The Institute Of Silver Lake

"lets go" Stephen announced with a smile as he pushed the door open "hey Mathew" he announced "ah Stephen came back for the open slot?" Stephen smiled "yea i did, lets get started" Stephen announced as he pulled his T-shirt off and sat on the chair, Matt got his gear set up and began working, starting at Stephen's shoulder"

Stephen looked at Zeria "I thought you wanted to see me getting this done?" he shouted to her.
Zeria nodded, but blushed.

"I didn't know you were gonna do it now!"

She sat down in another chair.

"Hey, Mathew. You'll have another one to do for me soon too. As soon as I have the drawn out design like when you did my sword rose one"

She leaned back, then slid her chair over to sit by Stephen.

"I warn might hurt...."
Stephen glanced over at Zeria and smiled as the tattoo gun cam on and Mathew pressed it to his skin, starting the tattoo on his left Peck. Stephen began gigling "this is more of a tickle than a pain" he announced with a smile.

Mathew smirked "It would be for someone like you, you always get yourself hurt"
Mathew smiled "is that her?" he asked causing Stephen to smile aswell "actually, yea it is" Mathew let out a giggle "well just so you know, you would make a cute couple" he announced causing Stephen to let out a short lived 'ha' "really only bin talking since yeste.....OWCH!!!!!!!" Stephen's Sentence was interrupted by his outburst of pain as Mathew tattooed over his collar bone.

"oh yea, that might hurt a bit" Mathew informed him causing Stephen to grit his teeth "you did thaton purpose" Stephen announced Mathew looked at him "maybe"
Zeria glared at Mathew.

"Be nice..."

She relaxed in her chair, brushing her hair back into a ponytail, using the ribbon Stephen had given her the previous day. She began drawing the finer details of Stephen on the tablet...
Stephen smiled "Nice Ribbon" he announced sarcastically "Awkward" Mathew muttered under his breath causing Stephen to glare at him. "what do you know about awkward?" Stephen asked causing Mathew to grin "I'm a tattoo artist, i see parents letting their kids get tattoo's all the time, awkwardness 101" Mathew announced causing Stephen to laugh "yea, well I'm getting them cos i wanna piss off my parents"
Both Mathew and Stephen smiled at the picture "thats good" Stephen said taking note to all the details in his face Mathew simply nodded at the picture as he went back to work on Stephen's chest.

Stephen ran his right hand through his hair, unable to move his left arm as Mathew was arched over it. "dude, how long we got left in this sitting?" Stephen asked "we should be done in around ten minutes" Mathew replied.
Zeria giggled and flipped open the drawing of the new tattoo she wanted, beginning to add more detail to it.

" are you going to deal with the music teacher today? Keep me by you so she can't hit you?"

She leaned back in her chair.

"I want to play the piano or the cello more today....or maybe sing...I don't know...I'm kind of shy to..."
Stephen smiled as he looked at the finished Tattoo "I'm happy with that" he announced, Stephen stood up and walked over to the mirror "I love it" he announced as he turned to Zeria, "What do you think?" He asked as he turned to the young girl
Zeria smiled.

"I love it, Stephen. It looks great"

She held out his shirt after setting aside her drawing tablet.

"Since this is a tattoo shop...and there's really no one else to see...would you like to look at the one on my back?"
Stephen smiled "I'd like to see the one on the inside of your leg too" Stephen announced through a cheeky smile and a wink "but sure, get ya back out" he said with a small smirk compared to moments ago.

Stephen took his T-shirt from Zeria but tucked it into the back of his jeans, Mathew then walked over and put some cling film over Stephen's new Art work. Sat on his shoulder was a tribal design that looked great.
Zeria smiled, then turned around, tossing off her jacket piece, then pulling the back of her shirt up, revealing the sword through 3 roses tattoo on mid back.


"This is it....I hand drew out the design. Do you like it?"

She blushed a little bit...
Stephen walked up behind Zeria and slid his hands around her back and rested them on her stomach "It's great" Stephen whispered to her. "Stephen, Zeria get a room" Mathew announced "and Stephen put your shirt back on"

Stephen released Zeria and turned around, he pulled his T-shirt from the back of his jeans "jealous much?" Stephen asked rhetorically
She blushed, then as Mathew told them to get a room, pulled away and slid her jacket piece back on.

"I'll show you the other one another time. It's easier to show you when I have my skirt on, like now. But I'll show later, when there's no one else"

She smiled, then laced her fingers with his again.

"Shall we go, then?"
as Zeria asked if they should leave Stephen nodded and left the store. As Stephen got outside he tucked his T-shirt back into his jeans. he glanced over at Zeria and smiled. Stephen then turned to walk into town "I gotta pick some stuff up" he told her as he fully turned to ace her and walked backwards "Come on"
Zeria laughed and raced after him, picking up the pace to keep up with his stride.


She smiled, then turned to look at the surroundings of the town.
~I like spending time with him like this, even though it means skipping school...~
OOC: hey Zeria,i was heading into town, not back to the car. sorry if that wasn't clear but i was heading into town.
Vesper let out a long sigh as he sat against a tree outside, Vesper was board to hell and right now wanted to rest and didn't care what else was going on. Vesper let himself relax as he looked up at the sky before he heard an adults voice. Vesper instantly rose before climbing the tree and hiding amongst the leaves high up as a pair of teachers past, Vesper didn't know why he did that as he was out of sight anyway but he had a weird feeling light yesterday and this one was worse and this made Vesper jumpy.