The Institute Of Silver Lake

Zeria stood up. She wanted to go to her dorm and find something...

"Let's see...I new art pencils, my backup copy of romeo and juliet..."

She was just walking...until she was plowed over by someone. She hit the floor pretty hard. The guy had just smashed straight into her as she'd rounded the corner...
As Cornelius entered the gym he ended up running into a girl on his way past, he was in such a hurry he didn't see her, being how he is he called back to her

"Sorry about that! I'll explain later!"

Cornelius then continued running until he came to a crossroads, there were the girls and boys locker rooms and there was the main gym, as he looked in he could see a swordplay class taking place, taking a trip through to the boy's changing room and hid inside one of the rooms. he stood on the set and crouched down so nobody would spot him, the door was locked so hopefully nobody would think of looking in there.
Vesper had was still talking with Tessa dispite it being most of the way through the fencing clubs gathering and he was happy to talk to her, she was friendly and Vesper found her cute making it easier for him to talk to her and smile honestly.

"So you have been to several schools then?" Tessa asked as Vesper had just explained his recent showing up.

"Yeah fourteen in the last two years as my parents move around heaps and my swordsmanship getting me kicked out", Vesper said before almost laughing. "that sounds stupid dosn't it."

"No it dosn't. Alot of schools don't like fencing and its understandable", Tessa said with a cute grin making Vesper feel warm inside. Vesper then rubbed the back of his head and looked up at the roof and thought of what to say. But before Vesper could speak someone entered the hall in a panic. A plain girl with brown hair burst into the room crying and shaking which was very worrying. Several people including Vesper and Tessa ran over to the girl to see what the problem was.

"Mani... not Mani... why Mani", was all the girl said between her tears.

"Alice whats wrong?" Tessa asked the girl who shock her head before Vesper walked infront of her and held her so that she looked him in the eyes and as he was giving her a serious stair this was pretty freaky for them girl.

"What is wrong?" Vesper asked plainly and after a few seconds the girl answered.

"Mani is dead... she was attacked like the rest", the girl said before Vesper let her go causing her to run at a nearby male fencer and start crying heavily into his chest. Vesper drew his sword and ran outside with several fencers in persuit. Vesper found the body quickly as there was already a large group gathered outside near the lake, Vesper pushed through the group as most were younger students and found a girls body lying dead on the surface of the lake with a dagger sticking out of her chest. Vesper eyes widened in shock as he looked at the note between the dagger and the girls breast. "I'll be back" the note simply said and Vesper's feeling in the back of his head got deeper and the feeling that something bad was going to happen got bigger and darker and even Tessa hugging onto Vespers arm in shock didn't help.
Stephen stood, unaware of what had happened at the other side of the school. His eyes were still closed as he allowed the rain to beat down heavily on his shoulders. His eyelids slowly slid apart as his head raised towards the sky. "Hownam!!" he heard shouted from behind him and as he turned around he saw a distressed looking Boy "whats wrong?" Stephen inquired. the boy looked at the floor "'s just...that" Stephen could tell there was something wrong "She is dead. Mani is dead"

Stephen's eyes shot open. "No" Stephen announced as he fell to his hands and knees "why is it happening here" Stephen's hands clenched into fists on the floor. "WHY ARE THEY AFTER THIS SCHOOL!!!!!" stephen shouted at the top of his voice before punching the floor 3 or 4 times. his eyes had begun to water.

Stephen slowly got to his feet and looked at the boy who told him "where is she?" the boy looked down "the gym" Stephen strode past the boy, wiping his eyes as he walked. Minutes later he was looking over the lake after pushing his way through the crowd. "someone get a teacher or Something" he announce to the group that had appeared around the lake. Stephen saw Vesper and walked over to him "I'm gunna go in and get her" he informed the swordsman before he turned to the lake.
Zeria caught wind of the news too and had come out, a black hoodie drawn over her so she didn't get too wet, and long pants put on.

"So it seems we've lost another..."

She felt tears well up in her eyes. She hadn't known Mani much, but it still didn't warrant death. She saw Stephen and heard him say he was going to go in.

"Stephen, wait. Let me do it. I've got more clothing on than you, so there's a less chance I'll get sick from jumping into that cold water. Plus, I was on the swimming team at my last school. Just let me do it...please..."
Stephen looked at Zeria "Swimming team doesn't beat life guard, it's what i do Z" Stephen then turned and hesitate. he grabbed the Bottom of his T-shirt and pulled it off. he handed it to Zeria with a smirk on his face "It's my favorite T-shirt" Stephen the jumped into the freezing cold lake and began to swim towards the body.

When he got to the body Stephen handled the dead Girl as though she was alive,he gently placed his hand under her chin for the toe and then began swimming back to the Side of the lake. when he got his hand on the side of the lake Stephen pulled the girl so she was rested against the side and looked up "hey guys help me out here" he announced to some of the Students to help him get the girl from the water.
Zeria put Stephen's shirt in her pocket and helped pull the girl out of the water, then held out her hand to assist Stephen.

