The Institute Of Silver Lake

Stephen smiled as he gently grabbed her hand "you forgot to count this one" he announced as he spun her around by her hand and pulled her close enough to kiss her,moments later he did so. ~wow, I'm better at this shit than I thought~
Stephen though to himself ~although it would be hilarious if she slapped you for this~ he though.
Zeria blushed even more!

"Gaaah! Cheater!"

In that moment, she had a spark of attitude flare up in her.

"'re wrong. You left out one little detail...."

She flashed a grin, then leaned in and kissed him, quickly pulling back and turning away again, giggling.

"You miscounted by one. It's five"
Stephen smiled and as he shook his head he noticed something, there was a crowd of younger students looking horrified, they looked around 12 years old.Stephen began laughing "you guys will be doing this in a couple years" he announced as he looked back at Zeria who was probably about to glow like a supernova with Embarrassment
As a matter of fact, she was. Her face was so red, she grabbed the jacket out of her bag and pulled it over her face. Looked like it was Stephen's jacket too. She'd still had it on when they'd split apart the previous night.

"Stephen! Make them stop staring!"

Zeria was beyond embarrassed. Knowing the mentality of 12 year olds, the news of her and Stephen kissing in the halls would probably be schoolwide known by lunch!
Stephen looked at the youngsters still stood Staring "oi" Stephen whistled and flicked his head at the same time "Scram" the young boys then fled like they were mice running from a sadistic mouse torturing cat. Stephen then turned back to Zeria Laughing "I can't believe you just kissed me in front of a bunch of kids"

Stephen took a couple of steps towards Zeria "I wonder if any of them got a picture, that would be great,i could print a copy off for my wall" Stephen joked
Zeria groaned and buried her face more in the jacket of his she had.

"You're doing this know I would die of embarrassment, right?! This will be all over school by lunch!"

She moved the jacket enough she he could see her eyez kinda glaring at him.

"Besides. You're the one who instigated it. It's all your fault,, you! Gah! I can't even think straight, you've got my mind so messed up!"
"well for that i apologize" Stephen said as he walked pas ther "and anyway people knowing that I kissed you is gonna get worse for you, they will all be asking you about it" Stephen smiled as he strode back towards the locker room "you coming or not?" he shouted back to her.
Stephen smiled as Zeria offered him the jacket "keep it" he announced with a smile as he opened his locker and began routing around for his books, for the morning. "anyway, Not like I need it mummy and daddy buy me everything i need and more" he announced sarcastically. Stephen pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and removed a cash card from it "my parent's gave me this for my 16th birthday, not my own bank account, i just take money from theirs" he announced "they don't really care, their words were if you can spend it faster than we make it, we'll be amazed...son"
Zeria smiled weakly.

"Thanks. You're lucky. I have to work hard for everything. The only thing my parents take care of are my school needs. And those aren't many, I suppose. Just my books and things. I had a job back in my old town, so I have a bank account with plenty until I get a new job in this town from how I moved"

She almost looked sad.

"I really don't talk to my parents much anymore. Just the occasional letter. Or a letter from an old swim team friend. That's it. Otherwise, I'm usually alone...I spend all my time in the art and theater rooms, or working out in the gym..."
Stephen smiled as he pulled a letter out of his back pocket "I've been here since year1 and this is the fourth letter I have received" Stephen then began laughing "I can't believe we are actually trying to prove who has worse parents" Stephen then threw the letter into his locker "I care about my parents even less than I care about French" Stephen announced trying to be funny. Stephenthen closed his locker and looked atZeria he then re-opened his locker and grabbed his football "we got a few hours, fancy a kick around?"
Zeria shrugged.

"I guess. Lemme quick change first!"

She ran into a nearby bathroom, then came back out without the black pants. She'd put them in her bag. But she was wearing Stephen's jacket. She rather liked it.

"Okay. Much better. Now I don't have to worry about forgetting the pants and having to go to class looking like a dork"

She laughed, the light from the rising sun catching her hair in a slight shine.
"well then lets goo" Stephen announced with a smile as he jogged out of the Locker room and down to the footy pitch where he kicked the ball out of his hands and chased it. As the ball fell he took it under control with his first touch and then turned to look for Zeria.
He couldn't see her so he began Freestyling with the ball, Keeping the ball off the floor, very stylishly he began smiling.
Zeria ran after, then slid in behind him, giggling.


She moved in and tapped the ball away from him, dribbling it away and flashing a cheeky grin back at him.

"Come on, hownam. You're gonna let a girl in a skirt beat you?"
Stephen smiled "If thats what your in to,you can beat me all night long" he announced with a cheeky grin before he chased after her and stole the ball from her, Stephen dribbled the ball to put some distance between them and then he flicked it up and balanced it on his head "Come on Z,lets see what you got" he said as he flicked it from his head and passed it to Zeria.
As the ball git Stephen he bent his knees and balanced the ball on his chest he then flicked the ball off his chest, kicked it into the air and caught it between his shoulder blades. he then began sliding his T-shirt up his back,and after around five minutes his T-shirt was off. Stephen had managed to remove his T-shirt whilst keeping the ball on his back,he then flicked the ball back into the air and passed it back to Zeria "Olay" he muttered.
Zeria laughed.

"Trying to show off now, huh?"

She did a quick backflip, then knocked the ball down with her head, and began to transfer it from foot to foot, before kicking it up behind her, and lobbing it back at Stephen.

"I can do it too, Hownam!"
"Where the hell am I?" Rene said annoyed as hell. He had been walking around for ages now. He saw two students, a boy and a girl. They were kicking around what looked like a soccer ball. They looked older than Rene but that didn't matter because he didn't look young. He walked towards the pair with his bag slung over his back.

"Yo, you two." Rene said as he walked up to them. "Mind tellin' me where the headmaster, or whatever he's called, office is? I'm new around here."
Zeria turned to the new student, blinking.

"Hm? Oh. Uh...sure. Headmasters office is....through the main hall, to the left, watch for a big wooden door with 'Headmaster' written on it. That's it"

She smiled, then turned her attention back to Stephen to continue playing football.