The Institute Of Silver Lake

As the bell rang to Signal the end of third period Stephen jumped to his feet, his legs feeling better from his beating earlier that day and shoveled his books into his bag, he looked up at one of the other Students and smiled "hey karl, show Vesper the ropes for me" he announced quickly, he then turned and ran out of the room, he headed straight for his locker to meet Zeria, he just hoped she hadn't forgotten, that would be to embarrassing
The bell finally rang, so Kannira hopped from her chair, and walked out the door. After doing so, the went to her locker, and stood there, trying to look cool. She scowled at the "popular"kids as she did so. She stood there, waiting for the bell to ring.
Vesper rose from his seat and threw the his bags onto his back and walked out of the room dispite there meaning to be someone to show him around since Vesper prefered to look around for himself. Vesper walked out the door amoungst his class mates into a now bustling hall full of students talking, Vesper new he looked out of place here since he was carry a bag with his clothing. Vesper simply walked down the hall and headed outside since the sun was starting to shine again.

Vesper came out into the school grounds and sat down under a unoccupied tree Vesper new he was being watched by other people who were outside at the time but Vesper ignored there glances. Vesper closed his eyes and thought about taking that Stephans suggestion and join a fencing club but the problem was Vesper wasn't sure were to go for the club.

"Ah your the new student are't you", a girls voice sounded from right infront of Vesper making him open his eyes revealing a young girl who Vesper had seen in his class.

"Yeah my name is Vesper", Vesper said sharply to the white haired girl.

"Well I saw what you did in class and I saw your swords and I was uh... wondering?" the girl said slowly in a cute manner that almost made Vesper break into a smile as Vesper thought this girl was rather cute with her long white hair and blue eyes.

"Wondering what?", Vesper asked actually putting some interest in his voice.

"Well did you want to join the fencing club I'm in?", the girl asked as Vesper spotted a white short sword hanging from her belt in a silver sheath.

"Yeah I wouldn't mind joining", vesper said with a slight smile making the girl blush slightly.

"Ok. Well come to the gym just after out last class", the girl said quickly before leaving as the boy that Stephan had asked to show him round came out of nowhere.

"Oh hi, its Karl right", Vesper said in his normal dull voice as the boy staired at him as if Vesper was an enemy which Vesper was since Vesper had picked this boy out for having fun with.
Stephen waited at the lockers for Zeria but she was apparently late "hey Hownam, were off to the music room for some practice, you fancy coming" Stephen glanced to where the voice came from to see that it was a couple of the boys who were planning to make a band with him in it they had been playing together for fun for around a year and a half but they never made a name up. Stephen nodded as he exited the locker room and walked towards the music room with the other three boys.

Upon their arrival the four of them grabbed their instruments and they looked at Stephen "why is it always me who decides what we play?" the three boys all smiled "because your lead guitar" one of them said "because your the front man" another said "because we say so" the third one announced causing Stephen to smile "three good reasons" Stephen then began strumming on his guitar while he thought " a place for my head, Linkin park" he announced as he began playing the intro... when they finished the song Stephen cheered "bout time we finished that one without a cock up"

Stephen then began playing She left me by Go audio on the piano and the rest of the guys joined in at the right time, Stephen had taught himself the song during an extremely boring time in detention
Zeria showed up at the lockers a bit late. She'd been caught up with something and had to take care of it. She waited for a few minutes, then sighed and sat down. Seems she'd missed him. He'd probably gone off with his friends. She sighed again, getting up and going to sit in the window.

"I'm horrible at making things on time. Stupid teacher had to make me hold off..."

