The Institute Of Silver Lake

OOC: Just so you know I've changed ma age so that I'm same age as Zeria :)

"Thanks." Rene mumbled as he turned away. "Name's Rene, see ya around." And with that he began to walk away. "Jeez, that was a fun talk..." He said as he entered the building that supposedly had the headmaster's office in. He quickly found the room and muttered under his breath about being an idiot. He knocked on the door and waited to be called in. The door opened almost immediately and Rene was quickly taken in.

After about ten minutes of talk, Rene was told to have a walk around campus and get to know the place. He left the building and decided to see if those two people were still playing football and if so ask if he could join.
Vesper rolled over and let out a massive yawn before looking at his clock next to his bed. Vesper stared at it for several seconds before rolling back over and realizing what the time was.

"Holy crap it's already that late", Vesper yelled before spring out of bed and running into the bathroom and emerging only two minutes latter. Vesper ran back into his room and changed into his school uniform before swearing loudly several times.

"Wow my room mates noisy", a male voice sound from behind Vesper as he was chucking his pencil case into his bag. Vesper turned around to see a guy with a similar appearance to Vesper but he had white hair, pale blue eyes and was slightly shorter. "The names Aura", the guy said as Vesper realised he was still in his PJs and so pointed at him. "Oh I got first and second period off today so I'm sleeping in", Aura said with a laugh making Vesper smile.

"The names Vesper", Vesper remarked in a slightly friend tone before running out the door with his bag on his back. "Sorry can't chat got to go", Vesper yelled back as he ran down the hallway swearing several times.

"Maybe I should have told him I set his clock forward two hours", Aura mumbled to himself as Vesper yelled.
Stephen was stood keeping the ball off the floor as he saw the new Student stride over, get some information off of Zeria and walkaway "she shut him down quickly" he muttered under his breathe before he kicked the ball back over to Zeria.
She looked up, before kicking the ball into the air again, then balancing it on her head for a bit.

"Hey, Stephen...think we could make up that run tomorrow? I'm still curious to see if you'd be able to run and carry me, yet finish your run in the amount of time you said"

She giggling, kicking the ball back...
Rene still had his bag with him as a room hadn't been readied. The large, brown holdall was slung over his back as he sat on the wall opposite the place the two students he had been speaking to earlier. He was watching the pair kick the ball around uninterestedly and had begun to get bored quickly. "Jeez... This place really is a bore..." Rene remarked as he flipped open his cell phone and switched it on. He had received over 10 texts from his friends from Manchester and sighed. "I wonder if those two will lemme play? The girl seems like a bit of a bitch..." Rene shrugged and jumped from the high wall with ease. He walked towards with two and tried to put on a happy face, despite feeling so reluctant about it. I wonder if the guy will be decent enough to have a decent conversation with me... Rene thought as he reached the edge of the court.

"Hey there again!" Rene exclaimed cheerful. "Mind if I play with ya?"
Vesper stopped his running suddenly after about a minute when he check his watch and realized the clock was wrong. Aura you bastard Vesper thought as he slowed to a walk.

"Hey Vesper", Tessa voice sounded from Vespers right making him turn to see the cute white haired girl running towards him. She looked the same as yesterday but if anything a little happier because of the she had had time to recover from what Vesper did yesterday. Tessa join up with Vesper and instantly slipped her hand into his and walked hugged up to his side making Vesper blush as they walked outside. Vesper was too embarrassed to say anything as this was only his second day of being with Tessa and yet he had already kissed her and he liked her quiet a bit.

"Hey there again. Mind if I play with ya?" A voice sounded from a new kid on Vespers right and instantly afterwards he spotted Stephan and Zeria.

"HEY GUYS", Vesper yelled before the kid said anything and he and Tessa walked up to the pair.
Zeria turned after she heard herself called, then heard Vesper say her name.

"Oh. Hey Vesper. Hey new kid....ah. Sorry. I forgot what you said your name was"

She sighed, putting her palm to her head.

"Gah! I should remember this! It was only a short while ago!"
Vesper laughed as he had been within earshot of Zerias comment on already forgetting someones name.

