. "Well, well Crys, did you have to get kicked out of Mr. Clade's class? Or were you just trying to see how he would react, eh? Oh and now, why weren't you anywere visible in the morning? You got me worried, you know..."

EDIT: OOC: I gotta log off now (and go to sleep) so sorry for not being able to continue for today, :S
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"bout time it's lunch time" Jet said as he exited his classroom. "i'm going to need to find the counselor and talk to her about coming into my class for 2nd period to the end of school" Jet shook his head "ah well time to eat" Jet turned and entered the teacher's lounge and grabbed out the lunch that he always ate. Despite being here to protect the students, he didn't exactly trust people all to well, so he prepared his own lunch. "guess i'd better wait for the other teachers and discuss the school day so far" Jet said as he sat down and began to eat.