The Institute Of Silver Lake

"Naturally I'm going to eat. Thanks," Crystal said, pulling one tray over to her.

"After considering your generous offer," Crystal began between sips of chocolate milk. "I decided I would be more than happy to be a model." She hemmed up the moment by batting her eyelashes at him. "Thank you so much for the offer. It's truly a wonderful compliment."
Slightly blushing Hydra spoke. "Heh Heh... Thanks, now we got to set up a time and place for the painting... but let's leave that for later." Said Hydra as he took the cover off his lasagna and was starting to eat. "Too bad that lunch is almost over... so we won't be able to discuss anything for now..." Said Hydra before latting out a sigh. "Well, I guess we gotta eat now and speak later... Now, you had to clean the Gym right?" With this, Hydra winked to let her know what he was expecting to happen at the gym.
OOC: None of ya ever specified if the game was outdoors or indoors, so I'm going to assume it's OUTdoors, because such big expensive schools like this can afford outdoor courts.

IC: Crystal grinned and winked back conspiritorily. There'd been a lot of talk among the students about a particular couple that had been flirting ostentatiously. Crystal simply couldn't resist the temptation to throw a little spice into the life of the lovebirds.

"Well, whenever you've got a time set up, just give me a call, you got my number."

When lunch was done, the two went their separate ways, with Crystal heading off to the gym. There, she proceeded outside and began watering the bushes. She began around in the front and made her way to the back, a process that took nearly an hour. She bitterly wondered where the HELL that damn groundskeeper went to. This was supposed to be his job... not that she was complaining.

She glanced at the volleyball game going on. Sure enough, there was the guy that she'd heard about. As they groups were taking a break, she called. "Sure looks hot over there! Wanna cool down?"

Without waiting for a reply, she raised the hose and througly soaked the kid from head to toe. Another one right behind him--she'd heard rumors spreading about him from his swordsmanship class--stepped forward and she hosed him down too.

Some of the other kids were laughing and stepping into the spray as well, welcome for the cool relief. But none of them were soaked to the bone like Stephen or Vesper was.

Crystal let up on the hose and called. "Anymore or are ya good?"
After leaving the cafeteria, Hydra went to his usual music class... just a little touching his instrument, and all the usual boring stuff... Why does music have to be so boring... yet there was no better option for this fourth period... Ugh, whatever... After enough of playing the flute he had at hand, he decided to try another instrument, but the class ended right before he took a violin which was lying on a small table.

Anyway... It seems that next up is... Physics... nice, I can see the volleyball courts from there... If I'm not wrong there is going to be a match, next hour. After reaching the classroom, he quickly took one of the spots near the windows. Not that there weren't going to be any free ones, but Hydra preferred the middle one: a perfect view of the outside, yet allowing him to 'pay attention'. Immediately after, the class began and Hydra would look out whenever he got bored.

Expectedly enough, he found Crystal out there and saw how she was spraying the people who were in the court. Nice, just what I had expected...
Stephen used the ball that was in his hand to block another ball, which trickled along the floor towards Vesper, he then unleashed a fastball eliminating another of the Bullies he then then saw a ball coming towards him and with no time to dodge it he did his signature celebratory backflip and the ball missed him by inches "sorry about that Vesp, wasn't payin attention" he announced with a grin before catching a ball in his right hand and throwing it back...elimination.
Stephen used the ball that was in his hand to block another ball, which trickled along the floor towards Vesper, he then unleashed a fastball eliminating another of the Bullies he then then saw a ball coming towards him and with no time to dodge it he did his signature celebratory backflip and the ball missed him by inches "sorry about that Vesp, wasn't payin attention" he announced with a grin before catching a ball in his right hand and throwing it back...elimination.
IC:Kannira watched as the two boys on her team were playing volleyball, when the other boy caught the ball. She walked up to the coach, and asked him politely if she could go in the field now. She walked to the court, in front of the two boys. The other team hit the ball, Kannira spiked it back.
OOC: If this is wrong, please let me know. I will edit right away.
OOC: seems as no one seems to read the Sign upand discuss thread we are playing DODGEBALL not Volleyball
Zeria ended up being late, because she'd lost her gym clothes and had to go on a search for them. She ran in and gave her slip to the teacher, then ran out by Stephen and Vesper.

"Hey guys! Hope you didn't miss me too much! Let's get this party started!"

She flashed a daring grin at the other team and ducked low, crouching in an attack position.

"Lesson 1! Don't annoy me!"

Zeria laughed and caught a ball, nailing a guy in the leg with it.

"Lesson 2! Don't think you're better, just because I'm a girl!"

Another guy went down.

"And lesson 3! You lose!"

Another guy went down and she flipped backwards, landing nimbly next to Vesper. She smoothed out her baggy red shorts and black t-shirt, then stretched a bit.

"Hmph. This is too easy, ne?"
Stephen looked at Vesper, the Odds leveled to 3 on 3 he smiled as he dodged multiple balls flying at him "hey guys, you can finish this off, I'm done here. he then stopped dodging the balls and allowed himself to get hit in the torso by a ball, eliminating him.