She would find Stephen and apologize later if she could...
Stephen and his band of musical friends were still in the music room, but they had moved on from playing songs to eating their dorm made lunches and playing music, Stephen who was unable to sing due to a mouthful of sausage roll was sat playing a tune on his guitar out of bordem. and after swallowing his mouthful he began singing and a couple of the students who were crowding around the window began clappin. one of the 'band' members in the room had a really bad idea.

he ran over to the windows and opened them, he ran back and began turning up the volume on the Amplifiers for all of the instruments and the Microphones "what are you doing?" Stephen asked "well, those students line up everytime were in here so i am giving them the performance they deserve for their patience." Stephen smiled "then lets do it"

Stephen stood up and began playing a song and all of the band members joined in, they were going to give what could only be classed as the worlds smallest 'gig'
Zeria sighed, stretching out and sliding back into the hallway. She was tired, and felt bad that she'd missed Stephen. It's not that she'd forgotten, because she'd been thinking about it all day...but the teacher had held her up. She'd had to recite an entire chapter for him, and that had prevented her from making it on time. She paused. The sound of music was drifting through the halls.

"Hm? What is that?"

She looked and turned bright red in the cheeks. Stephen was playing with his band. And it sounded pretty good.

"Oh my. . .!"

She felt more heat rise to her cheeks and began to back up, hoping not be noticed as she moved away and ran down the hall to go to her locker and hide her face...
Vespers ears twitched as the sound of music fulled the air despite him being outside, Vesper looked in the direction of the nosie and smilied slightly as he thought it was pretty good. Vesper was now travelling lighter as Karl had shown him the dorms and he had gotten rid of his clothing bag and now just had his swords and his normal school bag that hanged at his hip. Vesper had also lost Karl amougst a crowd and now was wondering around outside in the warm sun.

"I wonder whos playing?" Vesper asked himself before heading in the direction of the sound. As Vesper came around the building he came across a large group of students standing around an open window which loud but rather good music was coming out of. Vesper saw that because of the crowd he couldn't look through the window at who was playing so instead jumped through a nearby open window into a nearlly empty hall which lead to the music room. Vesper walked down the hall towards the room and opened the doors to see Stephan and some other guys playing. Vesper smiled before walking into the room and leaning aganist the wall next to the door and closed his eyes and listened. I now have a reason to like you as a friend Vesper though as he took a look at Stephan before adding, because you rock.
Stephen smiled as he noticed that the crowd was enjoying their 'concert' and as the song they were playing Stephen heard Vesper enter the room "hey Vesper" he said as he looked at the crowd and leaning towards the Microphone "this next son, i want you to sing if you know it" Stephen then began playing the intro to Enter Shikari-Sorry your not a winner and when the time came he stopped dead raised his hands and the band and alot of the crowd clapped four times causing Stephen to smile... the song came to an end Stephen stood up from his desk and placed down the Electric guitar he was holding and he grabbed an acoustic, "next song is ya solo right?" one of the band members asked and Stephen smiled "yea it is, I'm giving you guys time to think of a name for us"
Once her face wasn't quite as red, she slowly made her way back to the area where Stephen and his friends were playing. She stood off to the back, her viper yellow eyes watching calmly. She had her back with her fencing things now, because she wasn't going to have time to run back to her locker to grab them and make it to fencing club, then martial arts club.

"He's good..."

Zeria yawned softly and leaned against the wall, eating some mixed fruit out of a small container she had with her. A strand of her fiery red hair tickled her nose and she brushed it away, resuming eating her fruit and listening to the music...
As Stephen's solo performance ended he looked out at the crowd, he saw many familiar faces an couldn't help but smile, he placed the acoustic Guitar on the floor and stopped smiling as the other Band members walked over to him "we have a couple of names" they said as Stephen grabbed a bottle of water "go for it" he replied before taking a drink "well, we have cryptic story, that band, points of authority" Stephen let out a loud laugh "you wanna name us after a Linkin park song?" the drummer crossed the name from the piece of paper "you know what, i don't care what were called, it wont effect how we play" the band all nodded as Stephen walked over to the Microphone "well, we are gunna stop playing now, you have been a great audience and enjoy the rest of your school day"

Stephen the walked out of the music room and headed towards the Locker room to grab his books for his next lessons, English and Business studies, he filled his book bag with the required contents and then slung it over his shoulder.
Crystal laughed at Hydra's words.