"Come on, Hownam. You're gonna get sick the longer you stay in there"

She took off her super large black hoodie and held it in one hand, the other hand still held out to Stephen. Her black hoodie would be big enough for him to wear, so she figured letting him have it to keep warm and less chance of being sick was a good idea...

"Someone make sure to get the teachers! Let them know another student is dead!"

A 3rd year ran off and Zeria waited for Stephen to take her hand...
Vesper watched silently as Stephan swum to the girl and carefully took her back to the shore. Vesper then turned and walked silently out of the crowd as this image of the dead girl brought back some nasty memories of when he wasn't with his foster parents. Vesper had watched his parents die and now seeing this girl was a bit much, the walls of Vespers emotionless attitude were collapsing and he knew he didn't have long till he burst into tears.

"Vesper wait", Tessa called as she ran after Vesper who had taken a seat at the base of a tree far away from the group. Vesper felt all the bottled up emotions he kept back starting to erupt.

"Tessa, please leave me alone", Vesper managed even though his voice was uneven and shaky.

"Please talk to me, were friends. You can trust me", Tessa said kindly making Vesper want to hold her amongst his sadness and anger but held back this feeling. Vesper sat there for a few seconds before standing bolt upright and swinging his sword into the trees trunk. The sword cut halfway through the thick oak before stopping, Vesper felt slightly better after this and sat back down as Tessa looked at the sword.

"Wow your strong", Tessa said impressed making Vesper feel slightly better again but it would take a while before his emotions settles down and he knew he was going to do some stupid things over this time. Vesper breathed calmly as his whole body shock not from the cold but from him being scared of the memories of his past. Tessa saw this and came right up next to him and just sat there quietly before Vesper started silently crying. After a few seconds Tessa started to hug Vesper making him feel a lot better but he still needed this out of his system and that meant he would cry for a few minutes still.
Stephen took Vespers hand as the young Red head helped him from the cold lake. as he got onto dry land he was shaking in the cold, the rain still pouring. Stephen dropped to one knee from exhaustion. his temperature was making him feel weaker than he actually was.

"thanks for helping me out Zeria" he muttered as he tried standing back up, with no success, he was freezing cold. Every part of his body was shivering. he was on his hands and knees. "Fuck me, It's fucking freezing"
Zeria frowned and knelt down next to Stephen.

"Here's your shirt..."

She held it out to him, then smiled, hiding the rising blush in her cheeks.

"Take my hoodie. I got it in an extra large, so it will fit you. Put it on. You need to keep warm, or else you'll get sick. And you have to be healthy to play football"

She turned a bit redder in the cheeks.

"You can stand tight against me too if you want. I'm really warm"
Stephen took his T-shirt from Zeria and began drying his face with it. He managed to pick himself up and as he reached forward to grab Zeria's hoodie he stumbled and nearly fell over. One of the students grabbed him to give him support "we got to get him to a warmer place than this" he announced as he tried lifting Stephen up. "No, I'll be fine" Stephen announced whilst he was still shivering.

he took Zeria's hoodie and pulled it on over his head. As he slid his arms into the Sleeves he smiled at Zeria "thanks" he muttered he then looked over and saw two teachers approaching rather rapidly. "where is the Girls Body?" one of them asked before spotting the body on the side of the river "who got her body out of the lake" the other demanded. Stephen stepped towards them "that would be me, i couldn't leave her in there" the two teachers looked at Stephen and glared. "everybody back to the main building, Now" one of the teachers announced "there is nothing to see here" the second added.

Stephen signaled to Zeria to head back to the main building as he began walking with his T-shirt slung across his shoulder, and her her hoodie on. As Stephen walked he began thinking about the girl who was dead. why would someone do such a horrific thing, to a girl so young
Vesper stopped weaping as if a switch was flicked and his eyes and ears locked onto something, Vesper smelt something rottern like death and decay and heard something moving slowly and silently. Vesper looked to his right towards the trees that surrounded the lake and thought he saw something move amougst the trees. Vesper shock his head and looked at that spot for a long while but knew whatever it was was gone as the smell had faded and Vesper heard nothing.

"Are you alright now Vesper?" Tessa asked as she stopped hugging Vespers right arm.

"Yeah I'm better, but I think I just saw something", Vesper mumbled in his normal voice.

"Well thats good to hear", Tessa said before standing up and pulling Vesper up with her.

"Lets go then", Tessa said with a smile which in turn made Vesper smile before the pair walked away. But Vesper did think he saw something and he knew he didn't imagine the smell.

"Hey Tessa, did you smell something bad back then?" Vesper asked before Tessa shock her head.

"No sorry, I've got a cold", Tessa said with another smile leaving Vesper scratching his head wondering if he imagined it before he ran to catch up with Tessa.
Zeria nodded and headed back to the building with Stephen. She was a bit cold now, but thanks to the fact she'd changed into pants earlier, she was covered pretty well.

