The Institute Of Silver Lake

Vesper was unsure were Stephan and Zeria went during English but he spent the rest of the class ignoring the required work and drawing some ancient ruins on a peice of pad. Several students near Vesper had even started watching him as the drawing started to take shape and before the peroid was over he had finished it. Vesper sighed and looked at the detailed drawing and shock his head as he thought. No its no good enough to go in my folder, Vesper then leaned back on his chair before asking the nearby students who were looking at the drawing something.

"Who wants that drawing?" Vesper said in a mono tone before one of the girls to Vespers right spoke.

"Can I have it?" the cute brunette asked and so Vesper nodded before she collected the drawing from his desk and started looking at it deeply. This was when the bell rang making Vesper smile as he had gym next and was ready to actually do something. Vesper left the building with a few other girls who also had gym following him before Vesper arrived at the gym very early.

"Hey new kid, why are you so early", some guy yelled at Vesper from next to the closed gym entry as the teacher hadn't arrived yet.

"Thats none of your concern", Vesper said calmly as he leant on the side of the gym while the girls who were following him started talking next to him. Vesper was use to this since every school he went to he seemed to acluminate a group of girls who follow him and his new group already had four members.

"Whats with your attertude dude", the same kid said as he came to stand next to Vesper.

"I speak this way to everyone I don't know", Vesper said as he gave the guy a nasty stair making his grimsp slightly. This guy looked strong and had a good muscle build but was slightly shorter than Vesper who was rather tall.

"Why you", the guy said angrily before throwing a light punch at Vesper who moved very quickly to the right so his punch hit the wall, the guy drew his injured fist back befroe swearing as Vesper dropped his bag on the ground so he was ready for another blow. "Why you bastard", the guy said angrily as Vesper stood ready.

"Trust me, I can do alot more than that", Vesper said calmly before the guy ran at him and threw a punch that would normally have hit Vespers head but he side stepped it before bringing his foot up and round into the guys gut making him step backwards holding his stomach. The guy stood there for a few seconds before standing straight and running at Vesper again, this time Vesper acted to disable his opponent and as he punch Vesper dropped to the ground and spun round with a low kick tripping the guy up. As the guy hit the ground Vesper brought his foot up high before bringing his heel down into the guys stomach with his full strenght, this was enough to bring down a guy twice this ones size. Unfortunitely for Vesper some of this guys friends saw this and they looked ready to fight as well.
Zeria smiled softly at Stephen and let the sunlight reflect in her eyes, sparkling and shining that bright yellow.

"It's nice out. I almost wish I didn't have P.E. after this. I'm going to roast myself. Ha ha"

She stretched out, shooting a glare to a 4th year who was staring at her as she walked by. The kid was practically withered in his tracks, and Zeria grinned charmingly, like she hadn't done anything.
Vesper rolled his eyes angrily as he had drawn a four on one fight on himself and even he couldn't block tha many hits that easily. Vesper was proud of his speed and reflexes but beecause of his lack of strenght and endurance he had to avoid hits in fights like these. Vesper decided to go for his last resort and draw one of the swords on his back bu he kept the plastic guard over the blades edge as not to cause too much damage. This was when the first of the group ran at him, Vesper decided to disable this one so that he couldn't fight any more and so blocked his punch with his sword causing a crunching sound as the guys hand broke. Vesper then acted and swung his sword low tripping him before poking the blunt tip in the side of his good arm before twisting it making the buy cry out in pain. Vesper had just broken one of his nerve clusters meaning he won't move that arm for the next few hours. Vesper then turned to see a second guy running at him and decided to act in the same fashion, as this guy kicked Vesper flicked his wrist sideways making his sword jump out to hit the guy in the side of the leg making him hop on the spot in pain. Vesper then came up next to him and stuck the tip of his sword inside one of his shoelase loops before lifting the blade, this tripped him over and because of his leg he couldn't get up.

