The Institute Of Silver Lake

Vesper had been forced to leave and decided to escort Tessa to her class as she didn't have history like Vesper and with what was happening Vesper didn't want to leave Tessa alone. After this Vesper set off to History at a running pace and arrived in time to see Zeria pulling out a art tablet, Vesper walked in and took a seat nearby and wasn't surprised by no one noticing his entry as he was rather quiet before Vesper hear Stephan say something.

"God where the hell is Jet", Stephan said making Vesper wonder who Jet is.

"Hey Stephan is Jet our teacher or something?" vesper ask as he was unsure of the situation and was wanting to be slightly noticed as Vesper was the kind of person who wanted to at least be noticed as a person.
Zeria smiled over at Vesper.

"Yeah. Jet-sensei is the teacher. But he's not here yet for some reason. Oh well"

She stretched, then looked at the empty page.

"Hm...I just don't know what to draw today..."

She frowned, staring at the page, then sighing frustratedly.

"No. I dunno what to draw. I have no inspiration at the moment..."
Vesper couldn't help but laugh when Zeria said she had no inspiration.

"I wouldn't think you would be the kind to simply run out of inspiration or to run out of anything for that matter", Vesper said kindly before adding the reason he said this. "You seem like too strong a person for that. Anyway you could simply draw what you see rather than drawing something in your head", Vesper commented as he indicated a picture on his desk he drew yesterday which was an image of the school gardens from his rooms window.
Zeria smiled.

"That's a pretty good drawing, Vesper. I like it..."

She sighed, leaning back in her desk.

"But I'm different. I don't like drawing things unless I am inspired to draw them some way. I have to feel a purpose or meaning for drawing the drawing I did of Stephen...I saw him playing football, and I felt that I should draw it..."
Vesper thought this was a very wise thing for Zeria to say and he was quiet impressed before he himself quickly pulled a spare piece of paper from his folder and in no more than two minutes managed to sketch a perfect likeness of Zeria from his view at his desk. Vesper looked at the image for several seconds before nodding in approval at his work before touching Zeria on the arm to get her attention and holding out the drawing to her with a friendly smile.

"Well for me my friends are my inspiration", Vesper said kindly.
She smiled back at him. The drawing looked really good.

"Thank you..."

Zeria grabbed her pencil.

"I know what I want to draw now...I just thought of it"

Within the next few minutes, a picture of Vesper with his fencing blade was being drawn out in extremely fine detail...
Vesper sat back for several minutes watching Zeria work and admiring her skill and Vesper was pleasantly surprised when he saw the image was him and how it was shaping out and so decided to stop watching the image shape and wait for the end result. Vesper sat back and let his thoughts cross his mind till he came across something nice to draw. A memory deep in the back of his mind, Vesper started to draw his real mother or what he remembered of her but after about a minute was forced to give up as he didn't have enough of a memory of her to draw her. Vesper crushed up the paper and dropped it into his open bag next to his desk before sighing.

"What can't I remember her face", Vesper mumbled silently to himself as it was the only part of his mother he couldn't draw but Vesper let this feeling quickly slid and started drawing in extreme detail his swords which currently sat neatly next to his bag. Vesper new every detail and every grove of his weapons and he even new were the weapons had received nicks from major blows.
Zeria finished a minute later and slid out of her desk, heading over to Vesper.

" exchange for the drawing you did of me. Thanks for being my inspiration"

She smiled, set the drawing down in front of him, then headed back to her own desk, taking her seat. She almost immediately pulled out another piece of art paper.

"Hey, Stephen. How should I draw you right now? Sitting there looking bored? Or staring at me and making me feel uncomfortable like you did yesterday with your friend?"

She giggled.
Stephen smiled at Zeria's statement "how about you draw us, from this morning, or maybe last night on the beach or...." Stephen's sentence was interuppted by "You mean she went in your car before much for your best friend you sell out bastard" It was Kevin who ad just entered "Hownam, what happened to you man, you went from being one of us to being one of..." Stephen stood up and gritted his Teeth in anger "Finis your sentence... I dare you" Stephen announced causing Kevin to smile.

"not scared of you Hownam, your a shadow of your former self, think back to two days ago, you would never have been early for lesson, you wouldn't be in a drama production, and you wouldn't be talking to girls like her or even sat near her" Kevin paused momentarily "what happened man?" Stephen glared at Kevin "i opened my eyes, maybe you should do the same"

Kevin began laughing, but it was short lived as Stephen punched him in the jaw knocking him back out of the door. As Stephen ran out after him a group of Students gathered around them and began chanting "Fight Fight" over and over again. as Stephen was beating the crap out of Kevin for implying that Zeria wasn't as good to hang around with as him.
Zeria bowed her head.
~No. This isn't right. They both need to stop!~
She stood up, then darted in between both boys, catching a fist of theirs each in her hands. Stephen's in her right hand, Kevin's in her left.