"I knew something bad would happen today. I could just feel it. That's why I bumped into you this morning..."

She shivered and frowned, gazing at the ground as she walked.

"I should have told the teachers I got a bad feeling. They'd have tightened the watch on all of the students and this might not have happened..."

She bit her lower lip, tears welling in her eyes. Now not only was she cold, but she was on the verge of crying...
As Vesper headed back towards the building he spotted Stephan and Zeria and decided to have a chat to see if they were better off than Vesper was before. Vesper came up to them with Tessa on his heels and fell in pace next to them and immediately spotted Zeria was about to cry.

"You know its worse to hold back the tears than to cry. Even I had to get some crying out of my system before Zeria", Vesper said in a kind voice before Tessa came up next to him and grabbed his arm making Vesper blush slightly. "Just a word of advice", Vesper added.
Zeria nodded weakly, but she didn't want to cry. Not with so many students around to see her.

"Stephen...can we...hurry..."

She couldn't even say a sentence without her voice cracking. She knew it. She was going to break down in a matter of moments.

"You better get somehwere were you can show your emotion", Vesper said before being pulled backwards by Tessa who shock her head at Vesper.

"You better leave those two alone they can work it out themselves", Tessa said calmly as Vesper watched the pair walk ahead.

"I guess your right", Vesper said in a mono tone before Tessa started to hug Vespers arm again.
After a good 10 minutes the silence confirmed that the teachers had given up the chase, as Cornelius exited the bys changing room he cauciously left the gym, however it didn't take long till he heard the sound of screaming followed by people running to the swimming area. Cornelius took a glance inside and caught a glimpse of a girl, she looked unconcious and was being carried outside by some teachers, they ignored Cornelius as they walked past and shortly afterward people were leaving, crying.

"What's the big deal? She's only knocked out? Geez, you'd think she was dead or something..." Cornelius thought to himself.

Cornelius quickly got out of sight as everyone began to leave, considering tha teachers would probably be lurking nearby to find out how this happened. Taking a shortcut through some bushes he headed back to his room, it would be better if he stayed out of sght for the time being.

"Hmm, I wonder how that happened, the students shouldn't be left to swin naided if they can't swim that well..." Cornelius thought to himself.

Since the school day was over he checked his wardrobe and pulled out some clothes, he put on a short sleeved light brown short, dark brown trousers, black boots and a large light brown jacket. He then went over to his chest of drawers and pulled out the second drawer, at the back he pulled out a small box, within it was a necklace, it had small light green jewels around it and a semi-large ring at the bottom, the outer ring was mellow and the inner ring was bright red.

After replacing the box and drawer he headed outside and returned to the quad, by this time it was barely populated, however there were still plenty of girls around, maybe they hadn't yet heard about the young girl swimmer? It didn't matter to Cornelius as he began to approach a small group of them.
As Stephen listen to the cracking of Zeria's voice he coned his hands around his mouth to amplify his voice when he shouted. "Get your asses moving or we are all gettin caned" he then shouted and watched as most of the students began jogging towards their dorms. Stephen on the other hand turned and walked towards a group of middle sized trees and walked through into what seemed to be a small den like area in the center of them.

"Hey Zeria, follow me" he muttered as he entered the area and sat down on a dry log, awaiting Zeria so he could find out what was wrong with her.
Zeria sat down next to him and her lower lip quivered.

"I's just..."

She choked back a sob.

"I felt it. I knew something bad was going to happen today. If I'd told the principal, maybe that girl wouldn't have died!"

That's when she broke down, burying her face in Stephen's chest and beginning to cry hard.

"Why couldn't it have been me?! She had so much to live for! I have nothing! It should have been me, not her!"
Vesper breathed in and out slowly as he brought his sword into position holding it firmly in his hands. Vesper had returned to the hall along with Tessa and several other fencers who wanted to forget what happened by doing something they enjoyed. Vesper was taking on a guy he saw fighting earlier and the problem was this guy had a large claymore which he had resting on his shoulder and it looked extremely heavy. Vesper was playing it cautous as he didn't want a broken bone or two and this sword could easily dish these out.

"Come on Vesper you can take him", Tessa cheered from the side line distracting Vesper for a second causing the guy with the claymore to react. He took a step forward and brought his sword round, Vesper saw this and had to roll sideways to avoid the attack.

"Hey keep it clean", a watching teacher yelled angrily before Vesper acted back, Vesper recovered instantly from the roll and charged with his sword at his side before swinging hard into his opponents leg. The sword found its mark and with a crunch the big fighter dropped to one knee and dropped his sword.

"Looks like you won't be able to lift that thing for a while", Vesper mumbled to the guy as he glared back before Vesper switched to a serious stare that scared even this guy. "And if you plan on fighting dishonrably again you will find your head missing from your shoulders", Vesper said evily making the guy look horrofied before Vesper left the area and sheathed his sword, Vesper was tied after todays events and was going to head to bed early.