The Institute Of Silver Lake

Stephen had noticed that he had just been rejected but calmed himself as he though wasn't you who failed it was Romeo, lol@him...oh crap my line. he stopped looking away from Zeria and focussed back on her

"Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?"
She smiled at him and stifled a giggle, switching her tone to give him a gentle scolding.

"Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer"

That blush was clear on her cheeks, knowing what was coming up after the next few lines...
Stephen's focus was broken slightly by the classroom door opening, the theater teacher walked i, he must have seen them through the glass in the door, Stephen quickly regained his focus on Zeria, it was really easy to focus on her as she was quite cute.

"O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do" Stephen smiled slightly as he knew what was comming "They pray: grant thou, lest faith, turn to despair." he announced clearer than he had been talking, obviously trying harder for the theater teacher
Zeria noticed the change in his tone, and bit her lower lip nervously as Mr. Hansen came in.
~Oh no! Oh no! Why's he in here?! Did the English teacher purposely set this up because she knows I want to be Juliet that badly?!~
She calmed herself with a simple deep breath.

"Saints do not move, though grant for prayer's sake"

She swallowed hard and met her gaze to his.
~This is it, more line and it happens...~
THIS IS IT!!!! shouted Stephen's thoughts DO IT, DO IT!!!! KISS HER DAMN YOU his thoughts were screaming IF YOU KISS HER, ROMEO IS YOURS NOW DO I!!!! Stephen's thoughts were very persuasive "Then move not while my prayer's effect I take." he spoke his line and then lent in, as Stephen's lips met Zeria's the entire class gasped and one voice could be heard "I didn't think he'd do it" announced one of the students.

Moments later Stephen pulled away, still in character "Thus from my lips, b..." Stephen's line was interrupted by Mr Hansen who was now clapping, Stephen looked over his shoulder "well, it would appear i have a new Romeo and Juliet" he announced "thats if you are both interested"
Zeria felt her breath hitch in her throat as he kissed her, her cheeks burning deep crimson. Her heart was pounding wildly now too, and she was glad when he pulled away. She looked over at Mr. Hansen clapping and gasped when he offered for her and Stephen to be Romeo and Juliet.

"O-of course! I-I'd love to be Juliet! Thank you so much!"

She bowed to the teachers and turned away, trying to hide the tears of joy beginning to trickle down her cheeks.
~I'm so happy...damn you, Stephen, for being so good. Now I'm crying~
As he listened to his music, he suddenly remembered something important: the school's play! Now, Zeria is surely getting Juiet's part... Not only does she insist with that all the friggin' time I'm with her, but she indeed seems to have had studied the lines over and over... So maybe what I should do is just follow the flow and see if I get a paper in the play... Probably, no, surely I won't get Romeo, but at least it'll be fun... And now, I think I should start lunch, for Crys seems to be nowhere... So she probably already had lunch... but I told her to meet me here, so... meh... I'll just wait...
Stephen looked at Mr Hansen "well i dunno" he began pretending like he wasn't interested although he knew he would say yes "I'm busy with the team, and i have training, and i..." Stephen got bored of playing games "sure, I'll do it, but i ain't wearing make-up, no sir" he announced.

"thank you Stephen, Zeria, I shall see you both at rehearsal" he then looked at the English teacher "and thank you Glenda for sending me that message" Stephen looked at the English teacher and folded his arms "you text him?" the English teacher smiled "i knew you two might make a good Romeo and Juliet form the way you came into the class" Stephen smirked "but we were arguing" the Teacher smiled "exactly"
Zeria wiped away the tears and turned to face the teacher, skeptical.


She was confused. This had never happened before. But oh well. If she had theater rehearsals, guess it meant quitting either martial arts club or fencing...and she decided that she would rather get rid of fencing. She wanted to become strong in martial arts. Not that she didn't like fencing, but the play was more important to her. Out of nowhere, Zeria grinned and jumped on Stephen, throwing her arms around him.

"Thank you thank you thank you! I've got the part! I've really got it!"
as Zeria jumped on Stephen he had to brace himself or he would have fallen over she was thanking him which made him smile "Don't thank me yet,we still have to get through Rehearsal and then all the performances and I'll have to discuss it with coach and..."Stephen paused for a moment "when is Rehearsal?" he asked praying that it wasn't on Mondays or Friday's during school club time as they were football training days.

