The Institute Of Silver Lake

Zeria blushed even more, leaning her head on Stephen's shoulder.

"I don't know anymore..."

Her eyes closed.

"Even now, my heart's pounding...and I only know one reason why...because I'm by you...and it's so weird to think that an outcast girl like me is hanging with the most popular jock in school..."
Stephen let out a giggle as Zeria stated he was the 'most popular jock in school' he then looked at her "I don't think i am" he looked at Zeria but could only see the top of her head "More people know Kevin because he is a bigger asshole than i am" Stephen said with a smile.
Zeria shook her head.

"Mm. No. I hear more about you...the "best player on the team" and the "hottest guy in school", Stephen Hownam. Everyone just calls you Hownam though, as far as I know..."

She sighed.

"It's hard to think that I'm actually talking to you now, and you're talking to me..."
Stephen smiled as Zeria told him how he was "the hottest guy in school, and the best player on the team" and he looked at her. "well i don't dispute the football player part of that, but I don't think im all that you?"
Stephen smirked at Zeria's squeak and then looked at her "hey, no need to be embarrassed apparently you ain't the only one who thinks im hot" Stephen then smiled "Come with me" he muttered as he stood up and extended a hand to Zeria.

"Trust me" he said softly as he smiled down to her.
Stephen turned and began walking through the School grounds, trying to stay as quiet as possible as he walked. "this way" he whispered back to Zeria.

as he walked he moved past the home economics room, Mr Petree love her roses and there was always many plants and flowers outside her room. "robbed" Stephen whispered as he grabbed a rose and plucked all of the thorns from it's stem. he turned back to Zeria and extended the flower "for you" he whispered
Zeria blushed and took the rose carefully, so as not to prick her fingers on the thorns.

"Thank you..." she whispered quietly back, smiling.

She moved to his side, grabbing out her art tablet.

"I have something for you too"

She opened up her art tablet, ripping out a drawing of the both of them in the car, done in full color with near perfect detail.

"I drew it after we got back from the beach..."
That's it. I simply can't keep up with this anymore. Some of us just cannot spend hours of every day posting away on an RPG. I quit.
Stephen smiled as he neatly folded the paper and slid it into his pocket "thanks" he muttered as he smiled "come on, this way" he announced as he continued walking quietly past room after room. he stopped and looked around a corner "crap" he muttered quietly.

"there is a teacher around the corner so we shall stay here" Stephen said as he sat down quietly, the place in which he was sat was very secretive and no teacher would bother looking.
OOC: DM, we really aren't on all that much. Usually, I only post once or twice a night, unless KY is on. Then we try to progress the day further. I'm sorry if you are bothered by that.


Zeria bit her lower lip, trying to keep as quiet as possible as she slid down by Stephen.
~If we get caught, we're in trouble!~
She quickly folded open a new page and wrote out -Stephen, I don't trust that the teacher won't see us. I'm going to sit and start drawing you to reduce the amount of trouble we can get in-, then showed it to him, before turning her art tablet to a clean page and starting to draw him...
Stephen read Zeria's note and then glanced around the corner and noticed the teacher was walking towards them. ~I can't let her get caught~ he thought to himself he grabbed the paper that Zeria had written on,and also a pencil "stay here" he wrote on the piece of paper before dropping it to Zeria as he slowly climbed to his feet.

Stephen looked at Zeria one last time and shot a smile her way. He then sprinted out of where he was sat and the teacher saw him "HEY STOP" the teacher shouted before he began chasing Stephen ~thats right,follow me~ he thought as he jumped over a wall. Closely followed by the teacher. Stephen could tell it wasn't the P.E teacher as if it was he would have caught upto Stephen by now. Stephen managed to break away from the teacher and find a good hiding spot where he waited for the teacher to leave.
Zeria tried to stop him, but he'd already gone. She bowed her head.
~You you'll get in trouble.......~
She had to hold back some tears as she heard that the teacher saw Stephen. For it, she felt horrible. She curled up into a ball to hide her tears.
~They're going to punish you now...and it's my fault...~
sat panting heavily in what felt like a thorn bush. Stephen waited silently for the teacher to leave "shit, the brat out ran me" it sounded like one of the R.E teachers but Stephen couldn't be sure as he wasn't an R.E student.

Stephen gently slid his phone from his pocket, not making any noise and opened the write message screen. "Hope your not dobting my escape methods Miss Iiyasei" it read before he hit the send button.
Zeria felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and pulled it out, reading the message.
Tears streaked down her cheeks as she replied quietly, not letting the screen light up.

-You idiot! Are you okay? Did you get caught? I'm so sorry. I should have told you to go back inside. This is all my fault if you get in trouble. I'm gonna come find you and make sure you don't get hurt....-
Stephen's phone began vibrating and after pulling it out he had to force himself not to laugh. "I never get caught,and don't worry nothing is your fault, I just like breaking the rules too much" Stephen then stood up and began sneeking back to where Zeria was hiding.
When he got there, he would find her curled up in a ball crying. She was really upset.

"That idiot....he's gonna be in trouble...and then he'll get punished...and not be able to play football..."

Her fiery red hair had draped around her, and she was shivering from the cold too.
as Stephen arrived back at the first hiding spot he saw Zeria, in a complete state of distress. he automatically pulled his Jacket from his back and wrapped it around the young girl "hey Z, Don't worry I'm fine, no one saw me, and they couldn't have caught me"

Stephen then knelt next to Zeria and wrapped his arms around her, "I got you, Don't worry, It's all gonna be alright"
Zeria looked up, cheeks tear stained.

"Stephen, idiot!"

She choked back a sob and buried her face in his chest.

"What if you had got caught?! What would that do?!"

Her pale skin seemed almost paper white by now, as she tried to slow her breathing and relax.

"I would feel horrible......don't do that ever again....please...."