"It can't be a good sigh when you forget people that quickly Zeria, you might end up forgetting me", Vesper joked as he came to stand next to Zeria. "Oh this is Tessa by the way", Vesper said referring to the girl hugged up to his arm.

"Its a pleasure to meet you", Tessa added kindly and calmly to Zeria before Vesper turned to look at the new kid who he thought was kinda unusual. Vesper then passed this rude thought from his mind and establish his normal mono tonal feeling towards people he didn't know.
"No problems!" Rene replied smiling. "It's Rene Skylar. I just transfered in from Manchester." He looked at the other two who had arrived and smiled to them as well. "Hi there." He said primarily to the girls. "Nice to make your aquaintance. And nice to meet you too fellas." He grinned cheekily and rubbed the back of his head. He hated this aspect of himself. He'd always be polite to the girls but subconciously if there were boys around he'd size himself up to them.
Stephen smiled as Zeria hesitated with the new boys name "hello Rene, Vesper,and Tessa" Stephen announced with a smile. Stephen looked at the three students who had just arrived "if you wanna join in go ahead" Stephen announced as he checked his watch "Oh crap, I gotta go but" Stephen threw the ball to Zeria "you guys can continue playing if you want"

Stephen then ran towards the car park, and to his 350Z "I'm so late" he announced as he opened the door and climbed in. He turned on the engine, shut the door and turned his music on. he reversed out of the slot and then left School grounds.
Zeria stood there confused, and got nailed in the head with the ball, falling over.

"Huh? Late?.......How is he late? Classes haven't started yet....."

She rubbed her now throbbing head.

"Ugh...great. Now I have a headache. Way to pay attention, Zeria"
"Heh. You okay?" Rene asked the girl as he extended his hand to help her up. "That was a nasty knock." He smiled at the girl. "What's your name anyway?
Zeria looked up, blinking, then took Rene's hand.

"I'm Zeria. Zeria Iiyasei. I'm a 7th year"

She smiled and giggled quietly.

"Yeah. My head's spinning from that knock. I feel like someone smacked me really hard"
Rene smiled at the girl and nodded his head. "You're a seventh year huh? Same as me!" Rene picked up the football and examined it. "You still wanna play or wanna call it a break? I hear lessons start soon and I'm not meant to to start till tomorrow but it okay if I tag along?"
Zeria shook her head.

"Nah. No more football. My head hurts too much to think"

She smiled, picking up her bag from nearby.

"And sure. If you wanna tag along with me, it's fine. Just be prepared for all of my arts classes. And my boring regular courses"
"Never judge a bloke by his appearance!" Rene exclaimed happily as he opened his bag and took out a very expensive but well equipped art set. "I'm pretty good." He smiled at the girl and put the set back in his bag underneath his clothes. He put his hand under the rest of the clothes and nodded as he felt the familiar lump of his handgun. He had heard some pretty serious stuff was happening here so he brought a gun so keep him safe.

"Oh hey, you two. Uhh Vesper and uhh Tessa right? Nice to meet you too."
Zeria laughed.

"Finally. An art buddy. Hahaha. Though I warn you. We're in the midst of a project, so it might be kinda boring. We have to do a posed portrait of someone. I've got my model already. We're doing it tonight after school. you like music?"

She smiled.

"I have music class too"
"It really depends on my mood. Though I'll be honest with you. I can't STAND things like Gangsta Rap or anything like that. Loud rock and roll is what I love." He opened his bag again and rumbled through it. "Posed portrait huh... You meaaan like this?" He flipped open a notebook and showed her a portrait of one of his old friends.
Zeria smiled again.

"Yeah. That's kinda like what we're doing. Only it's an easel-sized painted portrait"

She stretched out a bit, then turned towards the school.

"Come on. Let's get heading to class. I have History first, with Jet-sensei. You'll like him"
Sensei? Rene thought as he followed the girl. What? Are we in Japan? He smirked at his own thoughts and shoved his hands in his jacket pockets. "So. What's this Jet guy like? And a quick question. I thought this place was non-uniform? What's with the get-up?" He smiled at Zeria nicely.