"You can't take on two of us", one of the remaining guys said angrily before both of them ran at Vesper. Desapointingly they were right and Vesper would proberly struggle to take them both on.
As Stephen and Zeria walked towards the Gym Stephen noticed vesper in a bit of trouble and he looked at Zeria "I'll be back soon" he announced as he ran over to Vesper's aid and grabbed one of the guys from behind, Stephen spun him around and then punched him with his right hand. the second guy turned to Stephen and smiled "lets go Superstar" he said as he clenched his fists, the boy then threw a punch at Stephen who caught the fist and began squeezing the boy dropped down to one knee and was pleading for Stephen to release his fist. Stephen kneed the boy in the head knocking him out.

Stephen looked at Vesper with a smirk "try and stay out of trouble" he then turned and ran back over to Zeria "hey, sorry bout that, guys being pricks" he said with a smile "you miss me much?"
Vesper watched Stephans impressive display as he brought down his last two oppoenents quickly. Vesper was surprised by the quick hits he pulled off that managed to bring down his first foe while overwelming the second by crushing his fist. Vesper sheathed his sword as he started walking towards Stephan and Zeria before spotting the guy with the broken nose rise and take a step towards Stephan. Vesper span round and planted his foot into the back of the guys head kocking him out before walking up to Stephan.

"Your a better fighter than you appear Stephan", Vesper said with a friendly grin before adding. "I wouldn't mind taking you on in a one on one fight sometime."
Stephen smiled at Vesper's comments and looked at him "well Vesper, sounds good, as long as you keep those swords of yours out of the equation" Stephen then Stopped smiling and looked at his watch "OH CRAP, GUNNA BE LATE" he announced before running off when he was around 20 feet from Vesper and Zeria he slowed to a walk and shouted back to them "See you later guys"
Vesper raised an eyebrow at Stephans hasty departure before yelling to the leaving Stephan.

"If youy fight fairly the swords will stay sheathed", Vesper said almost joyfully before turning around to Zeria. 'Dosn't he have gym this peroid?" Vesper asked as he thought Stephan had gym and that was why he was heading this way.
As Stephen sprinted through the nearly empty halls he was worried that his Business studies teacher was going to get angry, as he threw the door to the classroom open he saw a class full of children "oh, Stephen, your BS extra help has been canceled as the new year 5 class chose to do BS instead of Geography" Stephen Smiled "so it's back to P.E i go, cya tomorrow Mr Clewer" Stephen then closed the door and ran back to the gym to catch up with Vesper and Zeria
Vesper rolled his fingers around the ball he had just caught and stood waiting for someone to make there move. Vesper was the only one on his team left on his side of the hall while the opponenets still had several people who were waiting to hit him. The gym class had started to play dodge ball and Vesper was put on the team that lost almost everyone in the first few seconds but now it was down to him and as these guys now new, her was fast. Vesper held his ball in one hand and staired down his opponents who were looking uneasy as he had already taken out four of them single handedly. Then the movement, one of them to Vesper's right threw his ball at Vesper and would have hit him in the chest if he didn't side step and grab the ball out of mid air so that he had two balls.

"Out", the Gym teacher who was acting as judge said to the balls thrower before Vesper threw the first ball he had back hard hitting one of them in the lower left leg tripping them. "Out", the teacher repeated as it went back to the stale mate as one verse five and at this rate Vesper was going to win.
Stephen changed quickly into his P.E kit and then grabbed his Captain's armband, he wore it for all sports as the Coaches normally picked him, he as a good leader. he ran out into the hall and the coach saw him "Hownam, your in, help Vesper as his team aren't the best" Stephen Smirked "It's always me" he announced as he jogged onto the court and picked up a ball "shall we win this Vesper?"
Vesper smiled at his assitant and was now glad to have a decent player on his side but Stephan had came a little late as there was only five left now. Vesper borught his arm back like a baseball throw and luged the ball hard so hard that it knocked the person it hit over.

"Out", the teachers said again making Vesper grin evilly.

"No affence but your late. Theres only four left now", Vesper said before another person threw a ball which Vesper caught with one hand.

"Out", the teacher repeated like a broken record.

