The Institute Of Silver Lake

Stephen and the artist had nearly finished talking when Stephen's phone went off. he took it out of his pocket and read it, he smiled and the tattoo artist smirked "Go" the artist muttered,Stephen nodded and left "I'll be back over the weekend to get all of it done, one sitting" Stephen announced as he left.

Stephen headed straight back to his car and then back to school.
Zeria stretched out again, smiling.

"I can't believe he's getting tattoos. This will be...interesting. I wonder if he's heard the rumors about all of mine..."

She sat up in the window, watching the student parking lot, waiting to see his car pull in...
Stephen pulled into the student car park, grabbed his new bag and closed the door. He slung the Bag over his shoulder and walked towards the school building.

~~i wonder where Zeria is~ he thought to himself
Zeria's eyes lit up as she saw Stephen's car finally pull in.

"Yes! He's back!"

She slid out of the window, then pushed through several students as the bell rang, cueing time to go to 2nd period. Zeria raced down to the doors to meet Stephen hopefully, bracing herself against the wall.

"Phew. I think I made it...I hope there's enough time in passing so I can see him, then get to art class!"

She looked around, trying to spot him...
As Stephen strode through the crowd he caught a glimpse of Zeria's red hair "yo, Z" he shouted as the students all turned to look at him, his voice causing a silence "Move" he then shouted and a pathway opened up to where Zeria was stood.

Stephen took a calm walk over to her and stepped in closer than a normal person would, their lips almost touching, Stephen's mood had changed since this morning "hey" he whispered to her.
Stephen looked down at her as she hugged him "And what was that about tattoos, ne?" Stephen smiled "well, i bin thinking about getting some new art work" he told her

he then turned to walk her to Art, he extended his hand to interlink fingers with her "why, you against tattoo's or something?"
She laced her fingers with his happily and laughed.

"I have no problems with tattoos at all. After all...I have...1. 2. 3. 4 of them"

She giggled. His expression would most likely be surprised, which would make her giggle even more.
Stephen's eyebrows raised in surprise "four you say" Stephen smiled as his eyebrows fell "will i ever get to see them?" he asked cheekily smiling as they walked down the corridor.
Zeria blushed lightly.

"I could probably show you 2 of them right now....the other's on my back, and the other is on my inner we'll see another time..."

She giggled, slightly embarrassed, but pulled her top collar down a bit, showing a black Z on the back of her neck, then put it back and pulled down her sleeve, revealing the same black Z on her left shoulder.
"haha" Stephen laughed as she showed him the two Z's on her shoulder and neck "well i might have to get to know you better for the other two" he muttered smiling cheekily.

Stephen then looked forward again "unless your one of 'those' girls" Stephen paused momentarily "cos if you are, where is your cheerleader outfit?
Zeria shook her head.

"I wouldn't be caught dead as a cheerleader"

She stretched a bit.

"The one on my back is a sword through 3 roses...and the one on my thigh is another Z. Just my trademark..."

She smiled, but frowned when the art room door came into view, cuz that would mean Stephen would be going off to his class and she wouldn't see him til 3rd hour.
Stephen saw the art door and turned right down another corridor "how would you feel if i offered you a free trip into town?" Stephen asked with a smile "Maybe get started on that painting...or not" he muttered as he remembered the size it needed to be.

Stephen then walked back towards the car Park "If your coming, i would hurry up or im goin without you" Stephen announced "If not,then you should hurry up or you'll be late"
Zeria clung to his hand and followed.

"I-I've only skipped a class once before! Are you sure it's alright that we miss class?!"

She blushed, quickening her pace to keep up with him.
~What am I kidding...I'd give anything for more time to spend with him...~
Stephen smiled as he spun around to face Zeria, resting against the door "It's art, who is going to miss you?" Stephen waited momentarily and as the bell rung he began counting.

"9.....10" he muttered as he kicked the door open "run to my car" he announced as he ran across the car park and pushed the button to unlock his car. and opened the scissor door. he sat in the driver seat and turned on the engine, waiting for Zeria.
"I guess...nobody really pays attention to me anyway..."

Zeria ran with him, sliding into the seat and holding her bag in her lap.

"Where are we going to head to?"

She blinked, looking at him curiously, but pulling out her art tablet and beginning to lightly sketch him...
Stephen slammed the 350Z into reverse and began driving towards the road outside the Institute. as he reached the road he spun the car around and hit play on his music. "Town" he announced as he shifted into first gear and began driving.

5 minutes later Stephen and Zeria were pulling into the car park in town. Stephen payed for a ticket and stuck it to his window. "where to first?" Stephen asked
Zeria put away her art tablet.

"I dunno...I guess...I wanted to go talk to the tattoo guy about getting a new one done. I just have to finish the details yet..."

She stretched her legs and arms out.

"I don't really venture into town much. I've only been here 3 be honest..."

She blushed, embarrassed...
Stephen strode towards town"I come in once or twice a week" he announced with a smile "so come on" he asked her. Stephen walked towards the tattoo shop. "this way" he announced .