The Institute Of Silver Lake

Stephen leant incloser and looked slightly down at Zeria. ~here it comes~ Stephen lent slightly closer in, still not touching lips with Zeria.

"Then move not while my prayer's effect I take"

Stephen then gently kissed Zeria's lips
Zeria's breath hitched in her throat as she felt his lips meet hers. Her eyes simply closed, and she kissed him back, another breeze blowing through.
~What am....I doing?.......~
She shoved off the question and slowly parted her lips from his, her eyes slowly opening and rising to meet his...
as the gentle kiss ended, Stephen's eyes opened to meet Zeria's gaze.

~DUDE, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU JUST DID THAT!!!~ Screeched his head.

Beep Beep "and thats our que to get the hell back to School." he announced, the beep from his watch signaled it was quarter to 9. Stephen jogged back to His car and awaited Zeria "Come on Z, don't want to be late" he shouted back.

She jogged back to the car and got in, facing away from Stephen to hide the crimson red color in her cheeks.
~Oh my god! We kissed! We actually kissed! Aaaaaaaah!~
Zeria covered her face with her hands, embarrassed.
Stephen climbed into the car and pulled his seat belt on "buckle up" he announced as he turned the car on and revved the engine. "and hold on" he announced before shifting it into gear and began driving extremely aggressively back to school.

After around five minutes the car pulled into the car park, which was situated close to the girls Dormitory "talk tomorrow" he announced as he jumped out of the car. he waited momentarily for Zeria to exit then he locked the car before running back to his dorm.
Zeria raced back to her own dorm and quickly closed the door, throwing herself onto her bed.

"What has become of me........I finally work up guts enough to kiss a guy....and it's him...."

She groaned, burying her face in a pillow.

"That's twice....both times as Romeo and Juliet..."

She sighed and grabbed out her art tablet, working on a drawing...this time of Stephen and her together on the beach in that moment....before she realized what she was drawing, and threw the finished black and white drawing across the room. She curled up on her bed.
~Do I really like him? I mean, I've known who he is for as long as I've been here, but we only met this morning...~
Stephen returned to his dorm, Just getting through the door before his dorm area lord locked it "just Mr Hownam" was announced as he ran past and into his dorm. Stephen then entered his room and jumped onto his bed lying down he pulled his jeans and T-shirt off and lay on his bed ready to sleep this day away.

what would the next day hold?. ~man, I can't believe you kissed her. but were you in character or was it you. Will find out tomorrow~
Zeria finally grew frustrated enough, then changed into silk pajama shorts and a tank top, turning on some celtic music, and sliding into bed.

"I can't believe it....oh well. I'll ask him about it tomorrow, after he carries me on his run"

She shook her head, then simply lied there, gazing at the ceiling for a while, before her eyes closed and she drifted to sleep...
Stephen lay in bed, he could hear his watch ticking the time away in the silence. "I can't take this" he muttered under his breath as he slowly climbed out of bed. and pulled on a clean T-shirt and Jeans. he walked over to his Sock draw and slid it open "what are you doing?" asked Kev still half asleep "Nothing, now go back to sleep" Stephen replied as he pulled on his Socks and shoe's "If i get caught im dead" he muttered under his breath as he opened his Dorm window and climbed out.

He walked across the roof of a room below and jumped off. he then walked onto the sports field and lay on the grass in the Goal mouth "Wonder who is still awake" he muttered as he pulled out his Mobile phone and sent a text to half of his phone book.

the Text read "Those who are still awake, and not chiken, come to the football pitch. Hownam" He then pressed the Send button and waited
Zeria was awoken by the loud sounds of her phone going off.

"Neee? A message? This late?"

She groaned as she saw who it was.

"What the hell is he going on about?"

She txted back...

~Hownam, are you NUTS?! Get back to your dorm, before a teacher finds you and you get hurt worse than with the music teacher today! I don't want to see you unable to play football! Besidez! I have to talk to you tomorrow! If you're hurt and in the principal's office, I can't do that! Zeria~
Stephen Flicked his phone open as it Vibrated and he saw the 'new message' screen.he read the message and smiled "Aww, she is worried about me getting hurt" he muttered before receiving 3or4 text messages of the same nature. ~wow, people here are so boring~ he though to himself as he sat up, looked around and lay back down. "no one, Seriously" he muttered before gazing at the Stars he opened his phone and text Zeria back "Only gunna get hurt if iget caught" he typed in before clicking send.
Zeria sighed.

"He's so stubborn..."

She slid out of bed, holding out her phone, then txting him back.

~Don't go anywhere unless you think you might get there in a sec...~

She grabbed out a set of baggy black pants, and kept on her black tank top, quickly lacing up her airwalks and sliding out of the room carefully, art tablet and drawing pencils in hand. She moved stealthily, avoiding anyone who might see her, and got outside, smiling as the field came into view. She couldn't see much until she got closer, but called out quietly.

" if you get caught, I can bail you out with a school you don't get yourself killed..."
Stephen could hear Zeria calling out to him, and what she was saying, perfectly "I suppose your right" he announced with a smile. Stephen then walked over to her and smiled "and we won't get caught, the only teacher's on the field at this time are the sports teachers, and they all like me" he informed her. "So what should we do? cos I'm kinda bored"
Zeria sighed, blowing a few strands of hair from her face. In her hurry to get down here, she hadn't bothered to tie it up. So the knee length strands were blowing about in the breeze.

"Still. They'd have to report it and we'd be in trouble. Now, with my art stuff, I can say that we needed to meet so I could draw you for my project in art class, and this was the only time available..."

She frowned suddenly, standing next to him, gazing up at the stars.

"We do have things to talk about though........that are kind of....bothering me...and have been on my mind a lot today..."
Stephen smiled as he also gazed up to the stars "oh yea?" he replied he then pulled his Jacket off "I have that effect on women" he announced confidently "why don't we sit down and we can talk about it" he said with a smile. Stephen then lay down on his back, next to the jacket, he patted the Jacket twice signaling for Zeria to sit down "Come on, join me"
Zeria shook her head and kept standing...but that didn't last long, when a cold breeze blew, sending shivers through her. She sat right down next to him.

"I guess...alot has happened since this morning when I bumped into you. I mean...I barely know you. I've known who you are...and I've been near you....but you've never seemed to notice me before....not until I bumped into you this morning...."

She drew her knees to her chest, shivering. It was quite cold.

"A lot has happened...and I don't know what to think or feel...."
Stephen sat up from his lying position, partially blocking the chilling wind. "sorry for not noticing you by the way." Stephen smiled in a kind of embarrassed tone. "I kinda come across as a jerk, being the sports captain of everything around here" he explained "and what do you mean Don't know what to feel?"
She smiled as he moved to block the wind, a light blush rising to her cheeks.

"I's hard to explain. Twice today, you've made my heart beat so fast it wanted to leap out of my chest....twice, that I couldn't breathe...twice that...I felt something I've never truly felt before......"

Zeria sighed and tipped her head forward, hiding her face with her hair.

"I'm all mixed mind tells me you're that same jock who ignored me for an entire year, even when I was standing right next to you....but my heart says you're probably the kindest person I know...."
Stephen let out a slight laugh "well their both kind of right" Stephen looked at Zeria, a caring look in his eye "I'm both, but neither of them is really me" Stephen then swung his arm around Zeria so he was giving her a sort of 'side on OMG she is crying' hug.
"whats wrong?"