The Institute Of Silver Lake

Stephen smiled as Zeria gave him the Orders "I would rather get chased by a teacher than risk having you during one of my dumb ass ideas" he informed her before kissing her gently on the top of her head. "now stop crying or you'll make me depressed"
Zeria felt her cheeks turn red and warm up. She looked up at him.

"I would rather have been caught in your dumb idea than see you get punished and be unable to play football..."

She bowed her head again and wiped away the tears.

"I'm sorry. I'm being a bother...I'll just shut up..."
Stephen gently placed his hand under Zeria's chin and gently tilted her head to face his "please don't, i can outrun all but 1 teacher in the entire faculty" Stephen then gently wiped away one of the tears from Zeria's eye. Stephen began smirking "I bet you though i was gonna kiss you again didn't you" Stephen then paused momentarily but then didn't wait for a reply "you were right" he muttered before gently lowering his lips to hers.
She gasped and her cheeks turned cherry red, her breath hitching in her throat. She was stunned. A final tear fell from her eye and then her eyes closed.
~It's really him this time.......not just a role....~
Zeria kissed him back. It felt like fireworks were going off, and her heart was fluttering madly...
~wow, this is going better than expected~ Stephen opened his eyes slowly as he pulled away from the kiss ~dude, she kissed you back...why are you talking to yourself say something~ "Something" Stephen muttered under his breath ~oh my fool...i meant say something witty or funny not literally say Something~
Zeria felt her cheeks burn even redder.
~Oooooooh my goooooooooooood!~
Her head shot down and she covered her face with her hands to try and hide the blush.
Her voice had been no more than a tiny squeek, she was freaking out so bad!
Stephen turned his head to the left and let out a short caught. "you should head back to your Dorm and get some sleep, It's late" Stephen informed her as he stood up and looked around the area. "It is clear so you should go now" Stephen then turned and headed back to his dorm.
OOC: Will do. I'll fastforward to the next morning in this post. ^^


Zeria nodded, watching Stephen leave, then headed off to her own dorm, going back to bed and sleeping off the days events. Upon her waking the next morning, bright and early, she'd be off to meet Stephen at his locker again. She wore her traditional uniform from her past school, only she'd put on black pants underneath to keep warm in the cold morning air. Plus, she had a stopwatch, which made the situation only more funny.

"Hm...seems he's not up yet...I'll wait..."

She slid down and sat in front of his locker, clicking the stopwatch to see how long it would take him to get there after her...
"Hmph." Rene huffed as the car that had dropped his off sped away. He lifted his back off the ground and threw it over his shoulder so it rested on his back. "So this is the place huh?" Rene muttered as he walked forwards towards the schools gate. "Looks boring." He kicked a random rock into a nearby wall and sighed deeply. "For God's sake Mom, why'd you have to make me come to a dump like this."

"Hey you! You're the new kid right?" A tall man who looked like a teacher said.

"Yeah I am. Don't I gotta see the headmaster or whatever he's called now?" Rene asked the man with an annoyed tone in his voice. This guy looked exactly like the kind of guy Rene hated.

"Watch your manners kid," The man said leaning in close to him and grinning menacingly "Ya never know what someone might do." Rene was tempted to punch the man in the teeth but stopped himself.

"Where do I go?" Rene asked.

"Where do I go what?"

"Where do I go sir." Rene asked through gritted teeth.

"Big buildin' over there. Go to the front desk and check in. I'm gonna enjoy teachin' you kid." The teacher said as he walked away, Rene heard him chuckling evilly and spat on the ground in disgust.

After waking up late Stephen threw on some clothes and ran down to his locker where he found Zeria,she was sat down with a stop watch in her hand "you can stop it now, I'm ready to go" he announced "Actually Mr Hownam,your run has been canceled this morning, your coming with me" Stephen turned around to see the P.E teacher stood behind him. "Yes sir" Stephen announced before turning to Zeria "Sorry,he needs to talk to me" Stephen announced as he followed the teacher to his Office.
She stopped it and looked up....before frowning.


Zeria stood up. She didn't like the sound of this. Had they caught Stephen? Were they gonna hurt him?

"Stephen, I....if something happens, you had better tell them I was there too...or I'll tell them it was my fault..."

The worry in her eyes was clear...
As Stephen Strode into the teachers office he was smiling "whats wrong Sir?" he asked calmly "one of the Students out ran a teacher last night,after curfew" Stephen smiled "probably not that difficult there are many healthy students here, and the teachers could be fitter" Stephen joked. The sports teacher stood up and slammed his hands on the desk "the teacher who was out run can run a 5 minute mile. "well then it was probably one of the players of a school team" the Sports teacher walked over to Stephen "Don't get caught next time,your excused" he whispered Stephen smiled "yes sir"
Stephen then left the teachers office and walked over to Zeria "that was interesting" he informed her "I didn't get caught but he knew it was me from the health level of the teacher" Stephen Sighed and then smiled "he isn't doing anything about it"
She had been leaning against the wall outside the door. Zeria looked pretty worried, and was really glad to hear him say that he wasn't in trouble. She smiled weakly.

"If you ever do that to me again and make me have to worry so much, I'm going to have to hurt you, Hownam..."

She laughed quietly.

"Here I thought I was gonna get to time you as you carried me. Oh well. Maybe tomorrow. If you live through modeling for me after school for my art project"
Stephen smiled as he wrapped his arms around Zeria "you were worried about me?" he asked sarcastically "awwwww, so sweet" Stephen then stepped back "you might wanna stop saying things like that,wouldn't want anyone to think you were falling in love with the team captain now would ya, it's dangerous territory and when girls think you want me, they become even more bitchy, specially those cheerleaders"
Zeria's cheeks turned bright red.

"Sure. Coming from the guy who plays 'Kiss Me' in the weight room when he knows the girl he kissed during english was already embarrassed about it"

She gave him a playful push.

"Besides. Those cheerleaders usually ignore me anyway. I think they're scared of me, to be honest. I mean, you don't see anyone else in the school with fiery red hair or viper yellow eyes..."
Stephen smiled at Zeria's playful push "haha, I'll admit the eyes do make you kinda unapproachable but hey,i thought you didn't want to be approachable" Stephen stepped back over to Zeria "and as for the song, one you liked it and two you liked the kiss more, so stop complaining"
Zeria blushed darker.

"Oh be quiet...."

She turned so her back was facing him, hiding her face in her hands.

"So what if I liked all 3 of them? You're the one who did all 3 to me. I have every right to complain. The first two weren't even you. You were all Romeo on me. So technically only one of them counts. And you did it when we should have been worrying about you getting hurt..."
Stephen smiled as Zeria turned her back giving him an idea, as she stepped away he stayed fairly close to her,around 1 meter away "three? he said in a partially confused tone. he looked down slightly and then back to Zeria "I count four"
Her cheeks got even warmer.

"F-four?! No way! There'z no way I'd miss it....!"

She scanned over her memoriez really fast, counting only three.


By now, her cheeks her cherry red and her eyes wide...