The Institute Of Silver Lake

Stephen drove into the close by village and parked outside a Pizza shop he pulled his phone from his pocket and Sent Zeria a Text message it read. "hey Z, at peperoni's. you know the Pizza place, just wondering if i could get you anything while I'm here." he then slid his phone closed and noticed the Donner meat on a large spike spinning inside a large heating apparatus "I'll have one Large Donner Kebab and a portion of chips just as soon as my friend texts me back with her order. the man behind the counter smiled "yes, i believe she is your friend" Stephen was confused by what and why he had said it but he didn't care...the meat looked very tastey
Vesper yawned as he threw his swords next to his bed and lied down with another yawn. Vesper had sent four guys to the nurses office, had several fencing matches and endured another dead student, he was tired and just wanted to sleep and he didn't care about missing dinner. Vesper yawned and climbed into his bed before wonder what he was going to have for breakfast next morning for what seemed like the hundredth time today.
Zeria felt her phone vibrate and grabbed it from beside her, opening it up.

"Hm? How'd he get anywhere?...Oh well"

She quickly txted Stephen back.

~If you can, I'd like some pizza. Just a small one though. Pepperoni and extra cheese. Thanks Stephen. I'll pay you back when you return. Besides, I'll want to know how you left school grounds.~
As Stephen's phone vibrated in his pocket he pulled it out and looked at it, he smiled as he read it "yea, can i have a large donnar Kebab, and a 12 Inch Pepperoni Pizza with extra cheese" the man nodded and began cooking.

Stephen turned around and pulled his phone back out of his pocket and began writing a text to Zeria "I got out of School using my new Birthday present" he clicked send and then waited for a while.

the man placed the two boxes on the counter and Stephen grabbed them and jogged back to his car. he climbed into the car and placed the boxes on the seat next to him. he turned the car around and then began to drive back towards the school.
Zeria yawned and slid off her bed, pulling her phone out of her pocket again.

"Mm. New birthday present, ne? I wonder what that could be..."

She quickly text him back as she headed down to the front of the school.

~I'll be waiting in the front of the school to see this gift of yours. Haha. C U Soon!~
As Stephen's phone vibrated in his pocket he pulled it out and held it up so he could see the screen aswell as the road. Zeria's text made him grin as he threw his phone on the seat next to him "might as well give her a show" he muttered to himself as he turned the volume on his sound system up slightly and then pulled into the driveway of school. It was around 150 meters long so he pushed his foot harder onto the accelerator to speed the car up. as he came around the final corner of the winding driveway he slowed back down and lowered the Volume, His 350Z in full show for Zeria.

Stephen parked on the front of school grabbed the Kebab the pizza and his phone and walked over to Zeria "so what do you think" he asked as he handed her the pizza "turns out my mom and pop care about me enough to try and hide the fact that this is the first birthday they have remembered since i was 10"
Zeria's jaw had dropped. She stood there completely speechless.


She took the pizza from him and blinked a few times.

"That's one....helluva gift....!"

Then she paused and looked up at him, quickly, her eyes lighting up.


She quickly hugged him, then smiled.

"Let's eat. That way I can work up a drawing for you for your birthday'

Zeria laughed and nudged him.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner? You had all day, and I never knew it was your birthday!"
Stephen smiled as Zeria suggested they tuck in "sure" he muttered as he sat on a bench and began eating his Kebab. he thought about Zeria's complaint about not telling her and he began smiling from cheek to cheek "Kinda not my birthday for two days,so you have time" he announced he then paused and looked at the floor "mind you with all these deaths i might not make it to my 18th" he muttered
Zeria frowned, taking a slice of the pizza and eating it.

"Don't talk like that...please...not after what happened today..."

She sat down next to him on the bench, bringing her legs up.

"To be honest...I don't think I could bear it if you went missing...I might go crazy, searching the school for you......and if you were dead, I'd..."

Zeria shivered and quickly wiped away a tear. She didn't want to think about such things...
Stephen smirked as Zeria explained. "In all honesty i dunno what I'd do either" Stephen then stood up with a sinister grin on his face "anyway, lets not think of such things" he announced as he walked over to the car and unlocked the door "we have more than an hour left until we get our asses beaten, feel like coming for a drive?" he asked Zeria, still with the sinister grin on his face.
Zeria felt a blush creep into her cheeks.

"I-I guess it would be cool..."

She went over by him, getting in the car and situating to get comfortable. Her blush had risen to a light red color, and she turned her head away, trying to hide it.

"Where are we headed to? Town? Beach?"
Stephen climbed into the car and turned on the Engine. He then stuck it into Reverse and backed the car away from the wall. at this point his music came on quite loud it was New found Glory- Understatement. he immediately turned the volume down and smiled at Zeria "sorry" he announced

Stephen then began driving up the drive "your choice where we go Z, I'm just having fun driving this"
Zeria laughed and gave him a smile.

"The beach would be nice then. I haven't been there in quite some time. I wanted to get there over school break, but I never had time..."

She turned her gaze to out the window, watching scenery go by.

"You have good taste in music, by the way"
Stephen smiled at Zeria's comments, he then turned the volume back up

"thanks" he Replied.

as the car entered a small sea side Village Stephen was forced to slow down as the Speed limit dropped down to 30 MPH and a large truck pulled out in front of him "great" he announced sarcastically before he turned into the Beach's Car park.

As he paarked the car he looked at Zeria and began talking in a 'posh' English Accent "we have arrived at the Beach Miss Iiyasei" he announced before laughing "I crack myself up"

Stephen then climbed out the car and waited for Zeria to climb out before he locked the car.
Zeria pushed open the door and got out, laughing.

"Why thank you, kind sir Stephen"

She stuck her tongue out, then headed out onto the beach, smiling as a breeze blew through her.

"It's so peaceful...I almost missed this place..."
Stephen strode out onto the Beach behind Zeria, Smiling as the wind blew. he looked into the sky, at the stars. "It is peaceful ain't it" he muttered. he then looked back towards the Ocean and Zeria.

He walked forward, past Zeria, right up to where the ocean reached the Beach " If I profane with my un-worthiest hand This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss" Stephen announced before beginning to Laugh
Zeria felt a deep blush rise to her cheeks, but then she smiled.

"Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, Which mannerly devotion shows in this. For saints have hands that pilgrim's hands do touch, And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss"

She moved and walked up next to him, gazing out over the water, viper yellow eyes reflecting the waves as sparkles in her eyes.
Stephen turned to Face Zeria as she faced the Ocean "Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?" he announced with a small smirk. he moved in slightly closer to Zeria. He also threw a quick glance to his watch.
She smiled softly and turned to face him.

"Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer"

Zeria gently gave him a slight push, trying to hide the rising blush in her cheeks.
~You're just practicing, Zeria. Chill out. Nothing to get nervouse it?~
Stephen lent back as Zeria pushed him gently. "O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair" he announced gently returning to a stood up straight position.

Stephen then gently placed his hands on Zeria's