Stephen shrugged and walked over to the store cupboard to grab a football and began kicking it between himself and some of the students.
Vesper smiled wickedly as Stephan left the court leaving him and Zeria alone on the court with three of them left. Then one of them threw a ball hard at Vesper who simply hit it away with the ball he currently had in his hand. Then another threw a ball which Vesper dodged with ease before the last of them threw a ball hard at Zeria's head, Vesper responed by throwing his ball at the incoming one causing the two to hit each other in mid air and bounce off wildly.

"You should not have done that", Vesper said angrily as he respected girls and in his opinon that wasn't fair play to do that to a boy but doing it to a girl was just plain wrong in his opinion. Vesper caught an incoming ball before lunching it hard at one of the reamining two leaving only the one who threw the ball at Zeria left. Vesper was going to realse his anger on him.

"Your in a whole new world", Vesper said evily before picking up two balls one of which he threw upwards while holding the other. As the ball Vesper threw upwards came back down Vesper backflipped so the ball caught his foot and fired upwards while Vesper threw the other ball while he was upside down. The first ball hit the roof and bounced back down towards the target while the second hit him in the nose forcing his head to face the incoming ball. The ball that bounced hit him hard in the face making the guy collapse before spitting out one of his teeth and fainting. Vesper striaghtened and walked calmly off the court as the bad feeling he had at the start of gym seemed to swell up again at the back of his mind.
Stephen had gotten bored of passing so he was now flashing some of his skills as he saw Vespers amazing finish to the dodgeball game. he smiled as Vesper walked off the court "game over eh"he announced with a laugh he then continued to catch the ball in between his shoulders and the back of his neck, he then grabbed his collar and began to slide his T-shirt up and over his head. When the bottom of his T-shirt was past his head and he only had his arms left to de-sleeve he slid his sleeves down his arm one at a time slowly, and once both sleeves were off he flicked the ball into the air and stood up "Olay!!" he shouted, he then noticed where the ball was falling and swung his right foot so they would connect.

as His foot hit the ball at high speed the ball launched off of his foot towards the goal "Crossbar challenge" he announced as the ball was in the air still...Bing the ball ricocheted from the crossbar back towards Stephen who then passed the ball to Vesper "lets see what you can do"
Zeria gave Vesper a smile for helping out and flashed a thumbs up....then turned around. Her cheeks went bright red when her gaze fell on Stephen.
~Neeh?! Why's he taking his shirt off?!~
She went over and watched him showing off, then grinned.

"Hm...I guess we get to see whose better, eh?"

She yawned softly, stretching her limbs a bit and sending a wilting glare at one of the boys who'd tried to get her out, making him edge further away from her.

Stephen saw Zeria coming over and he smiled as she began turning red, Stephen then walked over to her "why you going red this time" Stephen only asked this as to not show that he could see right through Zeria's reasoning for her now crimson glow. he then smirked at her remark "you could say that, i just want to prove that I'm best in the school and he is new, although it seems that Football isn't his sport, you know with the swords." Stephen then pulled his T-shirt back on "but then again, you could have a new fencer"
"Don't even think about it, captain showoff. You have Romeo lines to learn, and not much time to learn them. Don't even start on football VS fencing. I can do both just fine"

Zeria stuck her tongue out and pointed to her fencing gear strapped to her bags sitting by the door.

"Give me that ball and I'll show you what I can do"
Stephen picked up a football from the Equipment cupboard, placed it on the floor and then jumped spinning in the air in a somersault like spin and the ball flew straight to Zeria's feet. as he landed he smiled "okay then, lets see what you have got" (the guy on his own in green trousers and white T-shirt 14 seconds in and another angle at 34 seconds)
Zeria grinned and kicked it up, balancing it on her head and having another student toss her one of her fencing swords.

"You got it, captain showoff"

She stretched a bit, letting the ball fall off her head and kicking it at a wall, letting it bounce as she backflipped away, then landed on her hands, kicking the ball at the wall again, leaping back to her feet, doing 3 slashes at the air with her fencing sword, then pulling off Stephen's exact same move as the ball came rolling back to her feet. Zeria stood up, brushing herself off and half-turning, giving a thumbs up.

"How was that?"
Stephen caught the ball between his knee's and looked at Zeria, not bad, try this one" Stephen flicked the ball onto the back of his shoulders and removed his T-shirt again, he then got down into a press-up position and began to press-ups he then flicked the ball and rolled onto his back and began keeping the ball off of the floor using his feet, knee's and head.

he then rolled backwards and stood on his hands, balancing the ball on the soles of his feet. he then flicked it up and kicked it at the goal as he returned to standing on his feet,
Zeria grinned and ran after it, kicking it up, then grabbing some guy from class.

"Stand completely still. I promise I won't hurt you"

She balanced the ball on his head, then backed up to the complete opposite side of the room...

"Here goes!"

She got a small run, then did 2 front flips, 2 backflips, then proceeded to side flip while kicking the ball off of the guy's head. She twisted her body enough and laughed as she got back up.

"I think we should stop showing off now, Stephen"
Stephen smiled at Zeria "maybe we should" he then slung his T-shirt over his shoulder and headed for the changing room. he removed his Gym kit and got back into his school uniform.
~oh god, do i have to go to theater to practice for this Romeo and Juliet thing?~
as he exited the changing room he sat down and wait for Zeria so he could ask her