"Yeah, well, I thought that old cuss needed a little riling up anyways. He still thinks I had something to do with the pudding incident." She winked to show that she clearly was involved, grinning mischieviously.

"And yeah, I'm sorry about this morning. I slept in, right through the alarm. Didn't mean to scar you. But how about you? How's life been?"
Oh, so that was why you weren't here... "Oh, don't worry, I just prefer to worry, so then if anything were to go wrong it wouldn't be so shocking" Joked Hydra.

"Oh, and about me? Well, there's nothing interesting... I mean, you know... just the same homework, same classes... same people... So... monotonous... Anyways... I need a model for my art class, so, wanna take the job?" Said Hydra with his cheerful voice. Not that he hadn't known Crystal for a long time, but still those matter made him nervous. So he bit his lower lip to control himself. "Well, so what do you say? Deal or no deal?"
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Vesper appraoched Stephan as he climbed down from the stage as he was rather interested in what he next as Vesper was thinking what kind of personallity could be behind what a good guitar player. Vesper had heard Stephan call out his name when he walked in but Vesper didn't answer as the music was too loud for anything he did say to be heard but he did hum along with all the tunes he new.

"Hey Stephan. I was wondering what you have next as I have English?" Vesper asked politely but not in his normal mono tone since he now liked Stephan and so spoke to him with emotion.
Stephen smiled as vesper approached him and asked about his next subject "yea, i have English too" Stephen said as he left the locker room with his bag "you wanna walk with me? talk about some random shit" Stephen said with a smile. he then turned and a small boy ran into him "oh sorry Mr" Stephen smirked at the boys remarks "It's okay mate" Stephen squatted down "why are you in such a rush?" the boy looked at Stephen through sad eyes "My sister was one of the victims, my parents are picking me up to take me to her funeral" Stephen stood up and placed his hand on the Boy's shoulder "you better get going then, but if you ever need to talk im in dorm 14" the boy smiled "thanks" he then ran off towards the front entrance to the school to meet his parents

"hey Vesper, you comming or not?"
Zeria sighed and walked off down a hallway. She had to find her english course. Well, it was more of a specialty writing course, but they classified it under the english classes.

", if I remember correctly, it was this way..."

Despite being here at the school for almost a year, she still had difficulty navigating the halls. It was a big school! And definately bigger than her last one. She looked around, having stopped in the hall. Students simply walked around her like she was a statue in the middle of the hall.
~So much for people giving a damn about my existance~
She sighed, starting to walk again...
"I'll take that as in a moment" Stephen muttered as he turned around and began walking down the corridor towards English, as he strode around one of the hallway corridors at his regular fast paced walk he nearly walked into Zeria, luckily this time they were both paying attention, well at least he was, he quickly stepped asides and began to laugh "must you constantly walk into me?" he said with a smile on his face
Zeria actually hadn't been paying attention, and ended up tripping over him, falling to the floor, giving a few guys behind her a rather nice view as her skirt flew up.


She scooted backwards on the floor, pulling her skirt back down, and shook her head, blinking a few times, then looking up...

"Gah! Stephen?! I'm so sorry!"

She bolted upright, not even noticed the small cut on her hand from a loose pin in her bag. She turned deep crimson red in the cheeks and bowed her head, biting her lower lip.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do it again! And sorry I was late for lunch! Mr. Hansen held me up to read a theater script set for him!"
Stephen Smiled as Zeria bolted upright and began apologizing...again..."hey, don't worry about it, not the first time i have been stood up by a girl...well it is actually but thats not the point" he said as he smiled at Zeria's crimson glow from her neck up. "what lesson you got next? and when do you wanna start painting me for your Art thing?" he asked
"I didn't mean to stand you up. It wasn't my intention at all. I'm really really sorry. I didn't expect Mr. Hansen to want me to recite Juliet's lines as a pre-tryout for the play"

She sighed.

"And I suppose tomorrow after school would be good. Or before, if you feel like getting up early enough. I mean, we have the same first class together, so we can always sit in there. I have a movable easel"

She felt the burning in her cheeks more too.

"And I have a specialty writing course"