The Institute Of Silver Lake

Stephen looked at Zeria, the anger was building up, "hey girl, I'd stop aggravating him if i was..." Stephen pushed the boy who had begun talking to Zeria away "today, during your martial arts class, we shall spar, I'm sure i could skip the Gym for a good reason" Stephen then smiled as he looked at Zeria "and as for the Skirt, you mite not want to wear it, as your landing on your back it might fly up"
A fire lit up in Zeria's eyes and she grinned.

"I'm no pushover, Stephen. You may have strength and speed from football, but I'm agile and dangerous..."

Those viper eyes of hers looked VERY dangerous right about now, and had even scared away a few 1st and 2nd years. She took in a deep breath and calmed down.

"We can talk more later......"

She pushed through the door to the English room, setting her things down at the table in the far back of the room and stretching her limbs.
~What came over me? Challenging Stephen to a spar? Yeah, Zeria, that's a real smart way to get on his good side~
Stephen smiled and bounced a couple of times "gonna be fun" he muttered then one of the other students walked up to him "She will kick your ass" Stephen turned to him and smiled "I'm counting on it" he then turned and pushed through the door with a smile on his face, walked over to the tanle where Zeria was sat and placed his bag at chair next to hers "this seat taken" he muttered with a smirk
OOC: god you you two get alot done and I only hope on once a day so, Hellboy I'm giving you permission to have some control of my character Vesper as I'm not on heaps and you seem to be on lots.

BIC: Vesper was annoyed with himself as he got lost in the hallway when he was meant to be walking with Vesper but some 14 year old tried to pick a fight with him and it turned bad for the 14 year old and two of his friends. Vesper was unnaturally fast when it came to fights and was harder to hit so straight after leaving the three 14 year olds on the ground with a well taught lesson drilled into them he ran to catch up to Stephan. Vesper managed to catch up as Stephan was talking to a girl so out of some respect Vesper held back and waited till Stephan walked inside and followed him.

Vesper walked into a bustling English class and was happy to see a seat next to Stephan open which Vesper took before anyone else did. Vesper pulled out a english book and threw his pencil case and some spare paper on the table if he fanced drawing during class then he turned to talk to Stephan who hadn't notice him.

"Hey Stephan, who was that girl?" Vesper asked curiously before adding. "Oh and sorry about what happened in the hall, I was held up by a group of young punks."
Zeria looked over at Stephen and gave a frustrated sigh.

"You're welcome to the seat. Your friend too. Just keep it down. The teacher sets me to do specific assignments. That's why I said I've got a specialty writing course. Because it's something I get to do on my own"

She pulled out a notebook that looked extremely full. And it was all writing! Poems, One-Shots, Stories, Notes, Songs...
~Hm...I'll need a new notebook soon~
She smiled at Stephen's friend.

"My name's Zeria. Zeria Iiyasei. It's a pleasure to meet you"
Stephen sat down and was shocked to see vesper was sat on the opposite side to Zeria "what the...when the fuck did you get in here before me" he muttered before taking his seat "oh well don't matter, as she said her name is Zeria" Stephen then looked at Zeria with a smile "yea, your notebook is quite full" Stephen then pulled out his own notebook, it was around half full of all sorts of stuff, mostly Short stories that he wrote in his spare time, but it did have some work in...somewhere, the front cover was pasted with pictures of Guitars, Drums ad other musical instruments, it also had a Picture of Stephen holding his Guitar while he was playing in his dorm.
She shrugged and began to write something, never taking her gaze off her notebook.

"You should get a picture of you and your band friends for the yearbook. It would be cool"

Zeria sighed and finished another short poem, putting her head down on her desk. Her ponytail holder was getting tight too, and hurting her skull, so she tugged gently on it, but it broke...and her long silky strands of that fiery red hair draped her shoulders. Her eye twitched.

"Usou! Why does that always happen?!"

She growled and dug through her bag for another ribbon or tie...
Stephen smiled at Zeria's idea then began Laughing when her hair fell out "here" Stephen reached into his bag and pulled out a red piece of Ribbon "it will go with your hair" he said as he offered her the ribbon
Zeria blushed and took the ribbon, pulling back her hair and tying it up again.

"Thank you. That's much better"

She smiled, getting back to her writing. She was working on the outline for a big project she had coming up...
Stephen smiled as Zeria took the Ribbon, she got back to her work and so did Stephen "right class, today we will be focusing on reading a play written By William Shakespeare, one of my personal favorites, Romeo and Juliet" the whole class moaned and Stephen smiled "I'll play Romeo he announced with a smile on his face" the teacher looked at him "okay then Stephen well volunteered, do we have a Juliet"

once the teacher had said this Stephen looked to his left, at Zeria.
Zeria sighed and rose her hand, standing up.