"And now there is three", Vesper said evily.
as a ball flew at Stephen he smiled and caught it, he then threw it at another one of the opposing team and scored a direct hit on his torso, "out, out" the coach shouted in his boring monotone voice. Stephen then turned to Vesper and looked at the coach as the opposing player looked scared "hey coach, If i hit him from a volley does it count as out?" the coach laughed "think your that good? then sure"

Stephen smiled "try not to drool tomuch over this" he then dodged a flying ball and walked over to a ball that was stationary on the floor he, he then flicked the ball around 10 feet in the air, took one last glance at where his target was and as it dropped in a line with his right foot Bang the ball rocketed across the room and the Boy on the other side couldn't get out of the way, it hit his leg and knocked him to the floor "out, reds win" the Coach announced.

Stephen smirked as he walked over to Vesper and extended his hand for a hand shake "Don't mention it mate"
Vesper let a slight smile cross his lips as he shock Stephans hand before looking over the class as a shiver ran down his spin, Vesper had a bad feeling and he wasn't sure why. Vesper pushed this thought out of his mind.

"And I thought I was cocky but you honestly take the cake Stephan", Vesper said to his friend almosr meanacingly before taking a seat with the rest of his teamand sat there waiting.
Stephen looked at the coach and he signaled to sit With Vesper's team, so he did, jogged over and sat next to Vesper, a couple of the kids who knew him patted him on the back and he glanced over his shoulder "hey guys" he then returned his gaze to the game that had just begun, moments later it was over, there was a team of the year bullies who were hammering every team they played. Stephen stood up and looked at Vesper "we could take them" he then looked at the coach "hey coach, me and Vesper versus the 10 of them?" the coach laughed as did the bullies "your death wish" the coach replied, Stephen walked onto the court, as did the bullies, they then waited for vesper
OOC:I am a bit behind, so I will try to catch up.
Kannira changed into her P.E. outfit, and walked in the door. She noticed a boy catch a ball with one hand. When the boy sat down, she noticed the coach say something to another boy, and walked away. She didn't notice, but she actually felt happy, which was the first time in her entire life she ever felt emotions besides lonely and depressed. She walked up to them, and asked politely:
"Um... may I sit here?"
She asked kindly. She seemed to be in the same team as them, but this was the first time she noticed them.
Vesper smiled evily at the match Stephan had set up and rose and walked calmy onto the court before picking up a ball and standing in a fencing pose ready to get these guys. Vesper watched over the group and noticed that one of them was holding his arm limply at one side, Vesper reconised that guy as he was the one that had done that to his arm, Vesper had destroyed that guys nerve cluster in his arm temporwarrily paralysing it.

"Hey can you move your arm yet", Vesper said mockingly as he pointed at the guy who looked at his own arm in anger before taking Vesper ball in the face with enough force to break his nose.

"Out", the teacher repeated.

"And now its on", Vesper said loudly enough for everyone to hear.
Vesper smiled evily at the match Stephan had set up and rose and walked calmy onto the court before picking up a ball and standing in a fencing pose ready to get these guys. Vesper watched over the group and noticed that one of them was holding his arm limply at one side, Vesper reconised that guy as he was the one that had done that to his arm, Vesper had destroyed that guys nerve cluster in his arm temporwarrily paralysing it.

"Hey can you move your arm yet", Vesper said mockingly as he pointed at the guy who looked at his own arm in anger before taking Vesper ball in the face with enough force to break his nose.

"Out", the teacher repeated.

"And now its on", Vesper said loudly enough for everyone to hear.
And always ignored....
Kannira thought to herself as she sat and watched the unknown boy play volleyball. Her new, happy mood became her usual, depressed mood at the thought of always being ignored.
Vesper spotted the girl who had started approaching the court retreat and he wondered why as any assistance would have been helpful in this situation. But after a shruge of Vespers shoulders a ball was thrown at him which he cockingly caught in one hand before side stepping a second and nailing one of them with a fast ball style dodgeball that knocked one guy over and brought a second with him. Vesper was now having fun.

"Hey Stephan you mind throwing your ball or am I doing this myself", Vesper said smiling.
Crystal came padding up behind Hydra, moving silently on the balls of her feet.

"BOO!" Crystal shouted, grabbing Hydra's shoulders. She sat down next to, laughing.
"Whoa! You scared the shit out of me!" Said Hydra surprised. He wasn't expecting Crystal to arriva anymore, yet he still hadn't started his lunch. He was still listening to music when she arrived and surprised him.

"Well, you're eating or not? Oh, and what did you decide about earlier?"