She looked at the both of them, angry.

"This is exactly why I left my old school! Because I was sick of the fighting!"

Her gaze fell on Stephen.

"I can stick up for myself. I'm strong"

She then turned to Kevin.

"And don't even know who I am. Not a single thing about me! So don't go judging me and thinking I'm lower than you, just because I'm not popular! Got it?! Because I'm a person, with feelings, who would gladly take you down on the soccor field any day!"

Jaws dropped. No one had ever seen Zeria get like this before...
Stephen and Kevin stood up Straight smiling "wow, you were right Steve" kevin announced "told you she was taugher than she looked" Kevin let out a laugh as he handed Stephen a five pound note "well thats 2-1 to me on the weekly bets" Stephen announced as he walked back inside. followed by a still laughing Kevin.
Zeria froze.


She fought back tears.

"So you bet on my feelings? Bet that I could stop you guys?"

She bowed her head.

"Just...forget it, Stephen. I was wrong about you..."

Zeria grabbed her things and pushed out of the room, hiding the fact that she was crying as she practically ran down the hall to the nurse' office, saying that she just wasn't feeling good and needed to lie down.
Stephen grabbed his bag and shoved past kevin "Prick" he announced as he ran through the school in search of Zeria ~you gotta find her and explain~ his internal monolog explained. "ZERIA!!" he shouted getting the attention of a cuple of first years "were all Zera's" one of the shouted "oh fuck off" he replied extremely rudely.

Earlier that morning
"hey Stephen, i will bet your captaincy against my Full metal alchemist DVD box set and a fiver that if you fight to defend that lass you bin working on she will go weak at the knee's and be yours" stephen smiled "Not making that bet" Kevin stood up "the you know the rules, hand over your captain's armband as a forfit" Stephen smiled as he climbed out of bed "if i forfit non of us get it, and you know what your on, she will stick up for herself" Stephen announced as he shoock Kevin's hand

Present moment
Stephen had lost track of Zeria and his eyes had began to water. He ran his hands through his hair ~you fucked it with her man, better start forgetting about her~ his internal monolog teased "shut up, just shut up" Stephen announced.
A third year would confront Stephen in the halls, tapping him on the shoulder.

"You're looking for Zeria, right? Well, she went to the nurse's office. Said she wasn't feeling well, but she looked pretty upset. She's my tutor, so I was surprised to see her in the nurse's office. I was getting my arm looked at"

The guy shrugged.

"That's where she is if you need her"

He disappeared off into a crowd of students.

Zeria was curled up in the nurse's office, lying down on one of the beds, crying.
~I just knew it.....I should have known better than to trust him...~
"Dude, don't know who you are kid but thank you" Stephen announced as the boy walked away. Stephen then wasted no time in getting to the Nurses office. He knocked gently on the door and opened it slightly "Zeria, I have to explain something to you, It's about earlier" he announced gently as he was scared she would tell him to get lost.
Zeria sat up. Her hair was down, draped around her like a blanket almost. Her voice was barely more than a whisper.

"What do you want, Stephen?"

She wiped tears from her eyes.

"And why did you do that to me?"
Stephen strode through the door and walked over to Zeria "It wasn't all a bet, just the fight" Stephen looked at the floor "Kev wants my football captaincy and once every month a player from the team is allowed to challenge me for it, in anyway they like. if i say no to the challenge then i have to give up my captaincy without the ability to get it back. Kev made a bet with me that i was to defend you to my friends then you would..." stephen hesitated for a moment "he thought that you would fall in love with me, i told him he was wrong and so beating the crap out of him was the only way to prove it"

Stephen then took a seat next to Zeria "last night, this morning it all ment something to me, the fight was the only thing that was a bet, everytime i have kissed you it has been because i wanted to, not because it was a bet"
Zeria shook her head.


She rested her head on his shoulder.

"The first two times, you were Romeo. Not Stephen. And the fifth time, I kissed you..."

Zeria wiped more tears from her eyes.

"You have a lot of making up to do for this. You should have let me handle it. I'd have stuck up for myself, Stephen..."
as Zeria began giving him a kind of telling off Stephen placed his hand under her chin and raised it slightly, he then kissed her again, another gentle slight touch of the lips although this time he also ran his right hand gently across her cheek getting rid of some of the tears.
Zeria blushed, but closed her eyes and kissed him back, before pulling away.

"You're still an idiot, no matter how many times you kiss me"

A faint smile came to her face and she looked down at the floor.

"Promise me you'll never do that to me again"