"I'll do it. I was planning on going for Juliet for the school play anyway"

She stretched and closed her notebook, moving her things aside. She pulled out her copy of the script and smiled at Stephen, a slight blush showing on her cheeks, and whispered something quietly to him.
'So it seems Juliet found Romeo after all'
Stephen let out a laugh "i hate reading, why do you think i chose to be Romeo, i knew it would make me even less resistible" he said with a cheesy grin he then stood up and smiled and began looking at the lines "is the day so young?" he announced in a tone that made his statement sound like a question "what kinda opening line is that for the hero of the story" he announced causing a couple of students to laugh "we shall read it as it was written Mr Hownam, or i shall find myself a new Romeo"Stephen sat back down "please do you old hag" he muttered under his breath
Zeria sighed, making sure her things were packed away. She bit her lower lip.

"What part of the play are we going over, ma'am? Where Romeo and Juliet first meet? The ending? At Juliet's home where they exchange vows?"

The fact that she would be reciting as Juliet in front of students she barely knew worried her, but it would be good practice. She glanced at Stephen and nudged him, clearly showing that she wanted him to get back up...
Stephen sighed as Zeria nudged him "hey Miss, you want us to stand at the front and act while were reading" the teacher looked at him with an evil grin on her face "i like the occasional bit of theater, sure you can"

Stephen got up and offered his hand to help Zeria up "mi lady" he muttered with a smile on his face

the Teacher began glaring at him "Seems as your not taking this seriously Mr Hownam then you can do the scene where romeo and Juliet share their first kiss, Sorry to Torture you Mrs Iiyasei"
Her cheeks turned deep crimson.

"So the masque ball scene then...alright..."

Zeria swallowed and took his hand. This scene was going to make her definately embarrassed...

OOC: if you need a script for brief reference to a few lines to put here and there, here...
Look for Int. Capulets Mansion, where it describes the party scene.
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Stephen strode out to the front of the class and smiled "Hey Zeria, get out here, if I'm aloud to kiss you in class i want the whole room to watch with envy in their eyes" Stephen announced. when he got to the front of the room he scrolled through his book for his lines and when he found them he got into character, nothing special just ran his hand down his face.

he then looked at the whole class with an Evil grin "Come on people, this is meant to be a ball, stand up" the class looked at the English teacher, she nodded in agreement and they all got up. Stephen could still see through to Zeria "well here goes" he muttered

"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight." he whispered just loud enough for the class to hear "For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night." he continued, he then read a bit more of the scrit and took a couple of paces foreward.
Hydra reached the cafeteria just in time. "Hey Mr. you're lucky today, those were the two last 'meals'..." Noting his luck, Hydra thanked the cashier "Thanks Margaret, hope it ain't poisoned, heh" Joked Hydra before checking his food. The meals were composed of a small plate of salad, a magnificent lasagna, a large drink, and a dessert. Instead, the other meals were merely what was left from previous days and some improvised meals... which clearly weren't as good anyways. After paying for both meals, Hydra sat at a table and waited for Crystal, for he didn't know if she had had lunch already. If she has already had lunch, I can save this for dinner so I won't have to spend more money... or I can just sell it to get a lil' profit, heh heh.... With this, Hydra turned on his iPod whilst he waited.
Zeria was there as well, and she'd picked someone to be her 'Dave' for the part of it. She was dancing with him and glanced around, seemingly looking for Stephen. The teacher had started some soft classical music for it as well, and upon cue, flickered out the lights. She imagined lights and balloons and confetti, and red silk raining down from the ceiling, searching the darkness for 'Romeo'....
when the lights went out Stephen jumped onto one of the tables and then from table to table to get to Zeria quickly, when he gt close enough he jumped back down and grabbed her wrist, he pulled gently on her arm to pull her away from her 'Dave' and looked her in the eyes, standing so close they were almost touching.

"If I profane with my unworthiest hand. This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this." Stephen looked deeper into Zeria's eyes " My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand." by this point the whole class were looking at them "To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss" Stephen then lent in to kiss Zeria hoping that she would remember the first time Romeo tries to kiss Juliet she stops him or they would have gone completely off script
Zeria smiled, a blush rising to her cheeks, as she stopped him from kissing her.

"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this. For saints have hands that pilgrim's hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss"

She swallowed hard, trying to keep a deep focus on her role.
~Become ARE Juliet...~ she thought to herself.