"Oh and remember you still have to spar with me, so make sure you don't get rid of your Martial arts" he reminded the young girl who was ecstatic and probably didn't hear anything he just said
Stephen looked at the ceiling "oh great, now i have no time for meee" he muttered before returning to his seats. as he sat down he opened his Note pad and looked at the teacher who was looking at him and smiling "griping Performance Mrs Iiyasei and Mr Hownam" the teacher then turned to her board "now class, what is romeo and Juliet about?" Stephen looked up "It's the tragic story of two lovers torn apart by their families hatred for each other" the teacher looked at Stephen "very good Mr Hownam, why did the families hate each other?" Stephen looked at her with a blank face"...I don't know" the teacher smiled

"Does anyone know why the Families didn't get along?" one of the other boys in class raised his hand "Because Mr Capulet got hot and heavy under the covers with Mrs Montague" he announced in a kind of Stupid tone "No, that is incorrect, does anyone know the answer"
Zeria sighed and spoke up.

"The reason for the family feuding is never stated clearly. It only says that the families have been fighting like that because of family issues in the past, that neither family is willing to let go of"

After her answer, she slunk back down in her chair and touched her fingers to her lips.
~Did he...really kiss me?......Why?.......Did he get caught up in the scene like I did?...~
She sighed and put her head down, fingers still touching her lips. She felt strange after he kissed her. And she couldn't tell whether it was a good or bad thing...
Stephen looked at Zeria out of the corner of her eye and he smirked he then returned his eyes to his Notebook and took down notes from the teacher who was now rambling on about all the Different characters of Romeo and Juliet as she was thinking about having the class perform it then write a book report on it one of her remarks benig "I think we have found a Romeo and Juliet" obviously it would only be reading it in the classroom but Stephen thought it would be a good idea as a couple of the theater Students were in the class and it would give him a good chance to practice his lines, his mind then began wondering

~I didn't think i would do it, what was i thinking, was i in character or did i get caught in the moment~
Zeria sighed frustratedly and rose to her feet quickly.


"Don't get what, Ms. Iiyasei?"

Zeria looked forward and turned bright crimson, realizing she'd gotten up and shouted in the middle of class.

"I-I just need to think something through...I'll sit out in the hall until I calm down..."

She quickly grabbed her things and rushed out into the hallway, avoiding stares from her classmates, and groaning as she slid to the floor against a wall.

"What on earth is wrong with me?"
Stephen watched Zeria's little performance of Emotion and watched as she exited the classroom and as some of the kids were shocked the Teacher looked at Stephen "well that was...interesting" Stephen raised his hand and the teacher nodded in his direction "Hey Mrs Cunningham you mind if i go talk to her" the teacher let out a large Sigh and then agreed to Stephen's request.

he grabbed his bag and the rest of his things and then exited the room into the corridor "hey" he muttered as he sat down next to her "anything you wanna chat about? maybe i could help" he continued in a gentle tone of voice so he sounded more caring
Zeria nearly shrieked and clasped her hands over her mouth as she fell over.

"Stephen! You startled me! Don't ever do that again!"

She put a hand over her heart until her breathing slowed back to normal. She sighed and put her head down on her knees.

"I'm alright. There's just a lot on my mind, I suppose. Especially now that I have all of those lines to learn and make sure I remember"

~I'm such a horrible liar. He can probably tell what I'm bothered about, just by looking at me. Gah! Zeria! Toughen up! You're no little girl to get pushed around by a stupid kiss!~
She gave another frustrated sigh and slammed her fist into the wall, leaving a rather nice mark on it...
Stephen smiled as she told him about all of the lines she had to learn, and nearly jumped out of his skin as she hit the wall. he lifted his left arm and put it around Zeria's shoulder and pulled her closer to him "Don't worry about the lines, we kinda got into that together as for the other things on your mind, i might be able to help, although if you ask me to help you with what your Boyfriend is going to say about me having to kiss you, I can't help you...sorry"

~well this should sort out the problem of finding out weather she has a boyfriend, she should correct me any moment now~
She tensed up momentarily, then relaxed.

"Boyfriend? Tch, what guy would date me? I'm just not good enough for anyone. The only people who'd date me are those idiots who are desperate to say they have a girlfriend, just for popularity"

She put her head on her knees and sighed frustratedly again.

"I just don't get it anymore..."
Stephen smiled "well that stops me getting jumped by some random guy accusing me of kissing his Girlfriend, which considering i have to play Romeo who is a good looking guy, i don't wanna get punched"

Stephen then watched Zeria put her head on her knees and his face became emotionless after her statement "what don't you get?"